• Member Since 10th Feb, 2016


I just simply like reading fanfictions.

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For almost a thousand years, the immortal Nightmare Moon has reigned over Equestria as Empress. To the average pony, Nightmare Moon is an overarching enigma whose rule is absolute and whose wrath is terrible. But to Twilight Sparkle, who as an orphan has never known her parents, the Empress is something else entirely. When the young unicorn is brought under the royal wing as an apprentice, she learns a great deal more about the supposed tyrant than she ever knew. But as Twilight is introduced to life with her new mentor, she is thrust into a world of political intrigue, conspiracies and secrets. Secrets that were never meant to be revealed. As allies and enemies plot against the very peace of the nation, will Twilight fall prey to the perils of her new position? Or will she prosper and find in Nightmare Moon the mother she never had?


My eternal gratitude to my editor, LordOfTheWrongs, without whom Night's Favoured Child would not be the story it is today.

Now with added TVtropes!

Chapters (15)

After having fought and won many battles against the changeling Queen, Princess Celestia always hoped that one day her offer of peace would be accepted and that Chrysalis would walk in her castle as a friend and not as an enemy.

She did not think it would happen like this. She thought the changeling would come in through the door rather than the window, for starters.

Chapters (14)

The newly coronated Princess Twilight suffers an abrupt tragedy. Having lost two loved ones, she begins to question her own mortality, and that of her friends.

AJ, Dash, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy. . . they are just the beginning. Twilight will live for thousands of years, so every pony she cares about—every pony she will ever care about, will die.

She could barely handle the pain of one funeral, let alone the thought of hundreds of them. Twilight finds a clever way to ensure all of her friends never die. They can’t all be ageless alicorns, but they can all move into Twilight’s Dollhouse. Then they can be best friends forever.

Sequel: Twilight's Dollhouse 2
Fanmade Song: Twilight's Dollhouse

Source: Dreampaw
Editor: Gage of Grandiloquence, Breath of Plagues
Pre-read & Idea pony: TypeWriterError,
v1.1 Revised chapters 1-10 on May 1st 2013
--Pending a few more revisions, including ch. 14
Now on TV Tropes.

Chapters (18)

A pegasus woke in the woods. He was lost, injured, and had only the vaguest of dreams for memories; nightmares of a Canterlot engulfed in shadow and flame, of an invading swarm lead by one great and terrible dark figure. As he begins a new life, the dreams continue to taunt him. Will he ever find out who he was? And if he does, can he -- and his newfound friends -- accept what he finds?

(Credit also goes to Mekhazzio for help with editing)

TV Tropes page

Book cover art by viwrastupr

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle has too much magic, and it will take her decades to learn to control it. Her spectacular loss of control during her entrance exam only proves that fact. She is a danger to herself and others.

After Sunset Shimmer’s disappearance, Princess Celestia needs a new student to bear The Element of Magic to defeat Nightmare Moon. With all of Equestria at stake, Twilight Sparkle…is not the pony she needs.

Princess Celestia seals Twilight Sparkle’s magic with the distant promise of one day teaching her.

But there are two diarchs of Equestria. Amidst a lucid dream, an offer is made.

“Hello, Twilight. Would you like to be my student?”

Cover art provided by Lafiir.

Chapters (43)

