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This story is a sequel to The Challenge

Rainbow Dash has been happily engaged to Princess Twilight Sparkle, the love of her life, for several months. She's taken her on Hurricane's Way and shared in the rites of pegasus courtship. Too bad she forgot to tell mom and dad before they found out by reading the paper.

But that's just fine. It gives them the perfect excuse to go visit their little Dashie and meet the mare who stole her heart and became the wind beneath her wings.

A commission for Elzzombie, who also drew the lovely artwork for it!
Preread by Timaeus.

Chapters (1)

After so much preparation, the Grand Galloping Gala is here at last! How will its attendants from Ponyville fare... and most importantly, will Rarity find true love? (An AU alternative to the canon Gala... written before the Gala. Ahhh, naivete.)

Chapters (2)

Changelings and ponies had always been natural enemies of each other, especially with the crystal ponies when they were around. Why wouldn't they be? Changelings were like parasites, feeding off the love that ponies gave off and driving them to illness.

However, Changelings had begun to decline. What started out with as seven hives have diminished down into three, all of which had gone into hiding so well that most ponies didn't know what changelings even were. Even Celestia had not seen one for quite a while, a long feat for an immortal pony.

Until she found a nymph. A new Changeling Queen.

Unable to find it within herself to abandon the changeling, Celestia ends up taking the nymph back to Canterlot under guise as Twilight Sparkle. The plan was simple; find the hive that Twilight belonged to and return her back to be raised with her race.

Of course, despite everything she learned through her long life, she had forgotten that things were never that simple.

For starters, she did not anticipate herself to grow fond of Twilight as time began to pass, or to beam in happiness when Twilight began to refer to her as mom.

Many Many Thanks to my Pre-Readers: Rewrite and Doctor Disco (Welcome to the Team Doctor!)

Chapters (4)

After a magical mishap renders Rarity temporarily blind, Twilight Sparkle agrees to help her around the Boutique, utilizing a fancy spell that allows Rarity to see a simple outline of the world around them. It's just a gesture of good friendship; absolutely nothing more.

Nothing more whatsoever.

Who: Monochromatic
When: Interwoven Colours Conest
Where: RariTwiGroup
Why: Panties

Chapters (3)

  As a dark threat descends upon the Diamond Wall of Canterlot, an ancient treaty forces the deerkin to come to Equestria’s aid once more. To the Royal Five’s surprise, a single ambassador is sent instead of the army Equestria so desperately needs.
  And yet, this unique magic-wielding deerkin may hold the secret to Canterlot’s salvation… assuming she ever stops flirting with the young Astra Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"Unofficial" Entry in Monochromatic's "Interwoven Colours" RariTwi contest.
Featured on EquestriaDaily on July 4, 2017!

Historian's Note: Set deep within the infinite possibilities of the multiverse, this new world is completely unknown save for a very select few. Which is to say, that no knowledge of any other story is required to enjoy the whimsy of this tale.

Featured on FimFiction: May 28-31, 2017!

Cast: Astra Princess Twilight Sparkle & the Lady Rarity
Co-Starring: Aurorae Princess Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon & Shining Armor with a cameo by Radiant Hope

Cover & Section Break Design by Novel Idea
Virtrung Deerkin Rarity and Princess Twilight Sparkle by Jykinturah.

Virtrung Deer based on and inspired by the original concepts by Sirzi.

Beta Reader & Editor Credits
Ebon Quill - Audio Director & Quest Designer on The Manehattan Project
Little Tinker - Master of Systems at Poniverse & Scripting Engineer on The Manehattan Project
Beltorn - Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
Cursori: Reader of Many a Pony Word
Monochromatic: This is entirely her fault, just so you know

Word Count: 29,000
Version: 3.0

Chapters (4)

Getting rejected by Sunset seems like a pretty good reason for Twilight to hole herself up in her room for three days. But when Rarity comes asking for help to develop a website for Carousel Boutique, Twilight can't ignore a friend.

Both of them may find they have something to learn about rejection, how to deal with it, and if a friendship really can become something more intimate.

An entry in Monochromatic's "Interwoven Colors" contest.
Cover art by Novel-Idea.

Chapters (1)

In the days before the completion of a sacred ritual, Rarity and Twilight must engage in a duel of blades to determine the outcome of the most important event of their lives.

Written for the RariTwi Creation Contest #4 - Interwoven Colours

Chapters (1)

She's an ally of justice!
With powers of the sun, she smites villains that plague this world and rescue those who fell victim to their evil ploy!
She is

Magical Girl Sunny!

No matter how much she denies it, she is Sunset Shimmer.

...unless, it's not her? But then, who is she?
Set in between Friendship Games and Legends of Everfree.
Edited by the ever helpful docontra.

The chapter titles do not reflect the content- it's not an anthology of anime parodies (no, really, it isn't).

Chapters (33)

In the magical land of Equestria, two alicorn sisters raise the Sun and the Moon every day to give the world a night and day cycle, basic for the survival of life. There are also two alicorns who rule over two very core aspects of life and harmony itself. Those are Love and Friendship. While not as ancient as the two sisters, all princesses are essential to the world's balance.
This balance is also sustained by the hard-working ponies, who make the seasons change and manage the weather to fit their needs, so everypony has enough food and water, and every animal is also attended to assure that any of them are caught in the changes of seasons.

But what about the planet itself? What about Mother Nature?
This is the question that Gaia asks when she arrives to this foreign world. After so much work her son persuaded her to take a long vacation in Equestria, saying that she needed one and assuring her that he would be in charge now, and she must take a break. But what can a several billion-year old alicorn possibly do to pass her time in this land?

(SimEarth/MLP Crossover)
(Timelife of Gaia's life 'till the start of the story)

Chapters (36)

Twilight and Rarity decide to spend the evening together, but Twilight is plagued by a weird feeling that she can't quite name which sends a shiver up her spine every time she stares at Rarity out of the corner of her eye. Which is very often. What she can say is that Rarity is looking a lot more attractive tonight than usual.
Twilight's friends, determined to help Twilight and Rarity hook up, pull out all the stops to ensure that the two of them have a perfect evening. And with a little bit of help from strange places, including taking suggestions from an alligator and writing to the Princesses, Twilight and Rarity's friends just might succeed...

Written for Monochromatic's RariTwi contest

Cover art (and proofreading!) provided by the great and powerful Multiversecrrrrrrrrruise! I'm indebted to you!!! :D
(Deviantart: http://wordsandpunctuation.deviantart.com/)

Chapters (1)