• Member Since 10th Feb, 2016


I just simply like reading fanfictions.

Read It Later 431 stories
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Total Words: 60,318,121
Estimated Reading: 23 weeks



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Princess Cadance and Queen Chrysalis find themselves trapped in a dangerous dream world, and must work together if they want to survive. As they travel through a shared nightmare, can they come to understand each other, or will this all end in tears?

Set after Thorax ousts Chrysalis from the changeling hive, this story explores the past and present of the former queen as she survives alone among the ponies. Princess Cadance shares the spotlight with the exiled changeling queen, as she fights to stay afloat under the weight of her duties as a princess, and her own past comes back to haunt her.

Inspired by the lack of clear canon backstories for both Cadance and Chrysalis, and a hoof-ful of dubiously canon stories from material outside of the show, as well as all the beautiful Chrysalis x Cadance shipping art out in the wider internet, which I can never get enough of, and the song Lovefool, by the Cardigans.

<<< Updates monthly on the 11th >>> Updates as often as I can! Regular updates will be reinstated as soon as practical.

Proofread by TemporalReverie (Thank you!) Cover art by AbbyTabby on tumblr, used with permission.

Chapters (7)

It is the year 0179 of the Cloud Century. Almost two centuries have passed since the Pegasus Enclave closed the sky and cut off the toxic, uninhabitable surface world. A new home for ponykind, where pegasus ponies are born, and raised, and die.

Before the war, before the sky was cut off, something terrible was locked away. Chamomile is an average pegasus, born into a family of archaeologists and living at the edge of Enclave territory, far to the north. When she stumbles into ancient dangers and conspiracies, she finds her quiet life turned into a horror story. Can she set things right, or is the Enclave doomed?

A Fallout: Equestria sidestory. Thank you to all my readers, patreons, and well-wishers!

As always, I most look forward to seeing what references and cameos people notice. You surprise me sometimes with how you pick up on minor details!

Here's a gallery of the previous cover art, as well as a few bits of character design I put together: Gallery

Chapters (137)

Rarity is good at making dresses. In fact, she's the best. But even she didn't know that her latest dress would be more than the fashion sensation of the season.

Now she was going to have to add wing-holes to all her outfits, and everypony seems worried about her latest creation.

Chapters (1)

It's summer time and the latest graduating class of Canterlot High find themselves at a turning point in their lives. For many they will be heading off to college and their possible careers. However, for Sunset Shimmer that is not an option she is willing to risk. As an illegal visitor from Equestria, Sunset had thus far managed to fly mostly under the radar on the nature of her origins. With college out of reach Sunset is at a crossroads, stay in the human world in which she loves with her friends despite no career options or return to Equestria.
The choice may be made for her as the magic continues to run loose and at an ever accelerating rate. Sunset must find a way to contain the loose magic or face facts that the portal must be closed or destroyed in order to keep the ones she loves safe.

Sex tag primarily for mature conversations and innuendos.

Chapters (17)

Trixie has returned to the only life she hasn't failed at, rock farming. When her old rival comes to help her make amends, she's thrust into an adventure she doesn't want to be on, but it may be what she needs to reclaim her confidence as the Great and Powerful Trixie she once was.

Chapters (13)

Trixie has read literally dozens of true crime stories. She has no idea why it takes the police so long to solve the crimes when they're so obvious -- especially in hindsight. When a murder happens right in front of her, its her chance to prove her expertise to the doubters and claim her rightful title as the Intelligent and Insightful Trixie, Equestria's Greatest Magical Detective!

Assuming it actually is a murder, anyway.

An entry in the 2023 Whodunnit Contest

Chapters (1)

There's an old story told to foals about a train that goes to every place in the universe that ponies can imagine, and even more places that they can't imagine. It's a train that arrives only once a lifetime. It's a train that picks up lost souls and carries them to other realms.

Those stories say that if a pony rides it all the way to the final stop, they learn the secret that all alicorns know.

Inspired by Galaxy Express 999. Updated irregularly.

Chapters (13)

Magic is a common sight in Equestria and for some it's a way of life. At the darkest depths, an ancient secret of this arcane art lies hidden away from the world. Few possess the rare ability to summon this mysterious power and even fewer are able to control it. A lone mare will discover her great and powerful ability to break the boundaries of her magic and learn the secrets of true magic under the guidance of a strange unicorn who is keeping more than a few secrets. What wonders and dangers lie beyond the veil of the ageless magic steeped in mystique and darkness?
Constructive criticism, thoughts, or any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edited by my good friend, Shumiry

Chapters (29)

Equestria is a barren land trapped in perpetual sunset.

Broken, alone, afraid, and recalling only faint memories of her former life, a Hollow Pony awakens from her dreamless slumber. Lost in the shattered ruins of a hauntingly familiar world, she shambles onward in a quest to find herself, before she loses herself.

(A Pony story, heavily inspired by and using elements from Dark Souls/Elden Ring. Will update weekly, one chapter every Sunday. Praise the Sun!)

Chapters (59)

Alone and far from home, Luna has sought out the changelings. Completely in their power Luna is entirely at the whim and mercy of the Queen of changelings, but what has prompted this strange encounter?

Chapters (30)