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This story is a sequel to Distorted Fate

After enduring the task of adapting to being a filly and helping to stop a potential disaster from occurring, one would think that things are finally turning around for me. Sadly... fate will never be that nice to me. Now I have deal with ponies knowing that I was originally an alien, Twilight's desire to learn everything I know, as well as training a team of ponies to handle any interdimensional issues that could come to Equus thanks to Celestia's recklessness. My life just keeps getting worse.

Oh, and everypony said I'm also going to have to go through something else, but I didn't understand the word. Just give me a moment as I look it up. I think it started with a p.

Note: It is recommended to read Distorted Fate first. Also may contain some gore.
Updates Tuesdays and Fridays.

Art: WildSoulWS
Editors: FourponyChapters I-XXXV), Hyari(Chapters I-XIV) PersonalGamer (Chapters XXIX and onward) RockstarRaccoon (Chapters XXXVIII and onward), PinkieThePrankster (Chapters Chapter LVIII and onward)

Chapters (67)

Rainbow Dash, best pony, fastest flier in Equestria, all around awesome mare, was called upon to help with the wedding of her friend's big brother. And hey, she never leaves her friends hanging! Of course, when it turned out some kind of bug thing had replaced the bride, Rainbow was more then ready to fight. Heck, even after it seemed all hope was lost, the pegasus refused to give up.

So when she saw Shining Armor charge up a final spell, she smirked.

But when that spell reached her and flung her against the wall, her smirk devolved into shock...

Cover art is a combination of Deception is Magic vector by Helios and Sonic Rainboom Version One by SkyRings.

Chapters (18)

Daniel Habbuck, UN ambassador to Equestria, hates his job.

Sure it pays well, but it's hardly worth having to put up with flank-kissing politicians and the stomach twisting anxiety of knowing that he represents all of humanity.
One night, after a particularly tense meeting leaves him wound up, Daniel is desperate for somepony to talk to. With his friends either busy or too far away, he hires a batpony prostitute, just so he can have some company.

As he soon learns, there's much more to this streetwalker than meets the eye...

Rated T for sexual references, but no clop.

Special thanks to WingmanRed, Georg, and Kraken Hatchling for proofreading and editing

EDIT: Special, special thanks to Comrade Pony for the suggestions
EDIT: Deleted cover art.

Chapters (1)

To be inserted into Equestria, it's a dream come true for anybrony!

Meet the ponies!

Have super awesome magical adventures!

Use foreknowledge to avoid all those silly pratfall moments without screwing things up and causing irreparable harm to the Mane 6...uh...hopefully!

And all for the low cost of possessing Princess Luna, denying her any real freedom or the ability to move on with her life since she's in your head and you're walking around as Nightmare Moon!

Yeah...there had to be a catch in there somewhere, didn't there?

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Winds of Change

Lyra and Bonbon are two normal happily married mares, except one isn't a mare but a shapeshifting hermaphroditic erovore whose mother just invaded Canterlot and the other is a highly unstable mare in heat with an absolutely brilliant plan.

...well, they're happily married, anyway.

Join Lyra and Bonbon as they navigate the wonders of interspecies pregnancy*. Or don't! It's not everyone's cup of tea, and there's a super hero movie in theatre five!

*Including random ponies touching their belly, well meaning bedroom advice from bakers, odd food cravings, morning sickness, cultural misunderstandings, morning sickness, big dramatic fights, random cravings for cardboard, gaining weight, lynch mobs, morning sickness, awkward godmothers who try too hard, patching up feelings, cravings that are downright disturbing, morning sickness in the afternoon, morning sickness, moodswings, pulled medication, bricks thrown through windows, lawsuits, surprisingly intense bedroom activities, dress up, shopping, royal visitations, morning sickness on princesses, kicking foals, more moodswings, mothers who move in to help out alongside their BDSM masters, random periods of glowing, even more moodswings, depression, hyperventilation, dramatic break-ups, internal bleeding, trying to outrun trains, robbing a convenience store, being thrown in prison, having odd cravings for prison food, false labor alarms, morning sickness at night, morning sickness in dreams, dramatic make-ups, numerous hospital visits, and a pair of guards named Lace and Arsenic.

