• Member Since 18th Jan, 2016


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    Created by Laser_Face
    - January, 2016
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Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle are Celestia's personal students. Will they take up the Elements of Harmony, or will their friendship fail the test? Hasbro own MLP:FiM. Please read, review and don't dislike without positive suggestions for improvement.

(Added a like to reflect confidence in my own work, like Iron Will, raagh!)

19/09/16 Major edits to chpt 1, 2, 4, 6, 7.

Coverart by Phyllishimmer

Chapters (9)

After suffering from a recurring nightmare, Sunset Shimmer decides to go back to Equestria. There, she discovers that Twilight has been having similar dreams and that a mysterious dark force is at work in Equestria. Sunset, Twilight, and her friends are sent on a mission with the goal of bringing harmony to Equestria once and for all. (Human tag included solely for first chapter; pony all the way after that) (Light SunLight in later chapters)

Chapters (12)

Sunset Shimmer has lived in the human world for over ten years now. Some of the best and worst days of her life have happened there. When she finds herself no longer having a place in the world she's grown accustomed to she travels back to her homeland of Equestria to figure out who she is and where she belongs. What she finds is a land and people irreversibly changed by time.

Twilight Sparkle now rules over this new Equestria. It is a time of peace and prosperity for the entire world, so why does the Princess seem so sad?
Figuring out her own problems, an entirely different home than the one she grew up in, and her increasingly complicated relationship with Princess Twilight could be the most difficult thing Sunset Shimmer has ever done.
Story takes place post FIM and EG

Chapters (22)

Sixteen years after their last documented adventure, Sunset Shimmer and the Humane Six travel to Equestria to celebrate the Day of Unity with Princess Twilight Sparkle. However, both former students of Celestia are feeling some very strong feelings that follow them during an adventure that brings back demons from the past.

Based on the spin-off franchise and animations owned by Hasbro and the show by Lauren Faust. I don't own the cover image. It solely belongs to Xebck.

Chapters (10)

One Punch Man x My Little Pony fan fiction. Mostly just a single action and comedy scene made into a shortfic. Trigger warning for blood and character death.

Please check out my other work, and have a great day. PLUS ULTRA or something.

Fully Featured and HOT on 02/6/23, 02/7/23 you crazy bastards really wanted a chapter two.

Chapters (2)

Twilight and sunset both have crushes on each other but they don't know it.Sunset ask twilight to go stargazing.They both will have a great night.

Chapters (1)

There is an exotic world out there where magic is common. So much so that it shapes the way the entire world works. There are many schools dedicated to training magicians, magic is a big part of creating and preparing food, the development of transportation has been changed by magic, and there are companies that hire skilled magicians to send on missions too dangerous for a regular person. Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle are members of one of these companies, and even among the experienced magicians that work there, they are powerful.

Many months after Sunset had turned over a new leaf, her life is pretty good. She's gotten used to her new way of life after being commanding and aggressive for so long, she has a stable job that provides a good income, she has a decent amount of friends, and she's even started dating Twilight after liking her for so long. There are occasional rumors about her that slightly soil her newly built reputation, but it's nothing she can't deal with. One day, though, there's a rumor that threatens to ruin her life, and the disastrous effects of it begin destroying her life. Sunset and Twilight wonder why someone would tell such a horrible lie. Little does the couple know that the rumor has a bit more truth to it than they think...

An entry in Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Journeys

P.S. Again (like last year), I apologize for the cover not really reflecting the story, but it was the closest thing I could find to a fitting picture. Also, the story is rated T, but I wouldn't bat an eye if someone well under the age of 13 read it. It's just to be on the safe side.

Chapters (8)

Howdy hoo! The seven season of the pony pov series is here at last! (Was waiting for the cover art to be done).

And . . . it's the royal wedding Princess Cadence and Shining Armor!!!

Seen this a million times before right? Except . . . not. While there have been many experiences to the ponies now their timeline has broken away from the Heart World, something is VERY WRONG here. With fate no longer totally on their side, and no true certainly and against an enemy that takes 'fighting dirty' to a whole new level, can the heroes still pull off a happy ending for everypony?

Cover art by Rose-Laxzi. http://rose-laxzi.deviantart.com/

The Audio adaption Is here:
ORIGINAL fan-art, ORIGINAL fan-music and VOICE ACTORS galore await!

And check out the trope page, please help keep it up to day please! Remember, you are awesome.

Recursive fanart and fan stories are here. http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/journal/MLP-FiM-Pony-POV-Series-Fanworks-audio-adaption-274110361 Many are rubber stamped by me as optional canon stories that reveal some of other sides of these stories.
Tropes page found here. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/PonyPOVSeries
Fan Labor Pages here http://mlpfanart.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Fan_Labor_Wiki:Workshop/Pony_POV_Series_Season_Zero:_Discorded_Ponies and here. http://mlpfanart.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Fan_Labor_Wiki:Workshop/Pony_POV_Series_Season_One:_Reharmonization

Chapters (61)

The night before the real wedding of Princess Cadance and Shinning Armor, Twilight finds herself in trouble. Still feeling hurt and alone when her friends, brother, and mentor all abandoned her to comfort the fake Cadance, Twilight notices her coat has lost it's color, just like it had when Discord had made her lose faith in her friends. Fearing that something serious might be going on, Twilight visits the Canterlot library, where she finds a book by none other than Starswirl the Bearded, and about the journey he went on to create the Elements of Harmony. Feeling inspired by the book, Twilight takes off on a journey to follow in Starswirl's hoofsteps, hoping that it will help heal her wounded heart, and once again show her the magic of friendship.

Chapters (2)

Taking place a week after the royal wedding of Canterlot, Twilight has a nightmare which leads her to believe that the Changeling threat is still at large and anyone around her could be in disguise. Her personal worries get even worse when she gets haunted by a scarring incident caused by her brother and her friends the night before the wedding and believes that no one can help her. But when Twilight breaks down and suffers from emotional trauma, will her friends be able to realize the importance and value of true friendship through their foolish mistakes? Or have they not learned a thing at all this whole time?

Please contribute to this fanfic's TV Tropes page here.

Chapters (12)