• Member Since 18th Jan, 2016


Just an extremely shy lurker who reads pony words.

Read It Later 5500 stories
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    Created by Laser_Face
    - January, 2016
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Estimated Reading: 121 weeks



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This story is a sequel to A Certain Magical Sunset

Sunset Shimmer, personal student of Princess Celestia, had seen her future and was delighted.

Looking into Star Swirl's Mirror, she saw something she had never imagined; Herself, as an Alicorn Princess. Filled with delight, Sunset now knew nothing could keep her from the side of her beloved mentor, helping her and ruling with her. It wasn't just a dream. It was her destiny.

So when her mentor suggested she take time out from her studies to make some friends, you could forgive her for not giving more than a token effort. What could be more important than learning everything she needed to know so she could serve her princess through an alicorn's lifetime as a princess, ruling by her side, lifting the burdens she faced daily?

Celestia, knowing her time was short and there was a high chance she would fall with her sister on her return, was pushing Sunset to hone her diplomatic skills, her magical prowess, and her battle skills, enrolling her as a Battle Mage in her service. She needed somepony who could step in and defend her ponies if the worst were to happen.

Then things changed. Her mentor took on another student, an annoyingly cute little nerdy filly named Twilight Sparkle. And soon after, another princess appeared, newly ascended and needing guidance, Princess Cadance.

Maybe, Sunset decided, she needed some friends after all.

This is the prequel to A Certain Magical Sunset. While this is an AU, events are largely in line with cannon, with exceptions noted as they occur. Sunset still ends up in the unhappy place of rebelling against her mentor, and stealing off through Star Swirl's Portal to the world of Equestria Girls, where the other stories in this timeline take place.

Featured Monday, 13 March 2023. Yay, thank you! :raritywink:

Chapters (28)

This story is a sequel to Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart

School over, their friendships stronger then ever in the aftermath of the fiasco that was Anon-a-Miss, the girls get their first real look at their World, and Universe beyond CHS and Canterlot. It's bigger, wilder, and more wonderful then they ever imagined...

The goddesses of creation have found their champions - Two Sisters from another Mister, fresh from the memories of their battles to overcome their own demons, bound by their love for one another, their friends, and their desire to help others overcome their darkness.

This story is a cross-over between the Shimmering Hearts verse from Six Friends One Heart, and the magical wild verse from A Certain Scientific Railgun and it's companion stories. The insane magic in Railgun, psychic and otherwise, along with the intrigue, drama, and friendships in those stories made this a natural fit with Shimmering Hearts.

Please note that it is not necessary to read the prequel to enjoy this story, though it does provide some background for the setting and characters.

Chapters (48)

30 years after Twilight's ascension she has taken a student. On this day she decided to tell her student about the story of Nightmare Moon. Twilight expected Shooting Star to just accept everything she was told. She didn't. Now Twilight is making the ultimate decision. She's going to tell Shooting Star the real story of Nightmare Moon.

Love to my editors Selbi and Don't Look at My Name Bro!!!

Chapters (4)

For Rarity, waking up with split ends is the absolute worst thing ever. Unfortunately, a mysterious stallion proves otherwise when he warns her that Armageddon is approaching and Equestria is doomed, and if that happens, she can kiss her well-coiffed mane farewell. Now the timeline is splitting worse than Rarity's hair as our intrepid heroine travels back again...

and again...

and again in order to save the world, with perhaps a smidgen of help from Princess Luna. And if she happens to find the time for a trip to the spa along the way, well... A mare can't be blamed for wanting to look her best, can she?

Thanks as always to JeffCvt for editing.

Further thanks to Prak for prereading!

Fantastic cover art provided courtesy of Pony-Berserker. Check out his other work—it's all amazing.

Chapters (3)

Lyra thinks Discord is an idiot for not thinking to dodge when the Elements of Harmony were about to strike him. Discord thinks this is the perfect opportunity for a game.

Part of the Borderworld.

Now with audio reading by Dreamless Portal. Chinese and Spanish translations also available.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

Traducción Española: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Un-poco-circular-1-4-990271915

Proofread by many people such as: 0_0, refferee, Leonzilla, crooked, TheGreatEater, and other people I may have missed.

Chapters (143)

Spike thought... neigh, Spike knew something was strange.

First, Twilight literally blew up over her upcoming test, and now she's acting as if nothing's wrong!

Like hay that's right! It was a minor miracle that the girls talked her into taking a nap during the train ride, and now she's saying she has everything under control?! Spike knew how good naps were - they refresh you in body and spirit, help memory retention, and aid digestion! But something happened to Twilight, and now she acts like she knows everything that's going to happen before it does!

Wait a second, what do you mean 'accidentally broke the fabric of space-time'!?

Mostly Slice-of-life, but contains parts of episodes that could be called 'adventure-y'.

MLP property of Hasbro.

Chapters (6)

Practice makes perfect. And Princess Twilight wants everything to be perfect. Especially the end of the world.

Chapters (8)

When Twilight Sparkle learns that her assignment to make friends is the most essential one, she has a panic attack that results in a magic surge, one that puts her in a time loop.

Chapters (16)

Another day, another new spell to try out for Twilight. When something unknowingly goes horribly wrong, though, she finds herself doing the exact same thing the next day. And the next day.

Twilight finds herself in an infinite loop.
An experimental story from my vault, written a good while back.
Click the cover art to see more great art by Sophiecabra!

Chapters (1)