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Twilight is excited when her brother and her sister-in-law invite her to go shopping with them! She starts to get a bit bothered, though, when they start treating her like a child.

Thanks to Steel Resolve for helping to get the idea rolling.

Written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's still getting used to her new wings. She feels the need to ask somepony for flying lessons. And who better to ask than Fluttershy? If you ask Fluttershy, there's plenty of better ponies to ask.

Written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)

Applejack never really thought much of love until she got involved with it. And ever since then, it's been a roller coaster ride - up and down, never ending. She thinks the same way a lot of ponies do about it...

...until her older brother gives her some advice that changes it all.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Night is not something Rarity has participated in since she was a filly-which comes as a surprise after she spontaneously decides to not only dress up this year, but play pranks as well.

Her choice in costume and disturbing enjoyment of her ever-escalating pranks begin to make Rainbow Dash-who doesn’t want to risk losing her or have her harming their friends VERY concerned.

Image by Skyline19 at deviantART

(Used with Permission)

Chapters (1)

Fiancees three, friends that have taken the next big, bold step in their once hidden-away relationship, start to tread risky waters when Fluttershy voices her deepest , most meaningful concerns. Can Twilight and Pinkie Pie help her pull through with more than just words, even it they must resort to using something other than their voices?

Written for the Random Polyamory Game in the Intelligent Shipping Discussion Group.

Chapters (1)

Everyone knows Pinkie Pie throws the best parties. The volume goes up, the drinks go down, and everypony enjoys themselves as they let the fun take over. Even Rarity let's her grace and etiquette slide for a time to party with her friends! But after a few too many the night before, she awakes to find a suitor shares her bed. This guest, however, is far more important than even she had expected.

Another short fic. This was more of a crack pairing at the time of writing! A bit saucy, so read with caution!

By the way, the date this was written was before Season 2 had even truly started. You may have to revert to get into that pre-canon-Luna mindset. XD

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash’s father recounts the night he discovered his daughter’s biggest and most embarrassing secret and how it strengthened their bond.

Story image courtesy of TheDarkestDayDream on deviantART.

(Used with permission)

Chapters (1)

When Sweetie Belle overhears Rarity asking Twilight Sparkle if she wants to scissor that night, her curiosity is piqued. Why is "scissoring" such a hot topic among the mares? Why does it sound so fun? What exactly is scissoring, anyway? Sweetie goes forth on a quest to discover the secret.

This story does not contain foalcon, implied or otherwise.

Reading by Visualpony Thenarrator!

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy has been getting love letters from an anonymous pony that's a lot closer to her than she realized.
My editor and good friend, Blue Dragon, also entered this TwiShy contest so she can't be editing for me this time, I'm on my own so excuse me any gramatical errors!
This is my entry for the TwiShy group's August Dual Contest.

Sequel: Date Helpers Time!

Cover made by Socko. Here's her dA

05/19/18 This is long overdue, but this story was featured in a Youtube video. Here's the link
I apologize for only now remembering to add this link :facehoof:

Chapters (1)

Twilight has little experience in the world of dating, and decides to ask Rainbow Dash for help on the matter. Rainbow's "practice date" seems like a good idea: two good friends, one helping the other out in their quest for love. As friends. Just friends. Nothing more. Right?

Accepted into Twilight's Library on 3/25/14.

Dramatic Reading by joehighlord
Read Through by KhaosSparkz

Chapters (1)