• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015

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A changeling worker masquerading as a struggling pony poet. (Who writes very little actual poetry)

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This story is a sequel to Sour ‘n Sweet ‘n Pretty

You take your girlfriend, Sour Sweet to go see Canterlot City’s Christmas parade. Naturally, she mocks the whole thing.

Also, Derpy seeks the autograph of the parade’s Guest of Honor, Time Turner, star of the Doctor Whooves TV series… and it may only be up to her best friend, Rainbow Dash to make that happen!

( Serves as a follow-up to Riding Into the Future as well, however it's not required reading to enjoy )

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sour Sweet Reality

During a visit to Sunny Flare's mansion, Sour Sweet explains how her anxieties make her feel that having a mental condition means that she shouldn’t have children. As fate would have it, she discovers that she has run out of her medication the very next morning. Deciding to stay home from Crystal Prep and wait for her mother to pick up more, she learns that not all hallucinations are terrifying… especially those that call her “mama”.

Cover art by Kul.

(My first featured story! - 3/22/16)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shy and Sour

All Sour Sweet wants for Valentine's Day is for you to simply spend time with her at her house. However, when she teasingly refuses to say "I love you", a painful memory is triggered. One of a Valentine's Day that you had wished to forget.

Cover art by Kul.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Sour Sweet Star is Born

In an effort to improve her social skills, Sour Sweet’s therapist, Doctor Chrysalis suggests that she participate in a one-on-one support group session with a fellow client with similar issues. Enter Sour Sweet’s favorite “Horse Girl”: Fluttershy.

Based on the ideas of TheScarletSentinal

(Contains strong language, sexual discussion, and one violent but oh so very satisfying act at the end)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Sour Sweet Gesture

After failing at music videos and ( intentional ) comedy, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle are stuck in a rut to find something interesting to put up online. Their prayers are answered when they witness Sour Sweet throwing a tirade over a twenty cent increase on the price of milkshakes at Sugarcube Corner. The Crusaders recruit her in their quest for internet stardom, however they may just end up gaining something even better: friendship... AND internet stardom!

Chapters (1)

You’re a shy guy attending Crystal Prep who’s had a deep crush on Sour Sweet for years. One morning, you finally gather the courage to compliment on how pretty she is. There’s only one problem. She doesn’t agree.

Chapters (1)

Love and Hope once shone bright from a gleaming crystal city, only to be lost to the evils of indifference and despair. This is a tale of the leaders who built an empire based upon those virtues, and the two newly weds who are about to realize their shared destiny in reclaiming it.

[AU] Because of the Two Sisters book and Sombra Comic.

Edited by: Bok and Voidchicken
Proofread by: Geomancing and Wylie
Cover art by: FoxInShadow

Chapters (8)

[Crack Pairing] [RarityxKingSombra]

Rarity always liked the big, strong, regal, silent type. Sometimes we get exactly what we wish for, though not always packaged how we expected.

Written for the Crack Ships Inc. June Crack Ship Contest. (Tied for third place.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Umbra King

All is well in Ponyville. At least, that's what everypony says. One by one the residents of Ponyville begin acting strangely, calling into question the feeling of dread Rarity just can't seem to shake. A dark presence has slithered its way into Ponyville... one Rarity is sure she's felt before...

Will she be able to save her friends in time before its too late? Will the pony she fell for return, like in all her dreams? Only time will tell and she's quickly running out of it.

(Artwork [with permission] from NastyLady on deviantart)

Chapters (17)

King Sombra is resurrected from the dark magic of a gem found by Rarity. Twilight takes it upon herself, as the Princess of Friendship, to attempt to help him. However, Celestia has warned Twilight that his heart is "black as night" - can he even be saved? Should they even bother? And what of the gem that resurrected him?

When trouble once again comes to Ponyville is seems as though Sombra's time is up. Twilight must decide if he is to be imprisoned or allowed to roam free and it seems Rarity will be the ultimate deciding factor.

SEQUEL: The Umbra Queen

[Picture from Grumbeerkopp on Deviantart]

Chapters (12)