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Rarity is certain of only two things—that hundreds of spring flowers are in bloom across the town, and that Twilight Sparkle is the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria.

Well, there's just one thing for a romantic like Rarity to do.

[Featuring sassy wisdom apple horse and messenger derp horse.]

An entry in Monochromatic's Interwoven Colours Contest

Cover art by Multiversecruise

Chapters (1)

It's a rare thing when you find somepony special who brings light into your life—a light you didn't know you were missing. When you find that pony, isn't it only fitting to return the favour?

A short story written for Monochromatic's Interwoven Colours contest.

Preread by Carabutt.

Cover art by Rossby Waves.

Chapters (1)

Rarity has a problem, a very personal and agonizing problem that she has no solution to. Rarity has deep and overwhelming feelings for Twilight, yet she can't speak the words that would convey these feelings to her beloved. She despairs of finding a solution, until Twilight unwittingly shows up with the perfect solution. Or maybe not as unwitting as she seems...

A exceedingly last minute and poor quality submission to the Interwoven Colours RariTwi contest that I could not help but add because Mono has dragged me head first into the trash can and I'm having far too much fun wallowing around in here. Just kidding Mono-senpai, I love your work and am happy I could contribute something for you to enjoy. Plez notice me and enjoy!
I don't exactly expect to win anything with this, since I've written it over the course of like 2 days with zero pre-planning and going entirely by the seat of my pants because nothing bad could ever happen like that right? Constructive feedback is welcomed and appreciated... Please be gentle.

Chapters (1)

After the Infinite Clock incident, life seems to be back to normal at the Fairy Tail guild, with Natsu and Gray going at each other's throats, Erza enjoying cake and beating up anyone who ruins it, Lucy writing her novel, Happy trying to impress Charla, and the rest of the guild breaking out into their daily brawls, obviously destroying things while they're at it. Yup, things have certainly gone back to normal!

Twilight Sparkle thought it was going to be just another trip to Canterlot with Apple Jack's little sister, Apple Bloom. When they run into Rainbow Dash and meet a Canterlot guard called, Flash Sentry, little do any of them know what lies ahead.....

When these two worlds collide, our wizards and ponies will have to band together as one and prevent
an evil that threatens everything they know. However, with the Magic Council doing nothing and magic disappearing, will our heroes be able to stop the destruction of Fiore?

Chapters (7)

There was once a city in ancient times, filled with ponies of all races who fled the blizzards and hatred of the bickering pony nations. The blizzards, though, followed them south. The solution proposed by a skilled unicorn was for all ponies to give some of their magic to help teleport the whole city somewhere warmer. Little did they know the lengths of space they would travel. In fact, their destination happened to be the San Francisco Bay, in the year 691 AD.

1357 years later, Twilight Sparkle, with the help of Daring Do, learns of this lost city and, with support from the princesses, attempts to create a portal to reconnect with their lost brethren. Unexpectedly, and with near disastrous consequences, Twilight arrives on Earth amidst a nation of ponies somewhat getting along with the human nations filling the world. All is not well, due to the portal's subspace environment becoming far too turbulent to attempt a return home within the foreseeable future. Before she could succumb to a fugue of hopelessness, she learns of the worlds burgeoning space industry and, on the tail of some new discoveries, realizes that there is, perhaps, still a way home. The long way home, across the stars, opens before her and the civilizations of Earth.

There will be some buildup, but this is intended to turn into a space opera type story. It will draw very significant influence from The Lost Fleet book series. This will be a story that actually obeys the laws of motion, gravity, and special relativity. At least as much as that book series does which it does nicely apart from the few technologies that makes its plot work.

Chapters (8)

A dragoness who has seen the world and its wonders. A dragoness who has been on countless adventures and has found dozens, if not hundreds of treasures thought to be nothing but myths. A dragoness who hides a dark secret that is tearing her up inside, is forced to face her guilt head on when she takes a trip to Equestria.
A baby dragon who was raised by ponies. A baby dragon who feels at odds with his own kind. A baby dragon who wonders why he lives as he does will soon get his answer when a stranger comes to town.
Now two souls brought together by fate will build a bond that has always existed through trials and tribulations neither could have predicted.

