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Dr. Zalost isn't happy. He has tried to reach the goal of unconditional joy and bliss, even temporarily achieving that happiness with the help of a certain pink coated dog, but the good doctor has once again fallen into a depression that has started to eat away at his mind and body, the same depression that threatened to turn Nowhere into a dark and melancholy wasteland.

Now Dr. Zalost has cast his despondent gaze upon Equestria, where love and happiness flourish, and joyful laughter is law. With new weapons of disconsolate sadness, and the determined objective to see everyone just as unhappy as he is, the doctor now plots a nefarious scheme to bring about Equestria's total condemnation of all things benevolent.......and a certain pink coated pony may be the only one who can stop him.

Crossover between Courage the Cowardly Dog and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Chapters (1)

Slendermane, sick and tired of living in the Everfree Forest alone, decides to give the whole 'townie' thing a shot. The expected ensues.

~ First entry of the Strangeverse Continuum.

Chapters (6)

Princess Celestia sends Twilight and her friends on a small mission, and the only way there is a spell. When the spell backfires, they are, instead, transported to the happiest place on earth! It's all fun and games until the park closes, there's no way out! But the 6 discover that when the park is left alone, evil is lurking in the shadows. It's up to Twilight, her friends, and some others along the way, to stop the evil that surrounds them and the park. (It also has a little bit of Kingdom Keepers crossover to it.)

Chapters (13)

I have always been alone in this forest. I have always feasted in this forest. I call this forest home and those ponies that travel through it are my prey. I devour all those who fear me, all who come to face me. They fear me for I am Fear incarnate. But now...I have met one who does not fear...and I am unsure of what do with her...

Image by the very awesome thewraithofwolf

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Weed

Fleur de Lis is best known as a supermodel, but she also happens to be an illusions master. Every year just before Nightmare Night, she tests her skills by inviting ponies to attend her 'Week of Nightmares' in an attempt to terrify even the bravest. This year's most esteemed guests? Fancy Pants and Princess Luna.

But Fancy Pants is a veteran of the brutal Dragon Wars, and Princess Luna slogs through other ponies' nightmares all the time. Both have high doubts for the night.

Fleur might be more capable than they think...

My entry into Random Romance's October contest!

Cover Art Credit: Wolfmaster00

The Fleur-Verse
Chronologically from Top to Bottom:
Shadow Pony
Reddux the Tyrant
No Heroes Part I - The Roster
No Heroes Part II - The Journey Home
Lightning's Bolt
The Weed
The Challenge of Fleur
Ordinary World
A Challenge for Fleur
Sweet to Eat: Tales of Nightmare Night

Chapters (5)

Closing up his donut shop following the Grand Galloping Gala, Donut Joe discovers a Great and Powerful Trixie in need of food and bits. Needing help attracting crowds and waiting tables Donut Joe hires the show mare. Can Canterlot withstand Equestria's Greatest Ego?

Lets find out!

Edit Update:
Chapter 1: 2/10

Cover Image I commissioned from the Great and Divine Valkyrie-Girl! http://valkyrie-girl.deviantart.com/

The pic that inspired this is The Great and Powerful Trina by the Awesome and Talented http://askburningash.tumblr.com/ (No longer seems to be working so here is a link http://i963.photobucket.com/albums/ae118/dmcel233/image_zps5051e8b4.jpg)

Chapters (13)

The Mane-Event, a popular stage show in Manehattan, has acquired a rare creature they intend to use as part of a new act. Their typical animal handlers prove inadequate for the new job so they invite Equestria's best to be the caretaker-- Fluttershy. Moving to a new city requires the inconvenience of finding a new place to stay, however. What fortune that Trixie, one of the primary acts of the Mane-Event, just so happens to have free space at her apartment.

And then the Element of Kindness lived with the Element of Egotism.

Chapters (6)

Zack Branigan, a socially-awkward, hormonally-stressed out, human teenager, finds a genie's lamp. He could have whatever he wants, but what does he want? It's not like genies are notorious for being tricksters. And it probably doesn't help that the genie's name is Trixie, I mean, The Great and Powerful Trixie. Meh, whatever...

Inspired by a picture on EQD
Click here for a banner.
Click here for the original image.

(I don't know if I'll put sex scenes in this fic, but I put the sex tag just in case the story goes in that direction.)
(10/01/2013 edit: newly added gore tag.)
Bonus Picture here
(2/9/2014 edit: newly added dark tag)

Chapters (36)

For the penguins - Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, and Private -this last day could have gone better. When testing Kowalski's Dimensionator (A device to find the user's ideal dimension) on Private, they found themselves warped not to the dimension of the Lunacorns (which would be bad enough), but in a dimension called "Equestria" which is full of pastel colors and female mammals. For the penguins, this would be bad enough, but they also lost their way to get home. And just because they can't get home, doesn't mean that other animals can come to them. Animals who's greatest desire is to destroy the penguins. At least the sudden cold snap is nice. (Note: this cross over is with the Penguins of Madagascar TV show which Word of God says exists in an Alternate Universe to the Madagascar movies.)

Chapters (4)

*Despite the cover art this is not a human turned into a pony story.*

On his way to a meeting in the next town over, Lee James Harrison almost gets thrown off a snowy mid December road by a speeding pick up truck. After he was able to successfully evade said truck, he noticed something rather peculiar out of the corner of his eye right before he slammed into it and drove into a nearby ditch.

Waking up in a bed in a strange room, Lee Harrison finds himself torn from his family life and placed into a new life as a butler, working for a ruler of a species he's never seen before.

Cover art drawn by myself, digitized by RandomReader-001

Beginning Chapters and so on edited by: Bruceman360

*Character tags will be added as the story progresses*

Chapters (11)