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A dragon wanders through a starless night, into a land that banished him centuries ago. Never did he imagine he would return to the world that cursed his very existence, but when the sun and moon failed to rise one fateful day, something compelled him to begin the long journey home to the princess who shattered his heart.

Chapters (1)

After Princess Twilight is given the news that she must move much farther from their friend than she already had, Spike finds himself infuriated. The resulting argument is enough to force him to run away, but neither could have imagined how devastating it would be to their friendship. Now, six years later, Spike can't stop thinking about what he did that night and how dearly he wishes to take it back. So, after many sleepless nights, he decides to return to the friend he's long since abandoned, though when he arrives in Canterlot, Spike may have found more than just friendship.

Chapters (8)

My name is Pinkamina Diane Pie. My life is full of sadness and depression. I need somepony who truly understands me. That person doesn`t exist. I`m left to walk alone, a ghost of who I used to be. Somepony free me from my torture. Somepony, anypony... give me a smile, for without that, I am nothing.

Chapters (1)

A harsh storm brings Rainbow into Twilight's home. However, she soon discovers something about her friend that will cause a downward spiral in their relationship, many bruises, and broken bones as they attempt to right the wrongs fate has bestowed them.

The two find themselves closer than ever as they experience the world in a way they'd never expect. Will they survive?

Read the sequel here: Tamed II - As Time Went On

Chapters (16)

King Sombra survived his defeat, but just. By the time he returned to form, Twilight became the newest princess of Equestria and the Crystal Empire was restored to its former glory.

He cannot take over Equestria the same way he tried before, but he has a card up his sleeve. Twilight won't see it coming, and Sombra might gain a powerful ally in the process.

And it will all begin...with a book.

Edits on Chapter 1 done with the help of TempesttheDragnix.

Major props to InuHoshi-to-DarkPen for letting me use this. That artist is really good.

Chapters (20)

Twilight teaches the gang to play a tabletop RPG. How will the rest of the gang handle her magic thrusting them into a world filled with adventure and treasure and more!?

Chapters (2)

After the events at the end of War Never Changes Cane and the rest of the team find themselves with a serious problem, and no clear idea of what to do with it. It's going to take all their effort to put together a plan and right the wrongs that were done by Cane's brother, hopefully restoring balance to two worlds at the same time.

Chapters (10)

There are two types of ponies in the world; those that read love stories...and those that write their own.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack have been friends for years. But after a seemingly harmless game in the orchard awakens Rainbow Dash's deeper feelings for her friend Applejack, she is determined to ensure that her friend has a special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day. But what will Dash do when that pony isn't her? Can she stand on the sidelines and watch her friend find happiness without her? Can Dash find the answers she needs in the latest tale of Daring Do?

Cover image credit goes to RainbowDerp98

And be sure to check out the sequel, Where Would Rainbow Dash?

Chapters (20)

Memories are the soul of the self; it defines the past, shapes the present, and guides the future.

A year has passed since the events of What Would Daring Do. The memories of their struggles have bonded Applejack and Rainbow Dash into a union of love. But when those memories are lost, can Applejack find the strength and resolve to save the pony she loves? A broken mind is a catastrophe; a broken heart, tragedy.

Chapters (8)

Eons ago, across dimensions, six warriors fought against a fearsome evil. With the help of a goddess, they sealed the evil away, using their own bodies to power the seal. The goddess, fearing that the seal might one day be broken, placed the sealed evil and the warrior's bodies in a newly birthed dimension, hoping the abundant magic in this new world would bolster the seal, holding it forever. Turns out, goddesses can make mistakes.

I'll be adding tags as needed.

Chapters (5)