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Love comes in many forms. There's the love for friends, love for family, love for romantic partners, that unconditional love that leaders have for their nations, and of course loved personal artifacts. Changelings feed off love, and while they prefer the love of romantic partners, any love will do in a pinch. And hey, they might just find love themselves sometimes.

Chapters (1)

•Project dropped. See blog or PM for details.•

In this world, there exist ponies with special abilities to manipulate objects and transform one object into another. These ponies are known as alchemists. However, the process comes with a cost; the basic law of alchemy states that in order to gain something, you must sacrifice something of equal value.

Twilight Sparkle is one such alchemist, her talents renowned across the land. In an accident several years ago, she nearly lost her older brother, Shining Armor, due to a transmutation gone horribly wrong. Twilight's quick thinking allowed her to contain her brother's soul in his suit of armor, but only by paying a great price in exchange.

Now, to get back what they've lost, the siblings embark on a journey to find the elusive Alicorn Amulet, which is fabled to enhance the powers of alchemy...and bypass the Law of Equivalent Exchange.

An adaptation of MLP and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, inspired by Argodaemon's exemplary video.
Rated for moderate violence, themes of mortality, and some language.
Written by Leoshi. Collaboration with Twilight is the BEST, proofread by Spirit Seer.
Previous pre-reading courtesy of Zo, Harmsy, and Famous.

Chapters (15)

A human has arrived in Ponyville that the Apples dubbed, "Anonymous."
Twilight is worried he might be dangerous. They know nothing about him after all. However, the Apples still treat him like a common pet, until he begins mimicking speech.

Chapters (13)

The queen has fallen. Her kingdom has splintered. The failure at Canterlot, however, did not begin her downfall.

It was the son she bore. Called by changelings a Halfling, his blood mixed with the blood of ponies has him marked as an abominition in the eyes of the most conservative of changelings. Fearing change and what a mixed breed foal might mean, the Royal caste collaborated with members of the Religious caste to declare the queen and her child outcast from changeling society, effectively stripping her of her title and the authority with it. With her kingdom in a state of civil war, the fleeing former queen does the unexpected and sets her sights upon the Crystal Empire for refuge.

With a small group of loyal followers, she made her way to the north, into the Everwinter Storm where the Crystal Empire awaited. There, a changeling priestess offers refuge and Sanctuary on holy ground. There, the queen might be able to secure a refuge for her son. Perhaps his father would be keen to take him in while she set about the business of righting the wrongs against her.

Vengeance, but only after her son is seen to a safe and secure environment.

But why let him be raised by prey?

MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro.
MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust.
All OC's are mine unless specified.

This story is not canon past season 3.
Chrysalis' name from the show will not be used as her real name, but as the code name given to her by the ponies for investigative purposes.

You guys are awesome. Thank you!

Chapters (27)

There once was a story about the beautiful dark alicorn who moved the moon. In the tranquil countryside, a young boy listened to the story, looked at the stars, and imagined. He grew up and fell in love with the ruler of the night … and she loved him, too.

It was perfect, except for one nagging doubt in the back of the quiet boy's head: she was a character from a children's story.

Winner of the Writeoff Association's "Written In The Stars" competition! ** Featured on Equestria Daily ** Featured by The Royal Guard (twice! :twilightblush:)

Rated ★★★★★ by Louder Yay! "This is, perhaps, a Lucky Dreams story for grown-ups. ... Plenty of magic and friendship here, but also sadness and loss ... a clear classic."

Highly Recommended by Present Perfect! "An excellently written story about an emotional encounter between the titular characters … yet a good bit more than that. If you like reading, you will like reading this."

Recommended by Titanium Dragon! "This story had an excellent style to it, a sort of fairy-tale-like quality … really, this is a work of original fiction which pokes at MLP in only the barest of ways. But that doesn't mean it isn't relevant to your interests."

Art: Assembled by me. Luna vector by azur-wing.

