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The local human, finding himself possessed of strength beyond measure in this strange world, decides to be a brutish nuisance. You know, running around half-naked, stealing cider and that sort of thing.

When his behaviour lands him in jail he casually breaks out and - more on a whim than anything else - breaks out the other jailbird too. Because that's mischief, and she had to have done something wrong, right?

They then run from Twilight, sit around a fire and sleep in a cave.


Ahahaha I got featured and I don't even have a picture what even is this.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna and Celestia both, years ago, trapped a small cat like creature in a prison with magical enchantments to preventing it from using its magic to cause panic among their subjects. Now the two monarchs are going to have a little chat with this small creature.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Rust In The Breeze

Coming back to Ponyville after 'dying' was quite a challenge on its own. Things did not go as planned as Ryan made some interesting discoveries since returning that have curved his path. However, he does not intend to simply abandon his former mission. He came back to make amends and right the wrongs of his past and he intends to do exactly that. Now though, with the added responsibility of raising a daughter he didn't know he had, as well as working out the issues that still lie between himself and her mother, this trial may end up being a lot more interesting than he initially thought.

This story picks up shortly after the ending of Rust in the Breeze, with Ryan now ready to face his challenges head on and no longer hiding from the rest of the world, as well as having accepted himself for who he truly is.

FEATURED: 12/12/20 (You all sure didn't waste any time...Story's only been up for like 27 minutes...)

Chapters (4)

Celestia forces reluctant local human to get back into bed, damnit, so they can have the lazy day like they planned.

Local human retaliates by forcing her into bed.

Nothing of value is lost or gained.

Chapters (1)

Bill (local human) and Celestia (local horse) are very close friends. Very, very close. So close it's gratingly obvious that they both plainly want to be even closer still, but despite Celestia's best efforts Bill remains utterly incapable of grasping that this is the direction that they both want it to go in.

Her latest scheme is more direct than those before it, but can it hope to work?

Chapters (1)

Started as a snuggle fic written at 3am. May turn into something more.

Chapters (4)

The human known as Anon is sick and tired of the rules of the universe—at least the one he’s found himself in at the moment. So he decides to pick a fight with the pony equivalent of Jesus.

Nothing good ensues.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to She means well

Not even a lazy lie-in is safe from magical horses sneaking in and making a nuisance of themselves.

Still, there are worse things in life, and this time at least she seems to have thought her plans through, and they seem to be going smoothly. Probably because she brought even more help.

Oh well, a man can just go with the flow, can't he? And enjoy himself. Why not? It's not so bad, he's still a softy and she is, all said and done, just plain lovely.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Bun thing leads to another

Continued horse-based intrusion makes a man's evenings slightly more interesting and his kitchen messy.

Mostly it seems to be the fault of that one horse, but the others are still going along with it, so they're all to blame really. Not that it's easy to hold anything against them.

He is a softy, after all, and they are all rather pleasant company.

Straight To The Point Studios did this one, too. I like this one in particular.

Chapters (1)

A horse appears semi-regularly. A magical horse. Mainly she comes to relax and take up space. She's polite and friendly but it did take some getting used to.

Still. Worse things have happened.

A reading by Straight To The Point Studio.

And by me.

Chapters (1)