• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013



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This story is a sequel to Savage: Encounters

It has always been known that the Everfree Forest was a dangerous and mysterious place. But now, after the appearance of a new and truly unknown creature, it has become an even more dangerous place, where one could easily lose their life.

This story was made as an alternate ending for the Savage: Encounters chapter Close Call.

A big thank you to Alicorn Priest and Friedom Fiend, who helped me make this fic readable.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Savage

The rumors were many. Some reasonable, others unbelievable. But it was not until some unlucky souls stumbled upon it that they were able to find out their veracity. These are some of the recorded instances when the Everfree creature came in contact with the neighboring populace.

These are the other encounter ideas that I had while developing Savage, not its sequel. Any continuation of it will be in the original story.

Art is not mine but by aeflus, go check this guy out! He has some pretty neat art. Brought to you with the help of these fine persons: Mountain Bell,FreedomFiend, ScrambledCrackers and Alicorn Priest

Chapters (3)

Limitless Technologies has been part of the leading scientific teams of America ever since their lead researcher Phillip Hadger discovered a limitless supply of energy for the world. They spent the next few years developing 'The Dream Machine', a device that can grant wishes. A contest was held, and a lucky winner was able to find himself at the building of Limitless Technologies.

Kevin Akiyama is your average asian-american, a simple mechanic if you will. All he wanted to do was his job and his hobbies. He entered himself in the contest to use the machine, hoping to become his new favorite manga character Saitama, from One Punch Man. The machine had a price when it was used on him, it turned him into pre-training Saitama and sent him to Equestria. After a minor freak out after meeting his first monster, he spent three years training his body and mind.

Now he has everything Saitama has, and will turn the hero world upside down... Or not bother with that at all and just do this hero stuff so he can actually buy groceries in this horse world, being a car mechanic doesn't really work when all the inhabitants still use carriages.

Chapters (5)

A long... Long time ago, back before the Two Pony Princesses recovered the Elements of Harmony... there was a titanic battle between a Majin and a Spirit of Chaos, inevitably the Majin won and as a prize she consumed the spirit and was trapped in stone by the Princesses when they unleashed the Elements of Harmony.

Now, over a thousand years later, The Majin Destroyer is back and ready to kick some flank!

Chapters (14)

There exists between worlds a veil, one that cannot be parted under any circumstances.
Or can it?
One man's heartfelt yearning is granted when that veil is finally pierced, and his fondest wish bestowed, bittersweet though it may be.

Cover Art by Shieltar

Chapters (1)

They say revenge is a dish best served cold. I used to wonder, how cold should it be? Well, I know now. The sort of cold that comes from eternal night and being locked in stone for over a thousand years. The sort that comes from the only person you think you can trust betraying you.

The sort of cold that comes from a knife in the back.

The Moon betrayed me. The Sun entombed me alive. And they were going to pay.

For the League of Humans Acting Villainous

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Light Wanderings

Ethan the Wanderer’s main adventure in Equestria may be over but that doesn’t mean that the tale ends there, oh no, it still goes on. These are the stories that were deemed either too inappropriate (not that way, get your minds out of the gutter) to put in the story or that I simply didn’t have time to get to. Needless to say that if you enter into this without having read either Light or Dark Wanderings then you’re going to be confused, but hopefully, it’ll entice you into checking them out. For those of you who have read them I hope you enjoy this romp through Ethan and Sparky’s travels and life. No, I have no idea how long it’s going to be, or how often I’ll update and keep in mind that this is my C story at the moment.

Expect silliness tempered by seriousness.

Oh, and sorry for the lack of good cover art, this was kind of spur of the moment... anyone willing to donate would be awesome

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to Dark Wanderings

It's been nine months since Twilight Sparkle got back from her solo sojourn to the Capital Wasteland where she met Ethan Smith, AKA that Crazy Son of a Bitch, AKA the Lone Wanderer and was changed forever. Now with Equestria teetering on the edge of a three way war Ethan is called upon to save Equestria, or at the very least to keep Twilight alive. But dark things are awakening in the background and all is not as it seems, can Ethan save Equestria? Can Twilight keep her friends on her side? Will these questions never stop? The answer to at least one of these is yes but can you find out which?

Edited by TacoTown
Coverart by the awesome Derrem

Now has a Tumblr

Chapters (40)

Twilight Sparkle has disappeared. Not just from the face of Equestria but possibly from the face of her universe itself. She must now learn how to survive in a place unlike anything which she has experienced thus far. Luckily she has a friend out in the Wasteland. Join Twilight and The Lone Wanderer as they try and discover a way to send Twilight back to Equestria. Of course this is the Wasteland and things are never as simple as they appear...

Now has a Tumblr

Chapters (35)

Trough the town of ponyville came a stranger one fine day, hardly spoke to folks around her didn't have too much to say, no one dared to ask her business no one dared to make a slip, the stranger there among them had a big moon on her hip...

And the stranger started talking made it plane to folks around, don't want any-kind of trouble wouldn't be too long in town, she came to have some rest time didn't have'em yet, and say it didn't matter in the bar alone she sat...

Chapters (2)