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A lone samurai has wandered the world for years, in search of a way home. He has been in the future and seeks a way back to the past before the reign of Aku. But he has either lost the chance to or selflessly given it up for the sake of others.

But the samurai has found another opportunity. In another world, the samurai called Jack will search for a way back to his time in a world of magic. A second chance has been given, and Jack will do his best to get back. Back to the past.

Written by me. Edited by A Man Undercover.

Chapters (17)

Hey, my name is James and everything was going great for me. I had a nice job, great house, loving family and the bestest friends you could have, but it all changed when I went to comic-con dressed as the legendary purple dragon himself, Spyro.

There I was checking out the different booths when a man called 'The Merchant' came literally out of no where and tried to sell me a power crystal from the Spyro games. I hesitated at first, but the price was reasonable so I bought it, but right when I grabbed the crystal I started to feel dizzy and that's when everything went black.

Now here I am stuck on a strange world, not knowing if I am ever going to find a way back home. Did I mention that there are also technicolor ponies that may or may not try to kill me?

OMG!! Featured 6/21/15
Featurd 6/22/15
Featured 2/27/2018

The first installment of The Hybrid Multiverse

[Displaced Story]
(Under rewrite. Chapters will say remastered)
(Third-person and First-person Transitions)
All the characters and pictures belong to their respective owners please support the official release.

Chapters (37)

A new chapter opens when The Legendary Purple Dragon Spyro and his mate Cynder discover that Malefor is alive and stowed to take revenge upon them. They then discover he opened a portal to a new world to gain new power and gain followers to praise him. Chronicler Ignitus informs The two dragons he must be stopped. Ignitus opens a portal Malefor entered. Spyro and Cynder awake in a new, unusual world. Along the way, they friended six ponies and two Alicorn princesses. Spyro, Cynder, and their new friends must now team up to stop Malefor before it's too late.

Chapters (7)

As Spyro heard those three words from Cynder, his power exploded, engulfing the world. He could feel the lives of every living thing, including the one who loved him standing right beside him. But what caught his attention most of all was the feeling that Malefor was still alive in the dark crystals. Spyro knew he could do something about that, but his happiness towards Cynder's confession knew no bounds and he realised that if he'd endangered Malefor's life any further, he would become just like him. So instead of finishing what he'd started, he gave Malefor a second chance; in the form of an alternate reality.

Malefor awakens in a strange new world he doesn't recognise or particularly care for. Seeing only the sky, it is not the sky he envisioned. Having been fatally wounded somehow, perhaps during a fall, Malefor finds he is younger than before but the power still resonates as strongly within him. What kind of mischief will he get up to when he's fully healed?

Note: Though this story is labelled as teen: sex, there may or may not be sexual references. And Romance is a maybe.

Chapters (3)

Feeling restless at the dragon temple, the purple dragon of legend decides to take a leisurely flight one night. That all changes when a freak storm sends Spyro tumbling through a vortex and finds himself in a rather colorful new world.

Chapters (24)

Calvin was like all other Sixth grade boys in his class. He was Adventurous, brave and daring. Some of his hobbies included Video Games, Trading Card Games, soccer and various other activities. One of those things though was that he liked to play Skylanders. At times, he even imagined himself as one of the characters as he played around his backyard and saw the family dog as one of Kaos' minions. At times, he even wished to wonder if one day, he could become one of them

But he was never prepared for when that wish of his came true.

This is his story.

[Skylanders/MLP Displaced Crossover]
Credits to everything shown

Rated E10 because it's a skylanders story. You get the rest
Featured 9/15/16 and on 1/9/17: You guys are awesome!!
Featured again on 6/21/2018! You guys are the best!!
Featured on 7/19/2019! Thank you so much for the support everypony!
Featured on 4/26/2020!!

Chapters (56)

(Spyro seriesXmlp) Spike's always been curious about his race, but then again what dragon wouldn't be when all they've ever known is ponies? So when a spell book arrives that may offer some answers to his questions, with a little help from Twilight of course, the young dragon is overjoyed to say the absolute least.

Though when things somehow end up going astronomically sideways, Ponyville finds itself playing host to three unexpected visitors; three scaly visitors by the names of Spyro, Cynder, and Ember to be exact, each bringing their own personal touch of chaos to the small town.

Soon awkward and unusual situations arise, tempers flare with destructive consequences, personal demons and ancient evils threaten to rear their long suppressed heads, and Spike learns that sometimes, if you wait long enough, love will find you.

Inspired by this piece of fan-art I found (not mine) featuring Spike and Ember, and the short comic 'Spyro's back'

Chapters (18)

Equestria will come into contact with the Skylanders and a whole new adventure will take the ponies to an entirely new direction that will intertwine the destiny of the Mane 6 with the Skylanders.

(This is basically a merged universe of all Spyro trilogies. Classic, Legend and Skylanders.)

Chapters (103)

After Spike's growth spurt, Celestia decided that its time for the young dragon to be taught what it means to be a dragon. So she contacts the distant universe of Avalar and asked Spyro to teach the young drake, which of course Spyro accepts. Now Spyro must deal with training a dragon who doesn't act like a dragon, keeping the populace of Ponyville under control, and fighting off the remains of the Dark Master's forces who have somehow followed him. Luckily he's got Cynder and Sparx alongside to help...right?

EDIT: Very late in saying this bu thank you everyone for getting this story to be featured. Means a lot to me.

Basically this is a T-rated crossover that takes place after the events of Dawn of the Dragon. I should mention that this story will contain spoilers for anyone who hasn't played that game. Of course, I don't own anything except for this story.

Chapters (39)

Twilight is very excited to have perfected a new transformation spell. While trying it out on Cadance, however, an ill-timed sneeze turns everypony in the room into cats, including Princess Celestia.

Stuck in the form of a tiny (and adorable) kitten, without access to magic, Twilight has to find a way to fix everything, all while dealing with her growing feline instincts, the hazards of a pony-sized world, and a Princess Celestia who seems to have forgotten she ever was a pony.

This story was commissioned by DbzOrDie. It features cover and interior art by the talented Elbdot.

Chapters (1)