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Stalwart Drone has been a Night Guard for a little over two years, and now he's being reassigned to the Crystal Empire, forced to leave his home and his talent behind only to have to readjust to living up in the frozen north.

Ruby Swift, conversely, has been in Equestria for most of her life, and recently she's taken a... darker look on life.

Forced to live in the same house as one another, the unlikely duo are going to have to live with what they fear.
At least, for now anyway.

Cover image can be viewed in its full resolution by clicking on it (or right-clicking and opening it in a new tab.) Spent a couple days working on it and I'll be uploading it to my DeviantArt gallery soon.

Chapters (5)

I woke up to a burning building coming down on top of me.

Oh yeah, that isn't even the half of it. There's these freaky Technicolor horses everywhere too and a few of them were dressed in golden armour.

They bound me, dragged me to the castle and hooked me up to some chains. Currently I'm being interrogated by a white unicorn... guard. Whatever it's called.

Well, it's not like it could get much worse, right?

Rated teen for suggestive situations and bad language


Found some cover art.

Sorry to whomever made this, but the source website was taken down or something, so I'm really not sure who to credit.

Finally found the name of the artist: Blaz Portenta

I got featured a couple times. Yeah, I'm surprised too.

Chapters (23)

Cover art from HERE

Edit 14/3/2019: Had to remove the Drama tag because I wasn't allowed to save edits to the description due to too many tags due to the new rules.

I was enjoying a quiet day at work, when I suddenly find myself in what I can only describe as what a person high on drugs would see, before a blinding rainbow light slams into me and knocks me unconscious.

Upon awakening, I find something very off, not only about my surroundings, but myself. For one, I seem to have become a small horse and a female one at that.

I also seem to be in a forest of some kind. Hang on. Is this the Everfree?

Oh, great. What do i do now?

Well, having powers on par with a Chaos Lord certainly might come in handy. Let's see what i can do with them, shall we?

Sex tag for sexual references and teen for teen reasons, plus a lot crass swearing.

And, just be warned, that random tag is serious. Random shit will happen in this fic, so be wary of that when entering and DO NOT expect anything to just be normal at any point.

In Popular Stories 31/12/2015. What a way to end the year!

Featured 24/7/2016. Okay. Honest to God did not see that coming.

Featured again 31/7/2016. Wait. What?

Featured 5/8/2016. Someone's pulling my leg here, right?

Featured again 26/8/2016. No. Wait. WHAT?

Despite everything, got Featured 16/2/2017. Just hope the next update does this justice

In Featured 2/07/2017. Um... How? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad, but... how?!

Seriously? Featured 23/7/2017?

Featured 28?7/2017. .... Um, HOW?

Featured 4/8/2017. Wait, HOW?

Chapters (61)

"Either I'm tripping balls, which is possible since I took quite a few hits... Or this is all real. And I'm a kid again. A pony one."

Max gets the unfortunate- Or fortunate experience of suddenly finding himself in Equestria as a colt after doing a lot of drugs. How will the teen turned child handle a second child hood? Will he make friends? Will he survive with his addiction to drugs?

Probably not.

(T for language, mentioning of drug usage, and sexual mentionings toward young ponies.)
Tags will be added as I go along.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to About Last Night

One month ago, Twilight Sparkle and Applejack got drunk and then got married.

Now Twilight's a princess, and the pair have to work on integrating that new aspect of it into their relationship. Add to that Spike's feelings on the matter and the fact that he's getting the attention of fillies his age, and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's relationship, maybe they're better off grabbing a few more drinks...

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Astral Aegis

We had almost fifteen years to prepare. We have a world that would be a shield for Equus when war finally comes to us. We have new weapons, armor, and vehicles for this war. We have the Aegis Guard, which I trained to the best I could, a force that would serve on the front lines and more for this war. I just hope that is enough.
Editors: Personal Gamer Chapter 1-6
Rozen Knight Chapter 10 and onward.

Chapters (16)

From one barren wasteland to another, less barren wasteland, an Australian Information Technology worker finds himself stuck in the snow with nowhere to go. Armed with nothing but a cheap tool set and a three metre Ethernet cable, he must find a way to survive his new location. At least it can't get any worse... right?

Oh of course it can, it's a HIE.

Warning: Contains Australian, Changelings (of course), snow, occasional IT speak, less-than-stellar HIE satire, and shoddy humour not fit for a backyard comedy club.

Chapters (12)

You're just an ordinary guy, living an ordinary life. But your life changes one miserable Monday, when you arrive home to find an unexpected visitor in your house: specifically, you discover Twilight Sparkle in your bed.

Things go downhill fast.

And she's just your first visitor.

Tags and contributing authors will be added as needed. A couple new chapters will be added daily until the well runs dry. Continuity is overrated, so don't complain about it. It's a thematic collab, not a big budget Hollywood movie where there are never any continuity errors.
Do you want to join? Click here!

Chapters (78)

Follow Speaker and his changeling brothers and sisters who, after the events of Canterlot, took it upon themselves to find a new queen. They found a portal in a deep cave and went through it, questionable circumstances aside. Now they find themselves in a world full of humans, and with a new queen!

Meet Catherine and her family as they cope with a gaggle of shape-shifting creatures who really do just want to fit in and be loved.

The problem is, Catherine's parents are not very keen on their daughter chosen to be the new Queen of the Changelings.

And the cat has gone missing.


Some chapters will have musical numbers in them!

The story that inspired the two short stories that lead up to this one!

FimFic Authors are In Your Bed by Admiral Biscuit

Which two stories, you ask?

Link to Estee's short story is here.

Link to my short story is here.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to The Queen is Dead

[First Person] [Alternating Perspectives] [Equisverse Era 1]

After becoming famous for his medical skills at the the Second Badlands Battle, Azur (better known as Lily) is determined to establish a new life for herself in Equestria. Unfortunately, the young unicorn has no idea what to do with their newly found freedom. Having lived under the crushing heel of abusive parents and extremely strict scholastic standards, the freedom to choose what to do and when to do it is something entirely new for Lily.

Despite Lily’s friends living in Ponyville, she would rather find her own place. A simple place she can set up a business as a proper Biomancer, serving medical, cosmetic, and utilitarian needs, all the while acquiring the one thing she never had but always wanted. A loving family.

She'll get that and more, but unfortunately for her, she chose to get those things in the Weirdness Magnet that is Ponyville.

Featured on Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 02:38:52 AM UTC. :yay:
And again on Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 09:15:11 AM UTC. :yay:
And yet again on Friday, February 12, 2016 at 6:42 AM UTC :yay:
And once more on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 8:34 AM UTC :yay:
Apparently featured every time I upload... Huh. Cool!
Okay, seriously, every chapter thus far (to 8) gets featured. What did I do!?

For my fan’s convenience: This story takes place in an alternate timeline of the Equisverse. No storyline beyond that of The Bridesmaids, Horseshoes, Dinner at Ravenloft, The Queen is Dead, All Hail the Queen happens or will happen in this timeline. However, some world events, elements of the setting, and concepts from other works of mine apply, but this only pertains to foundational concepts such as thaumaturgic current. This is the more “serious” timeline.

Chapters (25)