• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015

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A changeling worker masquerading as a struggling pony poet. (Who writes very little actual poetry)

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Chrysalis ascends to the throne in all her Majesty.

Blame NorrisThePony for the creation of this story. It's based on this comment that I decided to take as a challenge. Huge unmarked spoilers are in the comments!

Chapters (2)

Princess Luna is visited by her most faithful servant, bringing her old life and new life together. It seems her transition into the new world will be less seamless than she thought.

Chapters (5)

Luna has the cold, which activates Celestia's matronly instincts. Which drives Luna crazy.

New cover image courtesy of http://www.fimfiction.net/user/BlackLal.
Previous image: http://fav.me/d5tedm6

Chapters (7)

The Canterlot Archive decides to create a document listing the age of every pony in Equestria. It's impossible to mess this up.

The Canterlot Archive messes this up.

Proofread by Octavia Harmony.

Special thanks to Selbi for additional help.

Live reading by CaptainBron3y

Chapters (1)

You know what would be funny? Robbing a bank. Pinkie's pretty sure of that.

Not like the others have a say in the matter anyway.

Proofread by: Octavia Harmony, Neko Majin C, The Maskedferret, and Abcron.

Special thanks to Selbi and Lucky Roll.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to The Immortal's Midlife Crisis

After Celestia's disappearance, Luna was left to rule Equestria on her own; a task she's more than capable of doing...right?

Yeeeah--no, 'cause now she's working from nine to five in a doughnut shop...

Now with reading by TheCaptainSand - Scarlett Blade

Chapters (1)

Celestia, bored from her centuries-long routine of the same, stagnant thing day in and day out, snaps, causing the Princess of the Sun to make a few drastic changes to her life. A few drastic changes that might not be such a good thing for Equestria...

Now with reading by TheCaptainSand - Scarlett Blade

Chapters (1)

Most know the legend of Star Swirl, one of Equestria's most powerful unicorns from nearly one thousand years ago. But despite the stories of his great deeds and accomplishments that granted him legendary status throughout history, none truly know what became of him.

That is, until now...

Chapters (2)

Twilight finds a hidden book in the Royal Canterlot Library, though she might not like what it tells her.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shy and Sour

All Sour Sweet wants for Valentine's Day is for you to simply spend time with her at her house. However, when she teasingly refuses to say "I love you", a painful memory is triggered. One of a Valentine's Day that you had wished to forget.

Cover art by Kul.

Chapters (1)