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A starving colt is found hiding in Applejacks barn, he refuses to speak too much about where he comes from, claiming that he would be branded crazy and locked away.

Applejack doesn't know if that would happen,

But he does seem to know more about her and her friends than he should

Okay first fiction on this site, more of a way to develop my skills before I launch into some big ideas I have so constructive criticism is appreciated as my descriptions probably suck right now

This is inspired by Oh to be Old Again by Minalkra (which you should totally check out as well)


EDIT: Now with cover art by the ever talented mix-up! It is just awesome! Check out his pages here and on Deviantart!

Chapters (36)

Edit: Good HiE list approved

A/N Hi guys, this is just a short story I wrote in about an hour, HOPE YOU ENJOY! (I'd like to thank everyone who likes this, thanks for getting it featured)

A/N audio reading can be found here. Read by our very own The Mysterious Fluttershy Fan. Be sure to show your support to his channel if you like it!

You have lived in Equestria for some time now, around five or so years. You never meant to come here it just kinda happened. The first few months were a living hell for you, you were attacked because most thought you were a monster. This continued until you were captured by the Royal Guard and brought to meet Celestia and Luna. You explained your situation and over time you became friends, but that didn't stop the fact that you were ridiculed and attacked whenever you left the castle, and so in time you became content with staying within the confines of the castle. But one day guards showed up to your room and put you in chains...

Chapters (1)

My name is Aran, and I have lived in Equestria for almost a year now. I don't remember how I arrived to Equestria, but I can never forget what happened when I arrived. Vivisection, the betrayal of trust, and speciesism. This is my story of how the so-called paradise was turned into a prison with only one way out.

Editor: Isaac3924
Editor: Zyrian
Art-cover: Sonson-Sensei

Chapters (14)

Princess Celestia, one of Equestria's immortal rulers has returned from a date with a notable oddity in Equestria. That of Anonymous the human, a strange creature, lacking in magic, however not lacking in courage. As he was the first being in just over three thousand years to ask Celestia out on a date.

Luna is eagerly awaiting her sister, to hear all the juicy details about her sister's night out.

Teen rated due to sexual references played for comedy.

This is a prose remastering of a Greentext written for /Sun/Day on the MLP board of 4chan, if you'd prefer to read the original version, Click here

Featured as of 27/2/21
Holy shit thank you so much!

Chapters (1)

Planet 8953 Prime
Type: Terrestrial
Resource Rank: S
Size: Medium
Environment: Habitable
Inhabitants: TBD...

Prep the drop pod, send down your tech, prepare for resource extraction, compete with other prospectors, and most importantly, make loads of money.

This story is going to be based off a combination of some of my favorite games "Terratech" and "Factorio". There may be some other large references too.

Chapters (32)

Rainbow Dash's morning was pretty much ruined.
She tripped getting out of bed and landed flat on her face, giving herself an aching muzzle.
She forgot to buy her favorite brand of hay flakes at the store yesterday and had to eat plain toast for breakfast.
She found out she had to pull double-duty today and tomorrow on the weather patrol.
Oh, and she found a nearly-dead foal, broken and bleeding at the edge of Ponyville.

The rest of her day became a whirlpool of stress and worry but the colt woke up, thank Celestia.
Something's not right, though. Nopony can find his parents, he's not in the registers, and there's an unsettling look in his eye...

YouTube reading by Fire Hearth

Chinese Translation by forgivenlove

Russian Translation by Likantrop

TV Tropes page, if you're interested in that sort of thing.

Chapters (15)

Nobody really likes to move, you leave friends and loved ones behind, familiar surroundings and move to someplace that is different from what you are used to. You have to learn the ropes all over again, make new friends and find your way around, not an easy or fun thing to do.

But what makes a move like that worse, is when it happens and you sleep through the whole thing, doubly so when you didn't plan said move.

(Featured April 5, 2014)

Chapters (63)

Phoenix came to Equestria two years ago through circumstances unknown. For two years, Phoenix had waited for Princess Celestia and her top scholars to answer one question: Will he be able to go home?

The answer finally came... And it was "No"

His new friends have, surprisingly, found he's taken the news quite well. Very well!... Maybe even too well. However, they never had a reason to doubt Phoenix wasn't doing as great as he said he was. That is, until he tells Twilight Sparkle he wants to explore his new home by walking from Ponyville to the Crystal Empire with no bits, the clothes on his back, and whatever he can fit into his small, makeshift backpack.

Chapters (9)

Promises made were promises never kept by Austin, a habit he sustained along with a lifetime of laziness from a life of few worries. A life that received a harsh wake-up call and demanded a re-evaluation after a family tragedy. His immediate family in tatters and disarray, Austin is placed in a position of responsibility he never had the chance to prepare for. The easy life he knew is gone, now he must own up to his past failures and pledge a promise to his remaining family of absolute devotion.

A pledge he is determined to fulfill or would have had there not been a pair of keen eyes watching from beyond space and time. Displaced from all he knew and believed, stripped of everything but his name, confused beyond all measures and dumped within a world of impossibilities, insanity, and familiarity by an entity beyond reason or understanding, Austin is forced to forge his path within this world of fiction if he is to ever have any hope of returning, and he is not sparing any caution, effort, or opportunity to do so.

Regardless of the entity's intentions, ponies pleas, or whether this is the providence of a fate set in stone, Austin is determined to return to Earth, to home, and damned be all who dare jeopardize his promise and family.

Hello viewers, this will be quite the journey I'm about to embark upon, so many unknowns and errors bound to be posted but I will try my hardest to smooth them all out and deliver a story of quality. If you believe that certain tags that would fit the story should be added once more chapters are out, feel free to point them out. here is a small spoiler if you wish to know where this beginning is set which is a month after the season 6 final.

Biiiiiiiiiiiig thank you to LittleTigress for the Cover art.

Ayo! First feature. 4/30/22.

Chapters (10)

Nightmare Moon captures Celestia. Celestia is kind of annoyed.

Spoilers, look at the tags.

Chapters (1)