(Cover Art provided by Conicer)

Chapters (13)

Everyone has their circle of friends in college. Mine is relatively small. There's me, Noah, an Astronomy major. There's Klaus, a griffon, and a Game Design major. There's Maud, an earth pony, and a Geology major...

and then there's Nightshade.

She's a transfer student from Equestria, and the most recent member of our circle. Klaus, Maud and I have known her for three months, and she's adjusted nicely to life in Florida. We all consider her to be a close friend, and she seems to feel the same way about us.

But as much as we'd all like to think that we know everything about our best friends, sometimes that isn't the case.

This is an HiE/Anthro story where humans and ponies have been in contact for fifteen years, and takes place after Season 3, but in an alternate timeline from Season 4. The story takes place on Earth, and because I know someone will ask: THIS IS NOT RELATED TO ANY OF MY PREVIOUS STORIES.

Cover Art: Me
Editor: danail24
Creative Consultant: Dewybmt

Featured on 7/12/14!

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to The Epic Quest of Ford Mustang

Shortly after their wedding, Ford Mustang and his wife, Rainbow Dash, have already made plans to have their first foal together. With each passing month, they go through the usual joys and struggles from starting their own family as they cherish what they have from their friends and family. But as his beautiful, blue angel goes through her pregnancy, Ford starts to receive terrible visions that may determine the ultimate outcome of Rainbow Dash's fate. Mustang has gone through many challenges in his previous adventure, but can he find a way to change her fate in time or will he have to accept the inevitable in the end? Don't miss out on the final chapters that will ultimately conclude the Trilogy of Ford Mustang!

Chapters (37)

This story is a sequel to Poniocracy

This story is required to be published so that links in the main story work. This compilation will probably not make sense, unless you read: Poniocracy PLEASE IGNORE THIS UPDATE (sorry potentially excited followers looking for new content).

Index of Unpublished Stories:

Info: Published stories will all keep their links. These are just to make things easier for me. I really should have done this a long time ago. Also fair warning: Some of these side stories are incomplete. I may not even finish them unless I have time. That's why they're side stories, they're optional.

The Story of the Gorlians and Equestria
The Gorlians and Ponies Make First Contact - Things Go Well
The Gorlians have finally decided to make contact with Equestria, when they find a human among the populace, the situation quickly devolves into a political nightmare that could only be solved by the banishing of an entire race to the moon.

Human Manual I:
Version 1.0 of the Human Manual Index
The human manual index is the primary guide for all human interactions with the Cry-podâ„¢. Make sure you are 100% trained with this glorious manual to encompass all human interactions.

Equine Manual I:
Version 0.0000001alpha of the Equine Manual Index
The human equine manual index is the primary guide for all human equine interactions with the Cry-podâ„¢. Make sure you are 100% trained with this glorious manual to encompass all human equine interactions.

Why Emergencies Should Be Handled Calmly
You don't want to end up burying dead bodies, do you?
Why it's a good idea to remain absolutely calm when dealing with dead bodies.

Why Emergencies Should Be Handled Calmly II
Why it's good that Twilight learned how to apply first aid before trying her hoof at autopsy.
Sometimes, knowledge is a burden.

Blue Pill
David knows that taking the Red Pill is a huge mistake.
Sometimes, just take the Blue Pill.

David's Nightmares
David knows that pissing off Twilight was a huge mistake.
David don't sleep, don't blink. If you blink, she'll get you.

Robot Manticore Attack
Robot manticores are no joke. Until they are.
Twilight, I need a medic here. No, not Dr. Staton. No, not you either.
You know what?

The First Law
Don't be a bad robot. Also, kill all the humans.
Robots, they're kind of like people, except a little more sarcastic.

David wasn't David, Discord was David, Discord was being Discord, because David wasn't Discord.
Sometimes you can take a prank a little too far.

