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The Stable-Tec Assisted Targeting Spell is a marvel of design, adding certainty to a very uncertain process - combat. With it, you can figure out how likely you are to hit, how likely you are to disable your target. It'll alert you if something which poses an imminent threat to you has sight of you. And it'll do even more in the near future.

But not every head of Stable-Tec believes that the company should be in the fire control business.

(A one-shot written to get the idea out of my head. This story requires familiarity with Fallout Equestria and Project Horizons.)

Chapters (1)

This is what happens when I get linked to the plane ponies tag on derpibooru. This is what happens when I'm also very bored and need something to do. This is something horrible that I still don't regret.

Nobody should take this story seriously or expect it to ever be continued or expanded. If you do, you're doing something wrong, and I hope you enjoyed it for what it is and can get past the wacky as hell concept.

Be warned, sexual innuendo and airplane puns await those who enter this magical realm, and I deny all responsibility for mental confusion or breakdowns as a result of this.

That being said, I hope it's fun to read.

Synopsis: In the midst of a firefight, Redline, an Enclave soldier, is shot from the sky and contemplates the day leading up to the operation that would end her life, and wondering if she could have found a way to get out before the fighting even started.

Chapters (1)

Not everypony who crawls out of a stable can be a Littlepip or a Blackjack. Some try and fail. Some just give up after a while. Some are still alive fifteen years after they emerged, admittedly, crippled or insane, but hey, this is the wasteland. Cyborgs Anne and her brain damaged mother Lee are forced to return to the hell hole that created them in order to find out what was done to them almost two decades ago, and that means putting down their tools and picking up their guns again.

Chapters (39)

Food ponies have it rough. For one thing, the ultimate pleasure lies not in physical touch, but in being, well, eaten, some enjoying this pleasure to the fullest and losing their lives. Parmesan, a pizza pony, came to Ponyville after narrowly avoiding being eaten in Manehatten. She never wanted much out of a relationship, but it would be nice to find at least one pony who can treat her normally without looking at her like she's just a breadstick. So, when she meets a fun loving pink mare that tastes of cotton candy and isn't bothered by her gooey complexion, she can't help but get a little cheesy.

Art by Kooner01 of DA, Credited to swaetshrit of DA

Chapters (1)

Practicing her sonic rainboom technique on a cool morning in Ponyville with Applejack as her spotter, Rainbow Dash rescues another pegasus from an imfamous Falling Leaf Spin.

Upon recovery, they discover that the young mare had been in posession of an extremely sophisticated camera, now a pile of scrap metal on the ground.

In an attempt to console the distraught pegasus, Dash and AJ search for a solution to her busted optics, only to end with the young pegasus leaving for the manufacturer in a rush of excitement.

Things take a turn for the strange when the same pegasus returns four hours later with a brand new camera... From a round-trip journey of over five thousand miles.

Tempers flare, challenges are issued, and Rainbow Dash's pride is put to the ultimate test.

What is the secret of the photographer known as Dainty Dish?

Chapters (8)

The following is a midquel to my previous completed work, Fallout: Equestria - Outlaw.

Violence and death are an everyday thing in the Wasteland. When you see ponies dying around you on a daily basis–some by your own hoof–you tend to grow numb to it. When the ponies dying are the ones fighting at your side, when the ponies dying are the very first ponies you could ever call your friends and there's not a single thing you can do about it, though...

Suddenly you're not so numb anymore.

Chapters (1)

When the megaspells fell, everything died, but New Pegasus endured. The city of mobsters, crime, vice and gambling survived and thrived during the long balefire winter. Twenty years after the Day of Sunshine and Rainbows, New Pegasus is still a beacon in the middle of the Neighvada Desert, a pot of gold for whoever can get his hooves on it.

My name is Farsight, and I know everything about the dark secrets that the neon billboards don't show... I've seen the best and the worst; and I've pulled many strings. In my world, there are no heroes or villains, just ponies with ambitions and goals that can be bent to one's interest; for I know an undeniable truth: Everypony has a plan. Allow me to show you how I worked my way out of the gutter, how I climbed to the top of the ladder... and how I fell.

PDF version also available for download: Viva Las Pegasus PDF

Note: Thanks to Doomande, Dinawartotem and Fillyosopher for their help! To all readers, comments are welcome! I'll try to reply to them as much as possible. Thanks!

Cover Art by the magnificent CalamityB31

Chapters (30)

This story is a prequel to Fallout: Equestria - Memories

Inquisitors, agents of the Circle of Steel, uphold the integrity of the Codex. Any Steel Ranger that fails to abide by the Codex or has renounced it will suffer fatal consequences. When words of dissent and treachery reach the ears of Inquisitor Souffle, he departs to silence the renegades that dare oppose the Codex and threaten to destroy what the Steel Rangers stand for.

Proudly part of The ABCs of Fallout: Equestria!

Chapters (1)

Equestria's fate changed forever on The Last Day, when magical fire rained down across the land. Many perished when magical fires scorched the land and sapped the life from the surface of Equestria. In that destruction everything changed for in the lives of those ponies who survived but also for those ponies who weren't lucky enough to find shelter in the Stables. Lightning Dust was one such pony who met her fate when Equestria died. Her story was one of many that was long forgotten by those who did not remember her. But it is often said that Death is the final thing that separates ponies from the world of the living. Once you cross that threshold there is no coming back. But the magic of Equestria runs deep and even the Apocalypse is no match for it. So the veil of Death has been pulled back and a long forgotten pony shares her story.

Cover art by Turtledude.

Chapters (5)

Thanks to all readers! It was wonderful to know you.

See the finished spiritual successor here.

Chapters (24)