• Member Since 28th Jan, 2016


Death smiles at us all; all a man can do is smile back.

Read It Later 402 stories
Found 369 stories in 94ms

Total Words: 13,776,728
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks


  • Favourites 261 stories These are my favorites... not much else to say.

  • Read It Later 402 stories Stories that I'll read later. I swear.

  • Stories That I Intend On Reviewing 50 stories Stories that I will get around to reviewing at some point. The order that stories are added onto this bookshelf do not reflect the order I will review a story.

  • Stories I've Reviewed 42 stories Stories that I've reviewed in a blog. Not much else to say.

  • Favorites That (Most Likely) Won't be Continued 13 stories These are stories that I like, but I doubt will be continued.

  • A++ 5 stories Stories I've graded with an A++. These are the best of the best.

  • A's 17 stories These are stories I've graded with either an A-, A, or A+.

  • B's 13 stories These are stories I've graded with either a B-, B, or B+.

  • C's 3 stories These are stories I've graded with either a C-, C, or C+.

  • D's 3 stories These are stories I've graded with either a D-, D, or D+.

  • F's 2 stories These are stories that I've graded with an F.

  • Simon Kinberg 1 stories These are stories I've graded as Simon Kinberg. If your story got this grade, I don't know what to tell you.


  • Featured 23596 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Strange and horrifying dreams haunt Equestria's nights, and Luna is at a loss. And then the past rears its ugly head, only to bring far graver news.

Luna must confront her past and come to terms with all she is and all she once was, so that she may stand a chance against a new and terrifying threat that may just break Equestria. But can she come to terms with her own hated horrors before the land falls to madness and ashes?

Chapters (3)

Discord is awoken once again by the Princesses when they find out about his estranged son, Smith J. Leeds--Better known to humanity as the Jersey Devil. Now the Draconequus is being held responsible for all the trouble his demonic spawn has caused in the past two-hundred years.

Rated T for language.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rarity Pays For Burritos

Pinkie Pie is spending the evening with her friends, leaving Maud by herself (aside from Boulder, of course). At Pinkie's urging, Maud agrees to try the burrito restaurant downtown. While there, her mind wanders as she begins to ponder the meaning of her existence… that of course being rocks.

This story is, naturally, part of The Burritoverse.

Chapters (1)

From the stone age to the modern world, Celestia guides her little ponies into the future. And she needs to keep playing. Just one more turn.

Always one more turn.

Done as a speed-writing exercise in about three hours. Totally unedited. Enjoy!

Chapters (2)

A Bioshock crossover starring the mane six.
Years after the events of FiM, the six former Elements of Harmony have moved on with their own lives and rarely see each other anymore. Pinkie invites the group to Manehattan for a reunion, but things spiral wildly out of control, and they end up in the decaying, underwater city of Rapture. The old friends square off against everything it's leader, Summer Rain can throw at them, including crazed splicers, the fearsome Big Stags and the Little Fillies they protect.
Will they be able to pull together to save the sunken wonder, and their strained friendship?

Chapters (12)

As the trip of some Bikini Bottomites have gone awry, their submarine was permanently destroyed after entering the portal to Equestria in the middle of nowhere under the ocean. Spongebob and his friends must live off with the new settlers of the country.

Chapters (5)

It's that time of the year again and Twilight decided to start a research on the paranormal and Equestria's creepiest secrets to celebrate Nightmare Night with her friends. But when Rainbow Dash tells her about a ritual that ponies used to do Twilight's research becomes a living death game. Now her friends must survive until 3:33 A.M. or else it's Game Over for her.

Based off The Midnight Game

Chapters (2)

Things have been tough on Hazel since her familiar and best friend Hester was in a accident. Since then one of their friends have been by Hazel's side helping her through this. He now found a way that hopefully will help her.

This is meant to be a gift to the user Hazel_Hester777 to help support them through the tough times their facing now. Please go support them and show your love to make them feel better

Chapters (1)

This is a story of a boy called Izaque, that goes to Equestria without wanting to, and spends his entire life there, making good things and living happily, eating food, and reading books.
That boy dreamed about going to Equestria for his entire life.
He likes his Earth life, but he wanted to get teleported to Equestria so he could make his dream come true.
It is written in the first person.
I write this story after I lay down on my bed and imagine myself on Equestria, then I write what I imagined.

Chapters (1)

When a mysterious man arrives in Ponyville, claiming to be from another dimension on an important quest, what can Twilight do? He claims he is there to help, but is he really? Twilight cannot deny that he wields powerful magic, but without a doubt, there is more to this mystery traveler than meets the eye...

Chapters (1)