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After successfully completing another mercenary mission, Deadpool feels that he is living an unfulfilled life. As he flips through his television, he discovers a show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Deadpool becomes instantly obsessed, and not long after, he starts comparing and contrasting the world he lives in today to the world of Equestria. He suddenly concludes to himself that Equestria would be a better place to live in...

Chapters (10)

Instead of landing in the Badlands after the failed changeling coup in Canterlot, Chrysalis awakes in the Everfree, under the care of a certain zebra. She's in no shape to fly or use magic, so she'll have to tolerate her annoying caretaker... for now. But sooner or later, she'll have to leave to regroup with her subjects, and she can't afford to leave any witnesses breathing.

Chapters (4)

Terry McGinnis: Average high school student and the Batman of the 21st century. He's fought many foes like Shreik and Inque, but never has he been sent to an alternate universe known as Equestria.
Now the dark knight is set with the ultimate test: to find a way to return back to his home in Gotham City.
And to defeat an unstoppable enemy.

<*Special thanks to The Valeyard and the brony gamer for being the editors!*>
Batman Beyond (c) Warner Bros. Animation
My Little Pony (c) Hasbro

Chapters (10)

First story ever so please go easy and give helpful criticism where it is needed.
This story is similar to Mort Takes a Holiday in that Gregory will have to collect souls. However any other relation to that story is completely on accident and I apologize deeply. This is just a story that's been sitting in my head for a while waiting to be let out.

Father Gregory, a Priest of Nalarath who is not too favorable of colors in general, is killed. It only gets worse for him from there. Death makes him a deal by taking him on as an apprentice. Now Gregory has to go to Equestria to collect souls for Death. In return, Death will give Gregory the soul of the person who killed him, so that he can personally judge their fate.

Father Gregory is a made up character and any relation to any persons whether real, living, or dead is pure coincidence

I own no rights to the Mort Takes a Holiday story and greatly encourage you to give it a read :)
I also own no rights to MLP or any franchise associated with such.
I have no rights....meh

Chapters (16)

Troy was a normal teenager going to a halloween party dressed as the vampire king Dracula however while taking his little sister to a friends house he ends up in equestria. not only has he become a real vampire, not only is he an enemy of a nation but his sister is missing and he wants her back even if he has to destroy or turn every pony in his way.

Chapters (2)

During her studies in the Canterlot archives, Twilight Sparkle makes a startling discovery - Star Swirl the Bearded, the most famous unicorn in Equestrian history, had a son! Tracing the family line down the centuries, Twilight is ecstatic to discover a direct descendant of Star Swirl is still living today. She sets out to meet this "Beatrix Lulamoon", who surely is a great and powerful unicorn worthy of her heritage with a wealth of ancestral knowledge to share... isn't she?

Dramatic reading by Goombasa - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bECfAkLDoSM

Chapters (1)

What resides in the Everfree Forest is a haunting entity. The Slendermane. However, only a small handful of ponies know of his existence and other than that he is just an old ponies tale. These are the stories of ponies who have seen the Slendermane.

* Slendermane is friendly in this story, cause there isn't enough friendly Slendermane.
** Please suggest characters that you would like to see in the story in the future.
*** If you like the story please give a like and maybe favorite but if you don't like it please give a reason why in the comments as constructive criticism is appreciated.
**** The length between updates are very sporadic.

Chapters (4)

Dusk Shine has been in a crazy relationship with Eris ever since she decided to crash his birthday party two years ago. Their opposing nature has made every day of their love just as exciting and unorthodox as the first day it started.

Follow Dusk Shine as he tries to keep his sanity with the girl that drives him crazy in more ways than one.

Chapters (4)

This story takes place a bit after the events of King Sombra and The Crystal Ponies, also to mention this story is about a female Draconequus named Eris who loves chaos just as much as Discord but is very different.

After hearing her brother Discord was turned to stone once more, Eris decides to make a trip to visit her reckless brother yet everypony is terrified by her appearence she takes no mind to it as a certain purple coated unicorn decides to attempt at making this devious Draconequus her friend, yet Eris feels something tugging at her about this mare which she just cannot ignore..

Chapters (1)

Sherlock Holmes and Doctor John Watson have solved many cases together. They've seen death, destruction, and more in their line of work. In short, they have come to expect the unexpected.

They never could have predicted they would be turned into ponies. Or sent to Equestria. Or that there would be a case there steeped in magic, fear, blood and betrayal.

Buckle up, kiddies. It's about to get weird.

Both Sherlock and Watson are from the BBC series Sherlock. Takes place after Baskerville, before the last episode of the second season.

Chapters (6)