• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013



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Yo I'm Nathan. Dissy said there is a audience listening... So listen up. I always wanted to be a hero, I always wanted to go to equestria. Well I fucked up... But I am gonna redeem myself! I'm gonna prove sunbutt and all of her ponies wrong! I am gonna save Equestria!

Once I get out of here...

Or fuck up again in the process...

Meh. Whatever comes first.

Chapters (8)

257 years have passed since the battle of Yavin. The galaxy has had its share of conflicts since that time. Now, forty-seven years after the last galactic conflict ended, the galaxy-wide peace is coming under threat. The dark side is re-surging, and the light must rise in order to meet it.

As Twilight Sparkle, padawan to Jedi Grandmaster Celestia investigates a series of murders on Kuat, other conflicting events are set into motion, that will either save the galaxy and forge its ultimate team, or plunge it into renewed darkness.

Note: Character tags may change as the story progresses.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Bruce Wayne, welcome to Ponyville

Bruce Wayne, respected business pony and wealthy socialite secretly fights crime under the mantle of the Batman. Mystery, action, romance and some lighthearted (and sometimes dark) humor all await you in the pages of Bruce Wayne, dark knight of Ponyville.

Cover art done by the very talented Dori-to on Deviantart. If you like the cover please share some of that love with him, he worked hard on it.

Chapters (20)

Bruce Wayne, billionaire philanthropist and businessman by day, by night he is the caped crusader, the dark knight of Gotham, the Batman. So why is it Bruce has woken up in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by talking horses? Why has he regressed back to being a child? Why is he now a talking horse himself? Will you ever get any answers? Find out in the next exciting chapter, same bat site, same bat story.
(Story proofread by King Murdock)
Read the sequel here - Bruce Wayne, dark knight of Ponyville

Chapters (14)

Dragons. Beings with incredible power and fire, yet most of them are peaceful creatures. But some of them have not accepted the peace. Some of them are as savage as they come. And with a dark force that sits behind the shadows and pulls the strings of these ferocious beast, chaos and destruction will come for all ponies. Desperate and afraid, Twilight uses her magic to reach out across time and space to find the greatest dragon fighter known to history!

That is not who she gets.

I own nothing. Written after season four and HTTYD 2. And despite what the title says, there will be no ponified characters.

Chapters (30)

This is the tale much like other ones you have read. Where fan of a franchize goes to a con in near complete costume finds weird guy selling that last part of the persons costume and they get warped after buying the part to equestria as that being they have dressed as. I bet you have read stories where preson buys the final part to a costume and it is for the charecter of the opposit gender and the person has to deal with that mess. In my story I would kill just to walk on two legs reguardless of gender. No me being arugable the biggest yugioh fan on the planet went dressed as Naturia Exterio my favorite monster and after buying the last part I was missing I get which is the dragon armor helmet. I got warped to equestria after going against my instincs telling me not to I buy the part I need from a creepy sales guy dressed in my opion closely to the arms dealer in resident evil four.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to A "warm" Distraction

Meet Loveling, the adoptive daughter of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, but Loveling is not what she seems to be. She is, in fact, the last surviving Changeling, given to Cadance by Chrysalis before the Changeling Queen froze to death. Out of guilt and responsibility, Cadance and Armor chose to raise this Changeling as if she was their own foal. But there are still old feelings and past resentments that may make little Loveling's life a tad difficult.

Chapters (1)

It has been almost two years since her plan failed. In that time, Queen Chrysalis, and the rest of the Changeling race has whittled down to less than a tenth. Now, huddled and cold in some dank cave, on Hearth's Warming Eve no less, Chrysalis and her remaining Changelings are cold and hungry. To lift their spirits and warm their hearts, Chrysalis reads them an old story to help them prepare for the following day.
This story is a tearjerker. The next chapter will have the fate of the Changelings, but don't get your hopes up.

Chapters (2)

The name's Essence, and at the moment I'm in the land of magical rainbow ponies, magic, and stuff. Woo hoo. While it isn't the worst place I can imagine being, It can be a hassle sometimes, especially when the princesses decide to imprison you in stone and trap you in a star... on accident, of course.

I don't blame them, really. I've had time to think back and I realize my actions were... unwise? Yes, I think that describes it well. My appropriating story took a bit to form, but honestly, most of my adventures were very random. There's also the fact that other people like me are out there. Who knew?

I say like me... well, a little like me. Well, not quite.

I wasn't sent by some weirdo selling items and I'm not in a costume.


Arc 1- Initials
Chapters 1 and 6
Arc 1.2- Seriousness Averted (Ignorable Chapters)
Chapters 2-5
Arc 2- These Revelations
Chapters 7-12
Arc 3- Renovare of Hope
Chapter 12+

1st One-The Baron and Some Spiders
- The life and times of Xante, Baron of the Frozen Wastelands, First among Liches, Lord of the Dead, and Fabulous Rainbow Magic User by Ssendam The Masked
2nd One- The Demise Begins, Voidlings, and Away We Go
- Applegate by Flutters Is Shy
- Angels of The Empress by ZephyrStife
- I Am Titanfall by SolemnBlade
3rd One-Essence Reaches the Next Level of OP
-The Cosmic King by Theyellowninja13

Chapters (18)

This is the story of a brony, who inserted into Equestria.
But instead of a pony, he became the enemy of Celestia.

Would he decide to do what’s right, to love and tolerate
Or would his evil changeling nature make it hard to integrate

Then there is the question of the duty that is his natural birthright
Tasked by the changeling Queen, he was to murder Princess Twilight

So, here’s my attempt at a SI with a bit of a twist that others have done before. Go to Equestria, end up on the wrong side of the tracks, and have to deal with it. Enjoy!

Art provided by SoukiTsubasa

Chapters (13)