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This story is a sequel to Princess Twilight Sparkle's 500th Birthday

Five years have passed since the events of that fateful morning. Smarty Pants and her friends set off on an adventure of a lifetime to discover the secrets of the past when they awaken a… oh wait, that would be spoiling it!

Many questions from the first story will be answered! New questions will arise. Lunch will be had, pies will be thrown, blood will be kept inside bodies because seriously, ew blood, you guys.

- Cover art commissioned by HAK2. Check out his other stuff, too.
- This is a story in the Birthdayverse.
- This story was written and completed (except for the epilogue) before Season 4 of MLP:FiM aired.
- Many thanks to my faithful Pre-Reader and all around super-duper best pony, Blood Lord go read his story, too!

Chapters (17)

Snowdrop, a young blind filly meets Icy Mist, a young disabled pegasus that moved to Cloudsdale. As they become closer, she unravels a certain secret that he begs her not to tell others. Can she save Icy from his father?

Warning - Foal abuse

Cover art by - SymbianL

Chapters (13)

For some it's a time of fun and laughter with cool costumes and candy, but for others it's a time of fear where their worst nightmares walk the streets. On such a night of ghosts and ghouls it's the job of a good friend to comfort those who don't share the same love of being scared.

But what happens when it all goes wrong and what was supposed to be fun becomes terror?

Chapters (1)

Twilight can't sleep. It's not stress, or the fact that the ponies in the Equestrian Council have been horrible at passing the new budget proposal. No, it's something much deeper, something that only one pony can help her with. But she doesn't realize she needs help until it is eating away at her mind.

Chapters (1)

It has been years since the fall of the god of chaos. A stable rule is established by the two sisters that defeated the mad god, Princess Celestia: Pure of heart and power to raise the sun and protect her citizens. The other sister is not as fortunate to have as kind a reputation...Princess Luna: Clinging to shadows and bringer of the night. While ponies basked in the bright day, they shunned the night; leaving the younger sister to feel unwanted and alone compared to Clesetia's sun. They worked together to protect Equestria and the Princess of Night lived in the shadow of her sister, sorrow and depression mounting to rough thoughts of hate...but a certain somepony just might change that...even if the love is forbidden.

(Art by Marik Azemus)

Chapters (18)

Luna and Celestia always knew they were different from the other ponies. They both had a unicorn's horn and pegasus's wings. It was odd that they had both as their parents are both earth ponies that work at a local lumber mill.

Luna, wanting to grow up to help her father at the mill, secretly goes out to train at nights hoping that she could at least learn how to use her wings and horns enough to be helpful. However one night while trying to learn how to use her wings and horn she learns she can do something amazing with the night sky.

Takes place before the first Hearth Warming.
One-Shotober Story #12 10/27/2013

Chapters (1)

Is love really eternal? Can the actions of one pony leave a mark on the life of another forever?

Reviewed by The Descendant!
"What an interesting little exploration of one of the hardest things to ponder... a relationship with one of the immortal alicorn princesses of Equestria. It's not something that is done very often outside of Twilight/Celestia. It's accomplished even less often with O.C.'s, and rarely this well." (Full Review, Includes Spoilers)

Given the highest honors on the Las Pegasus Tribune!

Chapters (2)

Spike longed for years to have a family of his own. With Twilight's help, he applies for adoption.
Can he succeed in the trials of parenthood?
Can his daughter survive the life of royalty?
Can the royal coffers endure the doting of three zealous aunts?

Set seventy years after the end of Season 3.

Featured on Equestria Daily!
Cover art by EZTP also featured on Equestria Daily! [#3]
Additional supplemental art provided by MelonDraws, spokenmind93, EZTP, EifieChan, Ayemel, and Ninny, with more to come in the future.

Edited by the amazing Shahrazad

*Note*: [Sex] tag added for the use of innuendo and mention of the topic in later chapters. No 'on-screen' content included.

This story's update frequency is incredibly sporadic, but I promise, no matter what happens, no matter how long it takes, this story will reach completion. (Update 12/28/22: YES, I PROMISE I'M STILL WORKING ON IT!)


Chapters (65)

Silent Song moves to Ponyville and is never noticed, not even by Pinkie Pie. She continues to live this way until she accidentally bumps into a pony named Silver Gear. Silver Gear is not only surprised by the fact that she is practically invisible, but that she hides her special talent from everypony. A friendship blooms between the two as Silver Gear tries to teach this shy pony that not only it is okay to be seen, but to share your special talent.

Chapters (4)

[Please read the author's notes after the expansion before reading. Thank you]

Welcome to the new Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. See your friends at each other's throats? You have to choose between them now, to stop the heartache of war with decisive victory. For the nation lies bleeding, its harmony shattered into a million pieces. Black and white and right and wrong have blurred together.

You must choose wisely, or all shall die.

~Image by JohnJoseco~ If anyone can find a fitting, unique image for this story, please do not hesitate to link in the comments.

[Author's Note]

The following stories should be read in order to get a good grasp on references to previous works.

- Sunset (Mandatory)*
- My Little Muffin (Optional)
- Clash of the Heavenly Titans (Optional)*
- Blood is Thicker / The Reluctant Reunion of the Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser (Strongly Recommended)

All can be found on my Deviant Art account: http://ciroton.deviantart.com/
Those with * can be found here on FIMFiction.

Chapters (25)