• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013



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The U.S. has fallen to tyranny, with money and power corrupting the minds of the populace, the vacant turmoil riddled battlefield formerly refereed to as the United Sates of America now belongs to the United Nations. But its not as bad as it seems. Now that they've brought peace to the states and have been rebuilding the once great cities. This is your story on how you, a former officer, is now a resident of Equis, though you're not all that you seem.

Crossover because I'll be using ideas from games like destiny, infamous second son, ect.

Will edit when I get better at writing so my chapters aren't shit.

It's my first fic so I wanted to do something that has been nagging me for years. Be as blunt as possible If you're going to critique my story, I want to know exactly what I do wrong and in the future take the time to wrack my brain so I can fix it.
(And yes, I know that that is not how you spell phoenix, but theres a story behind my deliberate misspelling, but that is for another time.)

Chapters (12)

Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape.

After one-thousand years of being bound in the celestial body, Nightmare Moon is free! Right alongside the poor sap that got bound with her.

Thrust into an unfamiliar world, with scars and memories that are now drastically out of place, this is the story of the former guard captain, Magic Barrier.

Do the words above sound familiar? If they do, then you've probably read my other story, A Pony Displaced. This tale isn't a sequel. It isn't a rewrite, though you might consider it a re-imagining of sorts. It is a tale of progression, one that I hope will show my development as a writer in both skill and quality. But more importantly, it is a story that offers exploration into one simple question. What if Magic Barrier had trotted down another path?

As always, thanks go out to everyone who helped me get to this point. In particular, thank you to Alticron, for editing, proofreading, co-writing, being my idea-wall, and arguably the single biggest reason this story saw the light the day, and thank you to Word Worthy, formerly Izanagi, who also edited, proofread, and threw ideas around with us. It wouldn't be possible without these two. In addition to those two I'd like to thank the newest member of the group Omnicron25 for his efforts in proofing/editing as well. Damn glad to have you on board mate.

Additional thanks to Wing for keeping me company late nights and for being a wordsmith when I needed one.

Chapters (54)

This story is a sequel to What I've Done

This is the third book in The Humanity Within Trilogy. If you haven't read the other two books first, go back and do that now. Don't worry, this will still be here when you get back...

Also, if you've already finished this trilogy, you should be happy to know that the next book in the series, A Darkened Sky, is out right now! Go read it, follow it, and all that stuff!

I don't know what to believe anymore. I was sure they were all monsters, all demons bent on destroying any peace I and my new friends might find in this life.

I was wrong.

Instead of burning this world down around me, their weapons are pointed away from the planet, not towards it.

As if that conundrum wasn't perplexing enough, I also have to deal with finding my own place in this odd, yet familiar society. But how does one simply go back to being normal? Especially knowing that the real monsters that caused this mess in the first place could be just around the corner?

After all, it's not like I'll ever see my home planet again. They may not be here to hurt me or my friends, but I still don't trust these 'friendly' aliens to get me a ride home...

Chapters (47)

About a year after the events of The Return of a Fallen Ally Ryuko starts to remember things from his past. Things that he doesn't completely understand. How will he handle the answers to his questions?

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle is given the task of be ringing back a long lost friend of the Princesses. But when that friend has a hard time remembering his past, how will she handle it?

(This story includes a character of my own making. It may be similar to some others out there but I assure you that I came up with it on my own. )

Chapters (9)

For four thousand years a legend has been told of how the first dragons got their fire. Little did they know the legend is true. Five thousand years ago a being took residence in the Draconian Mountains. It called itself Yolstrun, a Fire Elemental. Dragons tried to drive it out, but failed. The Elemental seeing as they had no defense mechanism for protecting themselves pitied them and gave them the gift of fire. With this new found ability they were feared throughout the land. The Royal Sisters, Celestia and Luna, leaders of the ponies have had enough of them and used the Elements of Harmony to seal the Elemental inside the Volcano of Goraag, Capital of the Dragons. With their leader defeated the dragons were scattered throughout the lands and turned into mindless beasts, except for those who remained faithful to their leader and stayed in the mountains. Now the seal they put on the volcano is weakening and the monster they thought was gone forever is returning.

Hey guys Draco here. Other tags include Sci-Fi(You'll see why). Here's a new story for you guys and this time it's part of a series of books I'll be doing in time. So enjoy the story guys. If anybody wants to be my editor just PM me and we'll see how things go. Constructive criticism is allowed, but no hate comments

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Casting a Shadow

Nothing is constant, everything is in flux.

I try to stay as constant as I can, but in these changing times, all I can be sure of is that I am still good.

What people tend to forget is that good is not necessarily nice.

Chapters (5)

In this 'story' you will read about what a filly's mind was thinking inside the colorful town of ponyville, the weariness capitol of equstria... Read this filly's thoughts about her life and what's going on in ponyville...

Contains some (few as it may be) acknowledgment of sexual acts between married couples

Your dislikes means nothing if you don't explain why, do everyone a favor and explain your reason no matter how good or badi'm trying to write something you don't see everyday, please don't put you expects bar too high

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to A Rainy Day's Date

Sometimes the pressure of being a Princess is just a bit too much. The best way to relax? Escape. Escape from the loud noises, the responsibilities. You and Cadance spend an evening in her hometown just trying to get away.

No Knowledge of the previous story is needed to enjoy this date. :heart:

Chapters (1)

Teen Cadance and Anonymous have been dating for almost a month now and they finally have a day to themselves. When the weather doesn't agree with their plans, they decide to do the best thing to do on a rainy day. Cuddle and take a nap.

Chapters (1)