This story was inspired by three things. The first was the breakout hit, Ten Years Gone, by Some Other Guy, of which you may notice some slight similarities in the beginning. The second was a comment that made me wonder, "What if it wasn't a human coincidentally made to look like Spike?" And the third was me watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The inspiration from that last one will become more apparent later in the story.
I hope you like this, I don't usually write fanfictions, after all.

Chapters (33)

This story is a sequel to What Didn't Happen

On two nights separated by over six centuries of time, two dreamers share the same one dream of their world being unmade. Is this a warning of events yet to come? And if so, what, if anything, can be done to avoid it?

A Princess from the future works to complete her predestined task while a Queen from the past struggles to lead her people down a path of peaceful coexistence. Together, they must find a way to safeguard time itself, or else all their efforts will literally be for nothing.

Chapters (18)

Some Canterlot entertainers aren't just musicians... and some ponies fall in love with them anyways.

When one of Equestria's most popular cellists appears at Twilight's birthday party, it's just another gig for Octavia, but a shock for Twilight and the rest of the party-goers. She arrives, wishes Twilight a happy birthday, wows them with her beautiful music, wows them with her musical beauty, and doesn't leave until after everypony else has left. So when a few ponies suggest that this 'entertainer' might be more than just a musician... some eyebrows are raised, but nothing more. Twilight is beyond reproach, after all, and Octavia can earn her living however she wants. When she sticks around Ponyville, however, it becomes a slightly different story - Twilight is romantically-naive, after all, and Octavia is... most certainly not.

The romance of Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's protege, and Octavia van Clef, Canterlot's most famous entertainer.

Rated 'Teen'. Per FimFiction's rating guidelines, this story contains some 'more adult themes', but has no 'graphically adult content'. Rated primarily for sexually suggestive material, but also (in later chapters) alcohol use and adult language.

Chapters (11)

Interdimensional travel can be a dangerous thing. Especially when there’s a jumpy wedding planner just beyond the event horizon.

Entry in Jake's Horse Word Extravaganza "Obscure Shipping" Contest.
Finalist in June 2017's "Under the Sun" WriteOff - Winner of Best New Entrant!

Historian’s Note: Unexpected Hazards of Interdimensional Transit occurs a month or two after the events of Legend of Everfree, when those contractors finally get around to fixing the Wondercolt Statue.

Cast: Sunset Shimmer & Amethyst Star
Co-Starring: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Honey Blossom, Cranky Doodle & Matilda

Cover Design and Section Breaks by Novel Idea
Sunset Shimmer Vector: Xebck
Amethyst Star Vector (Recolored by Novel Idea): Punzil504
Amethyst Star Cutie Mark Vector: The-Smiling-Pony
Daisy Cutie Mark Vector: The-Smiling-Pony
Starflower Vector: KibbieTheGreat

Beta Reader & Editor Credits
Ebon Quill - Audio Director & Quest Designer on The Manehattan Project
Little Tinker - Master of Systems at Poniverse & Scripting Engineer on The Manehattan Project
Beltorn - Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
Cursori: Reader of Many a Pony Word
Oroboro: General Conspirator of Sunset Madness (and helped inspire the original story)

Word Count: 12,000 Words
Version: 2.9

Chapters (1)

The moon has turned red, and a sinister mist seeps from the Everfree forest. An alarming number of Equestria's heroes have vanished in its time of need. It's up to those that remain, and three others from another world, to save Equestria from the monsters born from the mist, and the villains that control them.

A FFIX crossover, Equestria Side.
This story is on hiatus until I finish its sister story, currently editing chapters...
Want to know what's become of Spike, Pinkie and Applejack? You can find out here.

Chapters (11)