Chapters (1)

20-year-old Ryan Burbank is living with his girlfriend in their woodland home when he is struck by a mysterious infection seemingly out of nowhere. To everyone's horror, his sickness spreads quickly throughout his body, shutting him down one piece at a time. The doctors are at a loss of what to do about this new form of bacteria. Ryan and his loved ones choose to keep fighting until either a cure can be discovered...or the pain becomes too much.
At the height of his suffering, he discovers a happy little show while watching television in his hospital room. The bright colors and happy attitudes of the cartoon equines provide him with a much-needed escape from the daily pain of being killed from the inside.
Eventually, the pain becomes too much and he decides it would be better to go out surrounded by his family, in the embrace of those who kept him company throughout his short life. Just as he starts to fade, his eyes wander to the screen of the hospital room television and the cartoon ponies who adorn it. Something strange begins to occur...almost like the screen is pulling him in. Tunnel vision, maybe?
No, that can't be it...why can he hear his name being called by a very familiar voice? And why is she...crying? Who is this crying, familiar voice and why does she seem to know him?



Rated "Teen" for language and the "Sex" tag is for all of the sexual humor and suggestive situations. If I decide to up the suggestive stuff in the future, I'll change the tags and rating to fit that change.

Cover by enamis.

Chapters (21)

This story came from an idea I blogged about a while back. Some of the details will change and have changed, but it has the basic gist of what I have planned.

Go check my third latest blog to find out :D

Celestia was betrayed by Discord many years ago, tricked into believing that Equis's doom was nigh.

The result was each and every sapient inhabitant on the planet moving to an uninhabited world, but Celestia being left behind as a consequence.

And yet as the years pass on by and nothing changes...something does.

Read on as the mare recalls what she can, whilst fighting her gradual slip into a false reality.

Where a young human is her son.

Where the impossibility is explained as a gift from The Great Mother herself.

Where memories fade and delusions take their place.

Or have they already?

This story is a small prologue of sorts to an upcoming story simply called Mother?. It's just a drabble I magicked up in an hour or so, hope you enjoy it.

If anyone has a better picture then send it my way please :)

Chapters (1)

Celestia has had plenty of interesting drunken moments. That night with the mule, the time she woke up on pirate ship in the middle of the sea, and who could forget the time she woke up with a pair of wings, a horn, and a fancy tiara. Oh, and a hangover the size of the sun.

Warning: Drunken Silliness and plenty of foul mouthing

So me and Fuzzyfurvert were having a conversation about how it would be funny if we made a fic with a slightly similar idea to Conker's Bad Fur Day. It extended to Celestia being an earth pony who had one too many to drink. So you can blame him for this silliness.

Chapters (1)

Xenolance, a devious villain, had been cornered by the Mane six, and soon his villainous ways will be brought to an end!

... If the six heroines can stay on topic, that is.

Just a quick one-shot. Had this idea for a day or two, and couldn't keep a serious face for the life of me.

Due to vague death threats popular demand, additional shorts in this series will be added. The story will remain 'Complete', as the additional shorts will be mostly self contained.

Chapters (12)

Cover Art by FriendlyTwo3
*Takes place after season 2 finale.*
(Currently revising past chapters to make them sexier and more appealing.)
(Currently revising summary description.)
(Note to self, remember to eventually revise summary description.)

Diabolical and evil human goes to Equestria, and tries to take over the world? Pfft, if he's "Evil", then that one guy who doesn't say 'bless you' when you sneeze must be Hitler reincarnate.

A HiE fanfic that was probably done a couple times before, BUT I MADE IT BETTER.

Wacky protagonist genius, an army of robots with stun-guns, a goal of domination, a moral code, and a determined mindset! Meet "Evil Lord Emperor Connery NotEvilGuy!" The inevitable future emperor of us all!

You can tell that he's pure evil, because he has the word "Evil" in his last name!

A guy that steal money from you, if you're a Government official that likes to deal drugs and smuggle newborn infants. A guy that will build a laser that can blow up the freakin' moon, but only if it was about to crash into us. He'll freakin' TICKLE YOU if you defy him and his empire!

Yeah... Diabolical mastermind right there.

Rated T: For lots of potty-mouth nonsense.


Chapters (22)