• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013



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During the Discordian Era, Chaos ran free, allowing many monsters to establish solid footholds. Footholds that were lost when Celestia and Luna cast down Discord and took his place as the rulers of Equestria. Now, many thousands of years later, the Elements of Harmony, the very same tools that struck down Discord, belong to six individual ponies. Six vulnerable ponies. An ancient draconic vampire begins his campaign of revenge, uncaring of who is caught up within it. His first target? The Element of Magic, student of Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle.

Art by Archonix Source is in the link, and he does do commissions.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Becoming One With the Night

It was supposed to be a good day. Twilight and Luna were sharing the news of their relationship with their closest friends and family. However, Celestia's largest secret yet finally came out. Now, relations are strained between Celestia and everypony else. After all, what's Twilight to do when she finds out her second mother is actually her birth mother?

On top of this massive bombshell, soon Twilight will be sporting a pair of wings of her own. If she thought things were complicated now, just wait until Canterlot gets wind of a new alicorn. Life is about to become one giant nightmare for Twilight. But hey, at least she has Luna, right?

As stated above, this is a sequel. I highly encourage you to read the first story (the writing is extremely rough early on, mind you), but it's not entirely required to understand most everything that will be going on here.

EDIT: Takes place during S3, when it was originally conceived, thus the Alt. Universe tag. There was no redemption of Discord. There was no ascension. Yes, the Crystal Empire is back, and Cadance and Shining Armor are the leaders there. This should cover the more critical aspects of the season in regards to the story.

Chapters (5)

Time, the ever-flowing measure of action. It is not a physical thing that one can touch or feel, but an abstract thought of the difference between now, then, and later; it is the indefinite continued progress of existence. What happens when one has the ability to control time? He is deemed one of the most powerful beings on the planet, for he can stop you in your tracks without any effort at all.

I am this being.

I control Time.

If you're wondering why this story is canceled, check my blogs. I am rewriting it, and will post the new version under a new title. Do not worry.

Featured on 7/6/14 thank you all!!

And featured again on 3/3/15, after it was canceled!!! What has this world come to?!?!

If you're too lazy to read it yourself, (I don't blame you, I do this myself, sometimes) listen to my good friend, The Naive Narrator, read it on his video, Time Ticks on Chapter one! Give him some love!

This is my first LoHAV/LoHAH story. I know how hated the genera is, because it's so overused, but I like the idea of being taken from your home only to be shoved into a world where you don't belong.

Also, some credit is due in the department of the idea. The steampunk theme was inspired by the story Son of Invention, a great story to read if you like this one. The character of Mike goes to this image. I looked for a long time and the closest I could get to the artist was this page.

Thank you for reading and please tell me what you think in the comments.

PS. Any and all chapters in this story are subject to change without notice. I will periodically go back into past chapters and rewrite something that doesn't mach with what is currently going on, so if something seems off, that would be why. Do not PM me telling me how "you didn't tell us that you changed that" or "but it was like this" or any of that stuff. As mentioned before, I will probably not tell anyone about it.

Chapters (24)

After finding a human lost within the Everfree Forest, and unable to find his owner, Ditzy decides to bring him home as a playmate for Dinky. Shenanigans ensue when Dinky learns that her new friend, Locke, can actually talk! But why can none of the adults seem to be able to hear him? Of course, that little fact won't stop her from having fun with her new friend!

This was written partly on a whim, and partly because Chainlinc3 wanted a side story to Your Human and You. Well, here you go, Chainlinc3, here you go...

Chapters (4)

The Elements of Harmony have failed to stop Discord and now it falls to one man to save them all, one very unstable lunatic of a man. Who is this man you ask? Why he is The Freakazoid!

** popular story list 9/19/14**

Chapters (1)

You know all those stories about cos-players disappearing? Well this is kinda like those. Jason Hughes was just a normal guy attending a con for the first time. Of course he had to buy that omnitrix replica right? Well now he's stuck in a world of talking ponies and has to learn what it means to be a pony.

**This somehow got on the popular stories list on 8/16/14, which is only a day after I published it. Thats a new one*

**So this got featured on 8/17/14 I have no idea how that happened but thanks everyone!**

Big thanks to m2pt5 for taking on the role of proofreader/editor. Also want to thank DuskShadowBrony for being my other editor.

Chapters (56)

Octavia and Vinyl have been dating for months, but neither has had a chance to introduce their significant other to their families. Vinyl always dodges the issue, but when Octavia is insistent, they have a fight. This leaves Vinyl with no other option than to have Octavia over to meet her parents.

Maybe she should have told Octavia who she really was?

Dramatic reading by Goombasa available here.

Now in Russian, translated by Hopeless.

Chapters (1)

One day, Rainbow Dash notices something about Sunset Shimmer: she only eats salads, fruit, and non-meat products. So she decides to dare the former pony to try a meat product the next day at lunch. Little do they know what's on the menu that day...

Set in the Equestria Girls universe.

Chapters (1)

In Equestria, everypony views heroes as stories for fillies and not to be taken seriously. However, in another reality, heroes do exist. When a dimensional transport portal goes awry, a certain vigilante finds himself in a colorful land full of ponies. And he isn't happy. Will Batman have to fight his way out of Equestria? Or can even the most dark hearts find peace?

Batman will be based off the arkham city batman universe with a few villians thrown in.
other heroes will be mentioned or have a minor role.


Please comment and/or critque

Chapters (33)

Chaos runs rampant in the night. Screams of those innocent that are caught by the grime and filth of the criminal are never answered. The guard cannot keep up with all the crimes being commited. But thankfully for them and all of the ponies that live in Equestria, there is someone who watches from the shadows, one that stalks the stalkers. A silent guardian that brings vengance to those who deserve it. And they will be needed more than ever, as a group seeks to unleash a great evils back into the land. And it will be a day that no pony can forget. But just as there must be a day, there must also be a knight.

Sequel to the Dark Knight for Equestria and sister story to For Her Mistakes. Comment or critque.


Chapters (28)