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Watch as Syko, intrepid journalist for Playcolt, rounds up the mane six for the interview that could change Equestria!

Chapters (6)

Pinkie Pie, Ponyville's official party planner, and the happiest pony in the world, friends with everypony, you'd think she never had her moments of sadness and sorrow. How wrong you'd be to think that.

Five years ago, back on the rock farm, she finds a cave on one of her little trips on the edge of the farm, and inside she finds a lonely pony. Having discovered that her special talent was to make ponies happy, she approaches her and soon, Pinkie and this other pony become friends. However, this pony is not really a pony... well, not completely.

After an incident that scarred Pinkie since then, she moves to Ponyville to live her own life and meet more ponies to have fun with, hiding a troubled past deep under her happy facade. But what happens when said past resurfaces after so many years? Will the Element of Laughter be able to fix it, or will she turn her back on it and keep the grudge she has against it?

Chapters (7)

Niamh, an introverted student of veterinary science, finds herself transported to a strange world inhabited by ponies. Of course, that means becoming one herself. Now she must prove to the other ponies that she is not the 'Nightmare Moon' they think she is, and earn their trust, while they must earn hers. Especially this 'Princess Luna' character.

But two questions stand out above the rest as being truly important: How did she get there, and why?

Featured 19/03/14 Didn't expect that.

Amazing cover art was done by the extremely talented MrFulp.

Chapters (4)

Princess Celestia is the paragon of everything good and pure. Noble, fair and righteous. Beloved by all, and pillar of stability for Equestria since the time of Discord.

And currently not available.

My name is Frank, the new guy in charge of this body. I'm here to fulfill all your princess needs, until I find something better to do.

Human turned X fic. Post Season 3, but ignores season 4.

Cover art by Nun2artzy

Chapters (22)

Set in the 'Youngverse'.

As Canterlot hosts the annual Christmas day party, Celestia, Luna, Chrysalis, Sombra and Discord begin their preparations for their annual sleep over.

Towards their bedtime, Discord suggests they all stay up as late as they can in order to see Santa Claus.

After their parents say goodnight to them, they put their plan into action. But just how long can they stay awake for?

Alternative universe tag for the sake of Christmas setting over Hearth's warming.

Part of the 'When They Were Young' Series, inspired by the cover art by the awesome GiantMosquito! Go show some love.

Thanks to my pre-reader DVAN56! Edited version to come!


Chapters (1)

Life is full of surprises. That is a known fact. However, you always expect some kind of minor surprise, like your train arriving a little too late, or your ice-cream having vanilla taste rather than strawberry. But sometimes, life will give you surprises you could never predict. For Fluttershy, it was three little foals. But not her own foals, or even orphans. Three little foals that used to be her and her friends' most fearsome and dreaded foes.

Sombra, Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon.

Will Fluttershy's nerves survive this onslaught of misadventures? Will she keep the three villains hidden? Will she even become friends with them? Why do I sound like a narrator to a bad criminal drama? Don't think or try to answer those questions, just go ahead and read!

Edited by: MessoriaAQ, Cerulean Voice, Gidget_TheGear, Twilight Fashion

Cover art by amazing Missangest!

Cover art got featured on Drawfriend in EqD!
The story itself got proudly rejected by EqD!

Chapters (16)

Twilight's Parents are thrilled to find out she has a coltfriend.
And it's....the Headless Horse?

for the August Crack Ships Inc. contest.

Chapters (1)

Servants have their uses, no matter their form, station or handicaps. Marwolaeth Pydredd is one such servant, cursed with an infernal visage that causes any who look upon him to convulse in fear before locating the nearest set of torches and pitchforks. As such, Marwolaeth hides his body underneath layers upon layers of metal and leather, concealing all but the barest glimpse of his eyes with shining metal and sturdy chainmail. For years immemorial Marwolaeth has been guided from town to town, between planes and even into the dens of powerful creatures at the behest of his master, who lends his skills to the highest bidders.

Marwolaeth's newest charge is the peaceful land of Equestria, lent to Princess Celestia herself, in order to guard the Elements of Harmony. Not even five minutes into his new assignment is Marwolaeth asking himself why he's there. A peaceful land has no need for a hardened warrior, and he has no need for the rest such an assignment would provide. What Marwolaeth doesn't know, though, is that trouble is brewing on the horizon, and just under his nose.

Edited by G3k0771

Chapters (8)

"I was too late again. Nothing ever comes easily for me, does it?"

A Night Fury dragon who believes she is worthless and dangerous, is offered her heart's desire. Seizing the opportunity, she finds herself in the magical land of Equestria. But one cannot flee from one's conscience, and past mistakes weigh heavily.

And it would appear that dragons are no more welcome in Equestria than at home.

Special thanks to Enderstorm for the amazing artwork.

Chapters (12)

Deadpool has found himself in Equestria. He isn't very happy about being in a place that's too happy, but he is trying to fit in with everypony. He makes friends and enemies, and confuses the hell out of everything. Will he be able to find a way home?Will he be stuck there? And if so, will he be a good citizen, or bring about the end of Equestria as we know it?

"You know, I don't do that to EVERYWHERE I go, you didn't have to mention that. You're lucky you're safe behind your little laptop screen or wherever the hell you're using this from. If you destroy my image completely in here, I will not hesitate to strangle ya through the-"

Do you wish for a story or not?


So let it be said... so let it... be done.

Chapters (43)