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Many years ago Equestria had a holiday celebrating fears and scares under the watchful eye of Nightmare moon. Now one of the artificial alicorns thinks its time to bring it back. With the help of ghoul pegasis, she is determined to succeed

A working knowledge of Fallout Equestria, Fallout Equestria Hivemind, and of the MLP FIM episode "Luna Eclipsed" is helpful to read this story

EQD cover link

Chapters (1)

This is a side story to my Fallout Equestria fic, Trigger to Tomorrow. Crossfire, a notorious member of the Skull City Drifter's Guild, is a mare who only cares about caps and her next job. But who was she before that? How did she come to live in Skull City and call the Drifter's Guild home? This story shows this mares origins, focusing on her arrival in the Skull City Wasteland, and the events leading up to her appearance in Trigger to Tomorrow.

Chapters (6)

From neighboring stables, a pair of unlikely friends find themselves thrust into a wide, frightening new world, ripe with dangers and exciting adventures in store for them. Between the new friends they'll make on this expedition, and the new challenges they'll face in the irradiated icebox the North Equestrian wasteland is, they have to decide for themselves just how much it was worth it to leave their homes.

Co-written by myself and my close friend Minty Candy.

Now with a page on TVTropes!

Chapters (18)

Set in the world created by Kkat and expanded upon by other authors, this story takes place in Fallout: Equestria, following the journey of Nevermore. Unforgiven, she atones for her sins through aimless wandering, enduring the suffering around her. Her life is a cold and lifeless thing, and she has grown to accept her fate, as much as she rails against it. But perhaps even one such as she can find a glimmer of hope in the blasted wasteland, or will the world break her further, as she races against time.

All rights to their original owners. No claims made or implied by this work.

Thanks so much to Nessy from for the wonderful artwork!

Chapters (25)

At the end of the war, after the blast of balefire tore his city asunder, a ghoulified Zebra is left to question if his actions were right, and if his punishment is as fitting as the stars have implied it to be. He will have to fight for his life after losing everything, but is there really something left to hope for in the hellish lands that he inhabits, or will he be doomed to an existence of suffering for his sins?

A short Fallout: Equestria sidestory written in an attempt to see how I can do without some of the things I always rely on with a normal fic. I would love to hear any sort of feedback on it, positive or negative, but overall I hope you enjoy it all the same.

Here's a fantastic reading of it done by Plagen Shiki over on youtube if you want to listen along!

Chapters (1)

My second place entry for the Fallout: Equestria 500 members writing competition, choosing the theme "Before the bombs".

This isn't a tale of great heroism, of any great battle fought hard and won well. Deadbolt Tumbler never really had any driving force in his life, he didn't have a special somepony, he didn't even have any friends. He was content to do his job to the best of his abilities everyday and live out his life in peace as he always had, but the great war was now in full swing, and as it often does, fate decides to intervene. On the afternoon of his 18th birthday, he was drafted to fight for his country, throwing him into a world of new experiences that threaten to shatter his fragile perception of friends, love, and loss. Although he had written them off as nothing more than fables as a colt, he soon comes to see that the monsters from the tales of old, still roam the battlefields before him.

The wonderful youtuber Plagen Shiki has done a marvelous reading of this story! You can find it here if you'd like to listen as you read!

Chapters (2)

As Fen Runner dutifully worked on the ancestral farm, he glanced at the southern edge of his field with a feeling of unease. He wondered when that had started; that odd gut feeling that down there, in those caves, something horrible happened.

He gazed at the ancient wartime complex in the far distance, and hoped this didn't mean he would be the next victim of its curse.

This fanfiction is based on Fallout: Equestria by Kkat; a familiarity with the source material may aid your understanding. You can find Fallout: Equestria here on Equestria Daily, or here on FimFic.

If you enjoy Fallout Equestria side stories, you can visit the Fallout: Equestria Resource website, which hosts a complete archive of all of them, and has links to useful places like the Fallout: Equestria wiki and community irc chat.

Chapters (1)

"Live a little, they say. Easier said than done."

These are the voyages of the Canterlot ghoul Lemon Frisk. His mission: to find the Meaning of Unlife. His continuing perils: crazed raiders, feral ghouls, overzealous rangers, deranged robots, and a mare who won't stop poking him.

Set in the universe of Fallout: Equestria, by Kkat.

Audio book:
The Daily Unlife Day 0 to 4 on YouTube (by NitoKa)

Download: (warning - E-books include the explicit "Night Eight" chapter :raritywink:)
The Daily Unlife E-book in epub format (936 KiB)
The Daily Unlife E-book in pdf format (4.32 MiB)
TDU Media Pack: all the stuff linked to from the story and more, to enjoy all of the story offline (16.49 MiB)

Russian version:
Fallout Equestria: Обыденная нежизнь on, translated by TL082CP.
Audio book on YouTube by Diogenus.

Spanish version:
Fallout Ecuestria. El desvivir diario on DeviantArt, translated by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Fallout: Equestria - The Hooves of Fate

Rose Petal, a filly who sees the future in dreams and visions, gets a glimpse of Manehattan during turbulent times. Princess Celestia has resigned, Equestria is on the brink of war, and the whole city erupts upon hearing the news. Rose Petal struggles to see one little filly to safety, and to make sense of a future that's seemingly doomed.

Chapters (1)

Break Point is a simple earth pony that wants a simple, easy, and safe, not dangerous in anyway whatsoever, life. Unfortunately, this is shattered when she accidentally causes the death of the son of Cosa Nostra, a powerful and dangerous crime lord that rules her town with an iron hoof. Now she must find a way to survive in the Equestrian Wasteland, a place that tears weak ponies like her to shreds. Little did she know that she would become the powerful and feared figure known as the Black Cat.

A crossover between MLP, Fallout Equestria, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
Based on Kkat's Fallout Equestria. This is set 50 years before Littlepip started her adventures.

Wonderful cover art by ShimmerKoi.

Thanks to GreyGuardPony , firehawk732, and Starlight Nova for prereading this.

Editing done by the wonderful Starlight Nova.

Chapters (55)