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When I lost my sight, I became a recluse. I hid away, staying in my own world instead of out in the one meant for those with sight. But when Princess Celestia had me move to Ponyville, I had to adjust to a new walk of life, again intended for those with sight. I guess I'm doing okay, thanks to a certain pegasus mare whose kindness and gentle voice got through to me where everyone else has failed.
Rating may be subject to change at later points in the story.
((Cover art done by VGmaster78. Go give him some love.))

Chapters (8)

Fluttershy is rushing to Twilight's house. She needs to tell the unicorn something. It's important, very important. It's so important that it couldn't even wait until it's not midnight! What could she have to say?

Thank you to everyone who read this or my other story, regardless of whether or not you enjoyed it. Also thank you to Cloudy Skies, Yayflutters, Mysteriousstranger, and The Twentiest (in no particular order) for being my inspiration to write this. I think this one turned out a lot better than my last one, but it's your job to be the judge. I really appreciate you commenting on my stories, even if you hated it (as long as you provide a good reason for why, that is). I'm always looking for room to improve, so let me know if you see any grammatical errors or the like, along with constructive criticism. Thanks!

Chapters (2)

When Rarity tells Fluttershy that Twilight Sparkle is moving back to Canterlot soon, Fluttershy is devastated. Not wanting Twilight to leave before she can tell her how she feels, Fluttershy tries to work up the courage to express herself to Twilight one last time.

Chapters (1)

(2nd Person Story.)

You had been a prankster as long as you could remember. When you moved into Ponyville, you made a friend and rival prankster, Pinkie Pie. Soon, a huge prank war ensued between the two of you. However, your recent trick has left some unexpected effects on the both of you.

Chapters (6)

Fluttershy needs a friend, she's cold and needs to be warmed up.

Chapters (2)

Pinkie Pie has been asked to help Celestia relax and let her mane down.

Sequal: Letting Her Mane Down 2: Electric-boogaloo

Chapters (2)

All the ponies in Ponyville keep diaries. What happens when the ponies don't get enough sleep?

All spelling and grammar mistakes have been fixed - Thanks Atom!

I am aware that fluttershy is quite OOC here

(maybe expanding this a few chapters to include other Sleep Deprived Ponies... Pinkie Pie anybody?)

Chapters (3)

After meeting Celestia in that strange place, Twilight came back to Equestria with a pair of gorgeous wings. But exactly how did she get those wings?

Just a silly one-shot idea I came up with months before the finale aired.

Chapters (1)

When the Cake's go away for a weekend trip, leaving Pinkie home, Rarity steps in to offer her pink friend a place to stay for a few days so she won't be alone. With the two stuck under a roof together and Rarity slowly seeing a side of her friend she never knew existed, will romance blossom or will friendships crumble?

Now has a part two in the making, check out 'Weekdays are too short' in my stories to see the continuation.
Special thanks to HabitualHyperbole for editing the chapters.

Chapters (4)

While she's providing veterinary care at the park, Fluttershy runs afoul with one of the more domesticated critters.

...Fluttershy would never kick a puppy on purpose, would she?

Editing by Formerly Committed and Shellsh0cker.

Dramatic reading here!

Chapters (1)