A Dated Journal Entry
Writing in a journal to express your feelings can be difficult. The task is onerous but fulfilling. Personal thoughts and opinions clash and meld together, but you come out stronger because of it.
Twilight writes a heartfelt note to her Diary. She hasn't kept up with it for a long time. It's nice.

Where you can have all your fast food craving met.
Remember kids, fast food is bad for you, meat is bad for the Earth and they're both addictive.

McQuestria II
McQuestria harder.
Remember kids, time travel is possible.

To Touch The Stars
Don't send humans into space. It's bad enough they live on one planet.
As the British Captain of this fine vessel commands you: Stop dilly dallying and get to work!
This work is not to be confused with: To Touch The Stars

Dragon's Fire
Making alcohol in Equestria is more dangerous than it looks.
Bacardi Breezes are a breeze, Bacardi!

Miracles can happen twice.
Good thing ponies never had access to nuclear technology... yet.

Celestia Drunk Texts... If She Could Use A Phone
Always have someone stronger than you to take care of you when you’re drunk.
Unless you're an alicorn, no one can stop you. Don't get drunk.

Who Invented Hooves?!
Booping ponies on the nose might seem like fun, but it's actually quite a dangerous proposition.
No one pony should have all this power.

At Your Service
It's just a quick vignette into the life of an average Gorlian.
Gorlians have it tough, but at least their cleaning service is punctual.

Pinkie Pie sits there with not much to do. It's excruciating.
Twilight old Pinkie not to touch the orb. Pinkie touched it.

How To Make A World
It's quite simple really. The Universe will show you how!
In which it is all the ways you SHOULDN'T make a world. Oh well.

Foal Move
Teaching a class can be hard for some people, for David? Downright frightening.
Foals are an amazing tool. If used with care.

It's like a secret language and only Australians can speak it.
And 'roos. Don't forget 'roos.

Don't underestimate the power of moustaches.
Twilight did. She regretted it.

When all else fails, you can always make friends with your friend's friend.
Or can you?

When Moop stumbles upon a secret government conspiracy, it's only logical that he gets roped in
The moral of the story is not to accidentally stumble into abandoned warehouses.

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to This is bad!

With everything going back to normal... *Pft* Who am I kidding? Nothing is normal in the town of Ponyville. With the everyday craziness that you can find there, you can now find even more of it. I present to you Pinkie Pie and Diane Pie! Yes, there are two of them in town now!

As Alexander settles into Ponyville as Diane Pie. He enjoys the daily life of Pinkie Pie as she shows him the ropes to being a party pony. Meeting the family, explaining what is going on to every new pony he meets and getting used to now being called "she". All in a pink pony's day.

Trying not to think about her own home world Diane jumps the opportunity to fit in. All is fine, even if she does know that some things will be coming their way in the near future... Only thing is that she thinks she knows what. When in reality, she has no idea how wrong she is.
For in the shadows, there are others, not so happy with the recent turn of events. And they will do anything to get things their way.

But for now, let's see if we can get a status report from Diane Pie as she once again turns to the fourth wall to explain what happened since we last saw her and what is currently going on.

Featured! 2015-06-12 - 2015-06-14
Featured! 2015-09-28
Featured! 2015-12-22
Featured! 2016-05-04

Chapters (6)

I was living a comfortable life. Had a loving wife and son, money was absolutely no issue, everything was swell.

Next thing I know, I'm hearing voices, I can't move, I can't talk, I can't even breathe. Yet, I know I'm alive, though I don't entirely feel like myself anymore.

Then I end up being the last of survivor of my new race.

I'm not even human anymore...


-A HiE fic as a changeling in an alternate universe where MLP was never aired on Earth.
-Starts shortly before the end of Season 2.
***Slow updates! You've been warned!***
-Current cover image is a placeholder. Trying to find a more appropriate one...
-Comments below contain spoilers!
-The [Tragedy] tag is there mainly because I can't put up the [Sad] tag, due to conflicts with the [Comedy] tag.

Chapters (18)