• Member Since 18th Jan, 2016


Just an extremely shy lurker who reads pony words.

Read It Later 5500 stories
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    Created by Laser_Face
    - January, 2016
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In the episode "A Canterlot Wedding", we see everyone treat Twilight Sparkle rather shabbily, and when she's proven to be right, no one apologizes to her - not even Princess Celestia. How might this have affected Twilight?

Chapters (4)

It's been more than a thousand years since the Mane Six's adventures in Ponyville, and things look very different. Equestria is gone, devoured by chaos. Nightmare creatures roam the lands, changelings prey on the few remaining pony settlements, and all trace of the peace and harmony during Princess Celestia's reign has vanished.

Until, that is, a small group of ponies set out to map the Tangle, and find a slumbering dragon inside. Now Spike, a millenium out of his time and with only his memories to comfort him, is ponykind's only hope. Together, he and his new friends set out to find the one pony who can set things right: Twilight Sparkle.

Cover art by the inestimable TheAuthorGl1m0.

Featured by The Royal Guard on February 4th, 2014.


- Beware of spoilers in the comment section!
- Currently undergoing heavy revision for chapters nineteen and onward. The "lost" chapters - that is, the story as it was originally published - can be found here.

Chapters (32)

Nightmare Moon returned one hundred years earlier than predicted. Without the Elements of Harmony, Celestia managed to save Luna from the darkness. Two years later, they navigate a new world of possibilities.

Celestia and Luna spent centuries apart. One day will bring them closer together than they ever thought. Closer together than they ever dreamed.

Chapters (4)

When the sun no longer rises, Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers that all the other alicorns have mysteriously disappeared and she is now the last one left in the world. After learning from a dragon that the mythical King Sombra may be responsible for their disappearances, she becomes determine to find out what happened to them. With great reluctance, she leaves her home of Equestria for the first time to venture out into the unknown world. Along the way, she befriends some humans while making enemies with others as she experiences things she never thought possible, and, along the way, risks losing everything, even her very identity.

Chapters (10)

First off, I have no idea what is going on. I was having a massive boon in my writing thanks to MLP and the latest film that has been released and you'd think i'd be happy right?  Wrong! One minute i'm writing down some gibberish because of a strange voice in my head and the next i am back in Highschool!

I wouldn't mind as much if it weren't for the fact that i reverted in age thanks to a certain sun Princess, who ALSO robbed me of my knowledge of all things pony and left me with only the knowledge of my mission!!  God i hate freaking highschool...

(The events depicted take place after the movie and there will be spoilers, reader discretion is advised  
PS- I do not want to come off as a jerk when i say this, but if your going to dislike it without reading it GTFO. Either read it or don't, you don't have to if you don't want to but don't spoil it for everypony else by bombing it, i put a lot of work and time into this one as i do with all my fics and it would be greatly appreciated.
PSS- Sex will be implied and not shown but just in case i'm putting the tag there. )

Chapters (31)

Sunset Shimmer, while still Celestia's personal student, learns that there's some places you don't want to go, but love will make you do strange things. That and time paradoxes and magic storms.
(Sequel short story about Brandywine: Prance

This story is written to be standalone. Minor tag [SciFi] for Time Travel. This novel appeared as an Equestria Daily fan fiction Sunset Day - Fanfic Submissions! post for Sunset Shimmer Day Sept 22rd, 2016.

For those who are interested, the story explains what took place between the events in Celestia and the Battle for Sunset and The Enforcer and Her Blackmailers. If you read those two stories first, your fun will be doubled!

2/3 Added Starlight Glimmer tag for a supporting role. 2/25 Added Princess Celestia tag for a supporting role. 3/3 Added Timberwolf tag for obvious reasons. 3/26 Added Lord Tirek for S2 episode tie-in. 4/1 Switched out the Celestia and Timberwolves tag for Twilight and Fluttershy in the final chapters, because... read the story.

A big shoutout to Docintra my prereader. Thank you!
Thank you Novel-Idea for editing the anonymously posted image (click source mouse-over on image) I used as a cover into a real SF pulp fiction style cover!

Chapters (32)

Cadance has always loved Twilight, from the very moment the younger pony had entered her life. Lately, however, that love has evolved and blossomed into something altogether more. Will Cadance have the strength to confess her feelings to the oblivious Twilight? With two meddling aunts, she may not have a choice in the matter.

Cadance/Twilight. Twidance. Whatever you want to call it.

Shining Armour and Cadance have never been more than best friends. Set mid season 4. The Changeling invasion and Crystal Empire arc both happened, just differently. May flesh those out in a future oneshot.

Chapters (2)

It was just a normal day in the new castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle, except for a few incidents. As the King of Chaos, the Princess of the Night, the Element of Laughter and two old enemies decide at the same time reveal their love for her. What could go wrong? Well, simply everything.

Additional Character tags: Discord.
Editing by the awesome Lord Dragon, go and give him some hugs!
Art by megarexetera

Chapters (7)

Set during Rainbow Rocks

After suffering an anxiety attack, Sunset confides in Twilight the secret of how she rose to power and effectively controlled the study body of Canterlot High. Sunset retells how she became the school's bully and what she did to make the original bullies of Canterlot High disappear.

Chapters (9)

My name is Sunset Shimmer, and I wanted to speak to my newest friend, the human version of Princess Twilight Sparkle, about something which I've been keeping a closely guarded secret. Because of what happened at the climax of the Friendship Games, my heart is telling me to reveal what I've kept from everyone I know. Why choose her? Because she and I are really close... in more ways than one.

While I've used the magic journal to speak with Princess Twilight, there is the other journal... the non-magical one which I've been using since as far back as I can remember. You may think that what I wrote in this journal isn't anything serious, but when it contains secrets... personal secrets about my life from past to present...secret feelings about my friends... it becomes a completely different beast altogether.

I know Twilight will be there to help just like how I helped her, but will our friendship... all of my friendships be destroyed upon revealing these secrets to her?

Note: This story takes place after Friendship Games even though all three movies will be present in one form or another. Also, the Equestria Girls comics will be present as well with some having more scope than others. There is also some mild sexual moments between Sunset and Twilight. Edit: Added in the comics to the note.

Edit: Starting from Chapter 8 and onwards, this story now has an editor: icecreammac

Edit2: Replaced the 'human' category with the 'Equestria Girls' category.

Edit3: Second Place in the 2015 National Pony Novel Writing Month.

Chapters (76)