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The sequel to Role Reversal.

It's been several weeks since Smarty Pants began her life at Sweet Apple Acres. Even after the night she shared with Big Mac, he hasn't realised her true intentions. Seemingly, his definition of 'friend' is very different to her own. When Smarty catches wind of an upcoming competition, she hatches a plan in the hopes of finally making Big Mac understand her feelings. What can possibly go wrong?

Pre-read by the, oh, so lovely RainbowBob, and edited by the omniscient Fluttrick!

Chapters (3)

Sometimes, we all need company. Big Mac found his in the form of a doll — a filly's mere toy. She provided companionship as an inanimate object, but now, it's not enough. Big Mac attempts to find a way to transform her into something more capable of understanding, but when he does, will he be able to make the ultimate sacrifice to see it through?

Chapters (8)

Today is Princess Twilight Sparkle’s 500th birthday, and her most faithful student, an earth pony with a familiar name, can’t wait to celebrate!

- Cover art by ErinKarsath, used with permission. Check out her DeviantArt page.
- This is a story in the Birthdayverse, and you can find the sequel here.
- Many thanks to my faithful Pre-Reader and all around super-duper best pony, Blood Lord. Go read his story, too!
- This was written during the season 3 hiatus of MLP:FiM.

Chapters (4)

Warning! Season 3/IDW spoilers!

After her Coronation, Twilight returns home with her friends and a celebration in her honor. With the reformed Discord joining the festivities, everyone is having a blast...except for Twilight herself. Why is Equestria's newest Alicorn unable to enjoy her own party?

This can be considered in the same continuity as "Why?"

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro!

Big thanks to Its From People on Deviantart for beta reading!

And thanks to Moonstruck-Badger on Deviantart for the cover image!

Chapters (1)

Growing up in a village filled will unicorns, magic means everything. So growing up with a broken horn, unable to use the very thing that makes you a unicorn, can tend to inspire less than warm memories of home. This is Spell Squire's story of moving off and trying to find himself and move on from his ghosts.

This is my first fan fiction so it’s a little rough, and for that I will not apologize but ask for help in polishing this series up as it comes along.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to A Song of Storms: Of Skies Long Forgotten

It has been twenty years since the fall of the Cirran Empire, and Commander Hurricane has led the pegasus pony tribe into a comfortable role in accordance with the Tri-Pony Compact. But a supernatural blizzard without end brings forth the suppressed hatreds that have festered among the three tribes, and the resulting famine threatens to eradicate all; earth pony, unicorn, and pegasus alike. With a bloody war looming on the horizon and the fate of their ponies at stake, the three tribes must find a way to survive together, or they will assuredly die alone.

Sequel to "Of Skies Long Forgotten." Reading of that story is not absolutely necessary to understand what is going on, but it is strongly recommended for you to understand the references.

Officially part of "The Price of Loyalty" storyverse, in collaboration with LoyalLiar

Editing by LoyalLiar and Ruirik
Cover art provided by Ruirik

Chapters (22)

How far will you go to save your family? Your friends? Your empire? Twenty years before the events of the Hearth's Warming Eve story, long before the pegasi had even met the other two races, Commander Hurricane was a simple farmer in the great Cirran Empire. When the neighboring griffon nation declares war on Cirra and everything it stands for, the young Hurricane finds himself thrown into the middle of a conflict with the fate of his very race put into question. Will he rise to be the pegasus Cirra needs him to be, or will the mighty empire fall to the claws of the griffons?

Officially part of "The Price of Loyalty" storyverse, in collaboration with LoyalLiar.

Now with a side story! Come check out my friend Ruirik's Wind and Stone and follow along with the journey of another legionnaire who struggled through the Red Cloud War at the same time as Hurricane. (*contains references to events in the sequel to OSLF, Snow and Shadows, so be wary*)

Cover art by Ruirik

Chapters (18)

It's been ten years since Rainbow Dash's father disappeared in a wild, fierce thunderstorm. When the same strange storm hits Ponyville, Rainbow Dash does as much as she can to try and stop it from happening again.

But magic has a strange habit of making things reappear, opening old wounds that could change Rainbow Dash's life forever.

Chapters (11)

Rumble loves listening to Thunderlane's bed-time tales every night. Tales of adventure, oftentimes centered on the fictional knight 'Rumble the Valiant.' What Rumble doesn't know, however, is that Thunderlane tells him these stories in order to protect his innocence. But what happens when the lines between reality and fantasy start to blur; when real life starts to impact the nightly stories, and the stories start to impact real life?

Cover Image by skipsypony

Help Editing/Pre-Reading from Twi-Guy, BubblepipeWrangler, and Garbo802

Idea Somewhat Sparked From the Synopsis of this Fic: The Dragon in Twilight

Chapters (7)

The great cloud cover has protected, but also isolated the pegasi for nearly two centuries. During this long time the Great Pegasus Enclave has stood valiant and unchallenged, its society content with the status quo save for rare exceptions.

What implications will it have on the lives of the pegasi above the clouds, when a young, earthborn mare will come to them to plead for her parents and the surface? How will the Ravenclaw Enclave respond? What will its rulers do to maintain the inner peace?

[This story is a retelling of the events that were only briefly mentioned in the Fallout Equestria side story War Never Changes written by Jarmari]

Chapters (3)