• Member Since 18th Jan, 2016


Just an extremely shy lurker who reads pony words.

Read It Later 5500 stories
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    Created by Laser_Face
    - January, 2016
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Total Words: 307,213,204
Estimated Reading: 121 weeks



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Twilight Sparkle wakes up one morning to find she's undergone some changes. She shortly discovers she wasn't the only one. (New cover art by Jamey4 on deviantart http://jamey4.deviantart.com/)

Warning, this work of fiction contains multiple fourth wall breaks, massive silliness, and more than a trace amount of alicorns.
The author may or may not have snapped at times in the writing of this work, and it shows. Bring a towel, you may get wet.

Chapters (37)

This story is a sequel to From the Ashes

Twilight Sparkle and the others are friends with Earth's Mightiest Heroes! How cool is that?! Following their victory, the heroes of two worlds keep in touch, visiting each other, working on projects together, and doing all the things that friends do. These are their stories.

(Have an idea for a chapter? Submit it in the comments, and it will be considered)

Chapters (18)

The war between the Avengers is over. Neither side has won. The team is scattered. All Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and the others can do now is try to adjust to this new status quo.
Until now.
Pursuit of mysterious thieves leads the Avengers to a new planet, populated by...colorful talking ponies. Oddly enough, these ponies may actually know something about conflict resolution and personal problems. The Avengers had better listen, because only together can they stop a sinister force that plans to bring both Equis and Earth to their knees.

Cover art courtesy of ameliacostanza.

Chapters (27)

They say when I saved the Traveler from the horrors of the Black Garden, I became legend.

How presumptuous of them.

I didn't deserve such a glorified title, nor did I want it. I was a Guardian with a Ghost, Light, a few earthly possessions, and a purpose. A singular purpose, shared by all resurrected Guardians - to defend the Traveler and, by extension, the myriad life it allied itself with.

And I did my job by the book.

With my given task completed, the Darkness at bay and the Last City focusing on rebuilding, I departed. Aloof and utterly aimless, I traveled to other planets and tried in vain to ascertain my new purpose as I carved a swathe into scores of Fallen, Hive, and even the ancient Vex in the Vault of Glass.

As destiny would have it, the Speaker had ulterior plans for me at the Tower.

Destiny Crossover. Human tag is intentionally missing. Legend is based on vanilla Destiny, but will contain elements from all of the DLCs.

I own nothing.

Chapters (6)

I am... or rather was your average twenty year old male brony. But let me introduce myself first, my name is Mi-... gah! dangit! was Mitchell and my favorite My Little Pony background character is Vinyl Scratch (or DJ-P0N3 for some). One day comic-con showed up in my hometown and instead of going as some silly anime or game character like all the other plebs, I went as the Equestria Girls version of Vinyl Scratch. I know, I know she is a girl but... it IS funny seeing the faces I get.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I bought the last missing piece of my cosplay, which was really just a pair of headphones that looked just like the ones the EQG Vinyl wore during the "Music to my Ears" short. That got me sent to Equestria many years in the past and, after a series of events (It was an accident!), I got myself stuck in stone.

I got out thanks to Dissy. And now that I'm free, I'll be here to spread the wubs! If only those uncool Daft Punk looking ponies would just leave me alone...

Chapters (17)

After watching another majestic night, Twilight is told to make a wish because wishing on a star always grants wishes. She refuses. After all, it's only an old pony's tale. Climbing into bed, she has a strange dream, yet little does she know, dreams are the desires and wishes of the heart. Upon her waking, she may just find that the stars are rather lenient in their rules and methods.

New installments are on a weekly schedule. Updates most likely to take place on Friday/Saturday CT. Occasionally I may do a surprise Monday update as well. Until then! Ciao and enjoy!

Chapters (25)

This is the story of a brony, who inserted into Equestria.
But instead of a pony, he became the enemy of Celestia.

Would he decide to do what’s right, to love and tolerate
Or would his evil changeling nature make it hard to integrate

Then there is the question of the duty that is his natural birthright
Tasked by the changeling Queen, he was to murder Princess Twilight

So, here’s my attempt at a SI with a bit of a twist that others have done before. Go to Equestria, end up on the wrong side of the tracks, and have to deal with it. Enjoy!

Art provided by SoukiTsubasa

Chapters (13)

This is a side-story for defender2222's Crisis of Infinite Twilights, and is written with defender2222's blessing. It will make no sense if you haven't read that story up to the start of the Ponpan arc, but the authors involved make no guarantee that doing so will make any more sense.

While Scootaloo and the God Squad sail to Ponpan to find another batch of alternate Twilights, those left behind at BUTTS headquarters (Bureau of Undoing Trouble from Twilight Sparkle) decide to play a game to pass the time, get to know each other better, and possibly get very, very drunk. Not necessarily in that order.

(Rated Teen for some sexual conversation between characters later on, but nothing explicit.)

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo

When Scootaloo's attempt at flying causes her to crash into Twilight's lab, it sets off a chain reaction that causes Twilight to disappear, leaves the library in shambles and Scootaloo knocked out. A wave of purple energy rips through Equestria, leaving all to wonder 'great, what now?'

When Scootaloo awakens, she learns from the Bureau of Undoing Trouble from Twilight Sparkle that this world's Twilight is gone... and in her place are dozens of Twilights from different dimensions, tearing across the land. Worse, Nightfall Eclipse, a wicked Twilight from the antimatter universe, is assembling other bad Twilights to form The League of Evil Twilights, who seek to take over Equestria.

Now gifted with the ability to track down these Twilights, thanks to the explosion, Scootaloo will seek out these visitors from other universes in the hopes of sending them home and getting the real Twilight back.

Crisis of Infinite Twilights: Truth, Dare or Drink, the official spin-off, can be found here

Tvtropes Page can be found here

A listing of all the Twilights introduced so far (warning, SPOILERS) can be found here

Chapters (28)

Pinkamena Diane Pie is Pinkie from another universe. But she doesn't remember what her old life was like, or why. She regrets what she has done--but what has she done? She has a goal, but she doesn't know what it is. She has no memory, or friends, or defense. But maybe this can be a good thing?

Pinkamena sets out to find out who she is, or at least remember what happened. Armed with the friendship of the ponies she meets along the way, her old pain is forgotten, and happiness fills the gaps.

But deep inside, there is a dark secret that must never be remembered.


Pinkie Pie was living the life! She loved life, her parties, her happiness. But when she is suddenly transported to a new dimension, a dark life full of hatred and war, she has to start all over making friends. The ponies she meets now are ones that aren't as kind as she's used to.

But she has her own defense. She has knowledge stronger than Twilight Sparkle, more than even Princess Celestia. She knew this would happen, and she knew why. And she could help them in her new dimension. The only thing is, if they will follow her lead...

She has two choices: Try harder or...give in.


(Picture is NOT mine, I just added text to a different picture, credit in image source)

Chapters (7)