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Sunset Shimmer has never needed anyone or anything - she had her magic, she had her ambition, and she had intellect. Others just stood in her way or held her down. So what do you do when your plans for world domination fall through?

Now she's about to discover that the only thing harder than hitting rock bottom is climbing your way out of that crater. Good thing she has some new friends to help her along, but its tough to seek forgiveness from others when you can't forgive yourself...

Special thanks to KiltedKey (Chapters 1/2) and SolidFire for their editing work.

Chapters (47)

This story is a sequel to Who Wants Seconds?

It’s Finals Week at Crystal Prep Academy and naturally everyone’s stressing out. However, for someone with a condition such as Sour Sweet, stress can lead to much bigger problems. Sour’s beginning to hear voices… and the rest of the student body is taking notice. With gossip and paranoia spreading across campus, even you can’t help but to ask yourself: What exactly are these voices telling her to do?

(My sixth featured story! - 8/16 and 8/17/16)

Chapters (1)

Jason's life has grown dull. While some may have thought that the weekly monster attacks might have kept him on his toes, he had grown to learn that as the norm around town. Now, after months of living in Ponyville, he can't shake the feeling that there is a void in his life. He follows his usual routine every day: breakfast, a quick shower, followed by a quick walk to the park to read the newspaper. One morning, he finds two parents playing with their filly in the playground. As he watches, an idea sparks within his mind: why not adopt a pony of his own?

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (35)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide they need to expand their numbers, but things quickly go awry when their first target begins sobbing on the spot. Sweetie Belle soon finds herself roped into hanging out with the young colt.

Can Sweetie Belle see past the young colts weirdness and allow friendship to bloom? Can Button Mash fake enough normal behavior to make at least one friend? Will these two hit it off, or are Button’s only friends destined to be the ones in his video games, forever?

Cover art by users Vallis and Novel-Idea

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to Sour Sweet Life

While waiting for his girlfriend to arrive for their date, Second Person encounters Button Mash who is having anxiety over his newfound relationship with Sweetie Belle. Second tries to calm the gamer boy with the story of his own doubts experienced early on with dating Sour Sweet and of the humiliation of bringing her to meet his old-fashioned parents.

Chapters (1)

In Rainbow's world, she has been together with Fluttershy for two months.

The day she learned Fluttershy is with Pinkie on the other side of the mirror is the day that world turned upside-down.

And she's going to look in all the wrong places trying to fix it.

Chapters (9)

My name is Rachel. Or at least it was. A bad decision brought me to the brink of death. I was "rescued" from that fate by some self-appointed "Spirit of Chaos." Or maybe he really was the devil, I don't know. He promised me a second chance but didn't tell me it would be in the body of a cutesy pony in a world which makes no sense. Worse, I think I've been set up, and something bigger is going on ...

(Rated teen for language and non-gory violence)

Cover art by the talented NoviceCreedArt on tumblr. Link to original work.

Chapters (58)

One day a man wakes up in a pony's bed. For the next several days the two of them try to discover why such a thing happened.

They don't do a very good job of figuring anything out but they do cuddle a lot.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Sour Sweet Sorrow

"It concerns us to know the purposes we seek in life, for then, like archers aiming at a definite mark, we shall be more likely to attain what we want."
– Aristotle

In the aftermath of her suicide attempt, Sour Sweet still has lingering feelings of hopelessness concerning her existence. With her father desperate to patch things up along with her boyfriend and best friends organizing a big surprise, can the archeress find the inspiration to go for the gold in the complicated game of life?

(My fifth featured story! - 6/16/16)

Chapters (2)

“Do Humans Hibernate?” Rainbow has a question on her mind. She's not entirely sure why it's bothering her so much. It probably doesn't help that the only human she could ask is the world's greatest liar.

Cover art by Pusspuss this random guy called ‘Pen Mightier’ who probably wishes he is Pusspuss but isn’t.

Marshal: (mɑː.ʃəl) noun….etymology - archaic: Middle English, from Anglo-French ‘mareschal’, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German ‘marahscalc’, from ‘marah’ (horse) + ‘scalc’ (servant). Originally referring to "a person in charge of the upkeep of horses or stable hand”. The station became a position of trust and power in medieval courts and went on to acquire its modern military usage.

Chapters (11)