This story is a sequel to The Moon Shall Rise From Hell's Ashes

It has been approximately a year since Dill Anne Shear took on the form and powers of Nightmare Moon. During that time, she has used those powers to seek out fragments of the Nightmare that fed on the hatred and negative feelings of other ponies. She took on those energies into herself and has been helping calm the darkness into tranquility. But as good as she has been in this life, something managed to escape from her new home world... something that would prove too unwieldy for her alone.
For several years, Shirayuki has shared a body with Tundra. While they are the same pony, events of the past separated their minds. To combat enemies whose powers went beyond magic, they and their friends gained new soul-based weapons and powers. But in destroying Discord, they might have unleashed an even greater foe.
Returning to his daily routines proved difficult for Changeling Drone #51. His stay in that other world opened his eyes to how to feel the very emotions that his kind feeds on. Old instincts drove him to work emotionlessly, yet his recent experience told him to take care in everything he does. Discovering a traitor in his hive was the last thing he wanted to worry about.
Three dangerous entities that were thought to have been destroyed ended up at each other's backs. This happenstance created a monster, grinding parallel universes into each other. Now it looks like the hope of all of the worlds rests in the hooves of a Nightmare pony, a split-personality alicorn, and a changeling. Anyone else worried?
The Moon Shall Rise From Hell's Ashes, Nothing Probably Goes On Forever Too, and Extraterrestrial #51 were all written by yours truly. MLP: FiM is property of Hasbro, DHX Media, and currently the Discovery Family network. Additional inspiration was drawn from Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. This is a non-profit, fan-written work of fiction.
Rated "T" for "Teen".

Chapters (8)

Twilight, my Faithful Student, my friend, if there is anypony that can create a world of Harmony, true Harmony, it is you.

More than a thousand years ago, my sister and I sought to create a perfect world, a world ruled by Harmony. A world free of evil. We were powerful and believed ourselves above the laws that governed this world. But this world is governed by the laws of Magic, and Magic, it seems, demands balance.

Where there is Light, there is Darkness.
Where there is Order, there is Chaos.
For there to be Love, there must be Hate.
For every Dream, there is a Nightmare.
Each begets the other.

And like boiling water over a fire, each can extinguish the other.

I should not have been surprised when the day came that the evil I had to fight was my own sister. It was the world restoring the balance we so foalishly ignored.

Perhaps, it is for this balance that I now stay my hoof. I have chosen to have you,Twilight Sparkle, act in my stead as the evils I thought vanquished, inevitably return to Equestria. It is in hopes that you may learn this balance, that you may learn from my mistakes. It is not something I alone can teach you, when I myself still understand so little. It is why I must now rely on the help of an old nemesis.

He intends to take you away, my protégé, and make you his own. You must not succumb to his influence. Yet if you are to learn the balance that is at the essences of all things, it will be through him. For the future of Equestria and for the sake of Friendship, you must prevail.

I hope that some day you can forgive me.

Chapters (7)

London, England. A decently large city that hasn't seen many eye-catching events in recent times. For John Carter, it has always been a nice, relatively peaceful place to live in.

He had plenty of expectations for his future in the city, many were... Far-reaching, but nothing stepping beyond the realm of possibility.

Getting ripped from his body and placed in a completely foreign one? That may have overstepped the boundaries just a slight bit.

This is a complete rewrite of one of my other stories, Becoming One With the Moon

Chapters (5)

Join Demonheart, Fluttershy and the other element bearers as life as the mane six know it is flipped as the mysterious new stallion joins the town upon which they live in. In a tale of Romance, Jealousy, theft, sorrow and paranoid ramblings, the mane six will discover something very interesting about their new friend.

Something he had hoped to never let them see.

Hi guys! This is the rewrite for 'A Demon's Rage'. And before you kill me, no I didn't steal the name from the Octavia story of the same name, I was unaware of it's existence when I created this. No Copyright. I did NOT make nor do I own MLP;FIM, although that'd be really AWESOME and there may be language in this fiction. Maybe. Oh, and bacon.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Upheaval: Breaking Point

Following the events of Breaking Point, Twilight Sparkle and her friends discover that Equestria's demise may not come from an enemy invasion, but from within. The Barrier Lands and the Heartland begin the slow and uneasy process of reuniting into a single Equestria, but this long-delayed joining is already in danger at its conception.

With Celestia's power in her grasp and her agents by her side, the wheels of Black Rose's plans for Equestria's future continue to turn. However, her brazen gamble has done more than just bring down a centuries-old barrier. Ancient powers begin to stir: the remnants of a dark period in Equestria's history, the immortal inhabitants of Celestia's homeworld, and a rising tide of darkness coming ever closer.

Chapters (61)