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For Sweetie Belle and her friends, everything is looking great. They have the support of their loved ones concerning the clothes-free lifestyle they've recently adopted. The NLAC even managed to avoid its first big clash. However, Diamond Tiara isn't one to give up without a fight. Enter Scarlet Scribe. Young, idealistic, naïve, and the perfect pawn to help Diamond achieve her ultimate goal: Destroy the NLAC.

With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, and the promise of clothes-free summer fun on the horizon, can Scarlet Scribe really end it all before it even gets the opportunity to begin? And what do the Dazzlings have to do with all of this? Will Diamond Tiara succeed? Heads will Collide. Relationships will be forged. Secrets will be revealed when Scarlet Scribe attends his first ever naturist party at Canterlot High.

*This is a side story to Canterlot High Has A Club About What?!

Editor: DynaPony

Chapters (31)

Sunset Shimmer believes that she will never live down what she did at the Fall Formal. She turned into a she demon and tried to use the students to take over Equestira. She knows that she made mistakes and wants to get past them, but no one will let her. Everyday, she is reminded of how hated she is and how she tore friends apart. Sunset decides that she can't take it anymore and tries to end it all.

Lucky for her, she is saved by a mysterious boy who promises to help her fix her reputation. Sunset decides to entertain the idea, and accepts his help.

I came up with the idea before Rainbow Rocks, but just never put pen to paper. Expect this to conflict with the movie.

Featured on 5/24/15, 7/19/15, and 5/22/16! Thanks to everyone who's ever read this story!

Chapters (8)

Twilight had planned to visit Sunset Shimmer and her friends over in the other world for a nice, quiet weekend, away from all the worries and problems associated with being a Princess of Equestria. Unfortunately, things rarely go as planned.

After an accident cuts her off from Equestria, Twilight finds herself stuck in the human world until the gateway between the two worlds can be fixed. Which wouldn't normally be a problem...

...If she wasn't still a pony.

Now with TvTropes page!

Cover art
Proofread by Dusty Old Qrow, RQK, Dusty Tomes (Ch. 2), Emtu, and Doctor Candor.

Chapters (15)

Fearing the consequences of her actions in the bipedal world, Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria and moves to Ponyville where Twilight Sparkle can keep an eye on her. Sunset Shimmer, bored and beaten, casts about for something to distract her, but soon the feelings growing inside her for Ponyville's princess can no longer be ignored. Nervously, with a little help and encouragement, Sunset begins to open her long-frozen heart to Twilight Sparkle, but when the shadows of Sunset's past threaten to destroy any chance of her happiness in the present, Sunset and Twilight may have to risk everything they have and defy cosmic forces older than Equestria in order to seize their fragile chance at happiness.

Cover art by Wadusher0

Many thanks to pre-reader The Albinocorn, but don't blame him for any errors you might find in the first chapter, because he only became pre-reader after I posted chapter 1

Chapters (17)

During Spring Break, Sweetie Belle decides to help her sister deliver a dress for Sunset Shimmer. What she doesn't realize is that the former unicorn has a secret. Despite spending so much time as a human, Sunset still finds clothing uncomfortable and enjoys living in the buff whenever she can.

Although reluctant to embrace the idea at first, Sweetie decides to follow Sunset's example and try the clothes-free lifestyle for herself. The young teen comes to realize that she loves the feeling of freedom it offers and wants others to enjoy it too. Thus, the Natural Living Appreciation Club was formed.

*Please note that this story primarily focuses on naturism as a lifestyle. It does not contain exhibitionism or graphic depictions of sex.

Collab Authors: Blake Skies Enclave2277

Chapters (20)

Everyone hated Adagio... Well, most guys did. There was this one kid named Clef Rest, seemingly both a good singer and a brave guy. People don't really know him that much, but he'll be notorious throughout Canterlot High for defending such a villain like Adagio.

Artwork done by ta-na!

Featured on 10/26!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Asking a Favor

Sunset Shimmer has an interesting encounter with this world's version of a horse when she goes to help Applejack on the farm. This leads into a conversation that gets a bit more introspective than Sunset was probably hoping for when she came over that day. Sometimes you just need to hear the right advice from a friend though, and Applejack is plenty happy to oblige.

Set between the first Equestria Girls movie and Rainbow Rocks. Part of a series of fics I've been working on about Sunset's early days learning how friendship works, which starts with my previous story Asking a Favor. Can absolutely be read as a standalone though.

Rated Teen for one double entendre joke that I feel keeps it just out of E territory.

Chapters (1)

Sunset's favorite jacket is looking pretty beaten up after that whole rainbow laser explosion, and she doesn't know the first thing about fixing leather. Obviously she knows someone who could help her, someone who's already agreed to be her friend. But after everything she's done, she doesn't really think she's in a position to be asking favors. She hasn't earned anyone's friendship yet, and she certainly doesn't deserve anyone's help. Still, she's got no other options. So she'll just have to swallow her pride and beg Rarity to take some pity on her.
Rarity certainly has her work cut out explaining to her how friendship works.

Set after Equestria Girls, but before Rainbow Rocks. No shipping. Just awkward, self-loathing Sunset and generous, understanding Rarity.

Chapters (1)

Whether they're pony or human, girls have one thing in common:

They talk.

They talk about life, they talk about love, they talk about each other. They talk about the weather, they talk about movies and music, they talk about the enormous magical disasters that threaten their world.

Whether they're pony or human, girls get together and they talk. And this is what they say.

A collection of short stories that may take place either in the Equestria Girls universe or the main Friendship is Magic universe.

Chapters (44)

This story is a sequel to The Sunlight Project

After the disaster that was her Sunlight Project, Twilight Sparkle somehow manages to ask Sunset Shimmer out on a date. She isn't ready.

That isn't enough to stop her from trying. However, she needs all the help she can get to navigate the relationships in her life.

☀Edited by the kind and wonderful fourths.
☀Preread by Misago

Chapters (15)