• Member Since 10th Feb, 2016


I just simply like reading fanfictions.

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Chrysalis failed to embody the princess of love and control a good part of Equestria, and during her revenge monologue, she finds a little pony with a cruel story that even the queen could not believe.

The sequel of the story can be read here A Spark of Hope, written by Prismfire , I know you will love it as much as this one.

Featured 15-12-2022 :yay:

Original image by Auroriia, I just change the foal

Chapters (30)

Sequel is now live!

Revenge. It has been the only thing on Chrysalis’s mind during the months of her exile. What should have been her greatest triumph turned out to be her ultimate downfall. After months of waiting, she has at last developed a plot to win back the support of the changelings and take over Equestria: Run a dating service.

Disguised as the lovely unicorn Cherub, she starts up her business, ready to reclaim what she had lost. However, she soon discovers that the dating world is not as simple as it appears. Realizing that she cannot do this alone, she is forced to seek help from the most unlikely of sources.

Cover image created and permitted by FeliXao.

Chapters (23)

Two years after the attack on Equestria, Queen Chrysalis finds herself broken and unable to go on, but there is hope. Discord and the original Queen Chrysalis came up with a spell many years ago, bring a girl from another dimension to Equestria, and she would become the new Queen. Though she would have the previous Queen to help her take on the ultimate disguise.
Though this is not all the new Queen faces, a dark force has risen, with power strong enough that even the old queen fears it. Their choices could affect the future of Equestria, and not just for pony and changeling, but every creature! Who will survive? And can something that the Queen has denied for so long, be the key to their success? Read on to find out!
Knowledge (Chapter 27 and on)
Meep the Changeling

Gore Tag for death and slightly descriptiveness of such
Sex Tag for eventual talk of sex and implied sex.

Cover art done by me, under my nonsite name Lexni. (But if anypony feels like drawing one that pertains to the story better, feel free!)
Story takes place during Season 4 of the show. And though we might see background ponies introduced after that or some canon stuff learned after that, most changeling canon now being made in season 6 will either be used if it is still relevant to my plans, or will be ignored. (Changelings hatching into Larva for one example.)

Chapters (33)

Life in Ponyville, outside of the usual events like a parasprite invasion or a revenge-seeking, all powerful megalomaniac kicking out the town librarian, tends to be laid back and typical. Which Applejack doesn't mind. However, after the CMC cause more problems due to influence from a newcomer in town, Applejack gathers the girls to go fix what the CMC did.

But then a mysterious creature ends up attacking Applejack, and while she survives and seems fine, it isn't long before she starts acting strangely. It's up to the usual group of ponies to figure out what's going on before it's too late.

*Approved for Twilight's Library on 3/18/14*

Also has a TVTropes page

Chapters (25)

One day, Rarity forgets to turn the faucet off.

Then, everypony else begins forgetting things.

Chapters (2)

A few days after King Sombra's defeat and the Crystal Empire is starting to recover, but some effects still linger. Most ponies have managed to regain who they were and what they did, but much of their past is still shrouded in the remnants of the tyrant's power.

But today the guards found somepony in the dungeon, somepony very strange with very odd quirk.

Chapters (1)

Rarity needs to borrow Rainbow's laptop for a week. Rainbow needs to get her laptop fixed so Rarity can use it. Starlight needs more alcohol before she hangs herself.

Edited by SolidFire.

Chapters (1)

After four harrowing years of civil war brought about by Nightmare Moon's return, Canterlot has finally fallen. Princess Celestia has been banished to the moon, and now a new alicorn rules over Equestria. For the supporters of Nightmare Moon, the new eternal night is a time for celebration. For the ponies who fought for Celestia, it means something else entirely. For when the war is lost and the victor demands fealty, the vanquished are given only two choices: bow low and kiss the ground beneath her hooves, or die.

Not everpony who bows does so out of love for the conqueror, of course. Some do it to bide their time. Some do it out of a sense of opportunity. Most bow merely to survive. All of them are liars. But how long can a pony tell the same lie before it becomes the truth?

And what happens to that pony when their lies are lies no more?

Edited by SolidFire. Inspired by the Nightmare Moon timeline in the season 5 finale, a particular scene from a particular show, and an entertaining game of Equestria at War.

Chapters (1)

During a traumatic event, an outsider finds himself flung violently into Equestria. His physical form is warped into that of the inhabitants but will his mentality follow? And even more importantly, will anypony truly accept him for who he is? Take a journey alongside this inexperienced youth as he finds himself in a strange new world with very different customs and tries his hardest to find a place for himself where he didn't before. A pity he can't even remember his name...

Okay, the basics. It's first person almost entirely. Very, very long chapters. I try to wrap them up around twelve to thirteen pages but a few slipped over that, especially towards the end. I'll release them slightly stagnated, as I'll be making final revisions as I go. Character tags are NOT final. I'll add more main characters as they show up in each chapter. Expect an update one or two times a week, probably. I adore reviews and structured, constructive criticism. Even if you just want to say you like it, that's fine too. :) I write stories to entertain peoples, so any evidence I get that it's working will encourage me. I hope you enjoy the story!

Chapters (17)

Meet Level Ledger, your average, well-read unicorn colt. He has a talent with numbers and systems, which is why Pegasus Air was so interested in acquiring his talents. They use him to make sure their books are balanced. Both the legal ones...and the ones that'll never see the light of day.

Meet Midnight Song, your not-average, well-trained Thestral mare. Everything she sets out to do, she accomplishes with aplomb. When she rises a little too quickly through the Day Guard's ranks, her superiors decide she needs to cool off and learn a bit about how to be a mature member of the Guard. Not a bad idea, seeing as she's a massive flirt.

When Level's rent goes up, he needs to take a roommate or risk being thrown out into the street. A twist of fate will see these two souls coming together and having the time of their lives.

Now, if only one of them could tell the truth to save their life...

A collab fic worked on by myself and Ausbrony. We liked the setting of Las Pegasus and the villains of Pegasus Air a lot, so we put our heads and characters together, and this came from our efforts.

In lieu of a list of dates, I will simply say that this story tends to get featured every time I update it for a short while at least. And I am very happy about that fact.~

Chapters (111)