• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013



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I don't know where I am. All I have is a backpack, a journal, a knife, and a lighter. How did I get here? Where is here?

A human in equestria. He has forgotten most of his life and is trying to remember it. He can do things by drawing symbols in the ground. How will ponyville take him?

Dr_Squipadelio: Might as well try other stories no?

Mr_Hipopotomonstroses: I still don't get why you just don't write these stories yourself Dr_S.

Sir_Phobia: Just put something there for me. But don't literally put 'something there for me'. Wait are you writing down all of this? Asshole, give me that phone-[Technical Difficulties]

The term alchemy is used differently here and probably be not like other alchemy things you have heard off. I will explain what the humans definition of alchemy is in a future chapter.

Chapters (31)

It was just a normal day for me. Go to game con and pick up a Keyblade replica while dressed as Sora in his kh2 outfit minus the shoes. I didn't find one but I did get two keychains from a creepy merchant. Then I find myself in Equestria. Stuck in a world I thought was fiction I will do everything in my power to save this world from Darkness. That is if I can survive having a Changeling Queen after my heart. Nor did I expect to become like a brother to the Princess of the Night. Oh boy have I got my work cut out for me.

Chapters (25)

For ten grand years, the world trembled at the very mention of my name. My presence sent women and children running and caused men to openly weep at their imminent demise. I was once the greatest, but I was defeated by myself. I thought I could defeat him and make my future glorious, but I failed.

I was going to make Phantom pay for leaving me at the mercy of Clockwork and the Observers. I was going to remake my future. But fate once again intervened, sending me somewhere far past the ghost zone. It was awful at first, but when I saw how this new world's creatures trembled before me... I just couldn't deny my want for destruction of these pathetic creatures.

If only it had been so easy...

I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic nor Danny Phantom. This is made for entertainment only and not to infringe on any copyrights.

Chapters (4)

For a thousand years, peace has reigned over Equus, in large part due to a tournament known as the Gundam Fight. This tournament, held every four years, decides which nation will rule the others. Equestria itself, the origin of the Fight, has not won a Fight in over a hundred years. Will the return of the King Of Hearts, founder of the fight, allow Equestria to finally win?

Chapters (2)

What if the 9th Doctor never regenerate. What if he did all the 10th and 11th Doctors adventures. (Beside the 50th anniversary special.) He drop Clara home and never return. He then travel to Equestria. But he regenerate into an dragon egg after fighting the Cybermen and lost his memories.The egg was discover by Princess Celestia and hatch years later by Twilight. What if Spike was the egg and been regain those memories after Nightmare Moon return.
(Looking for an editer and cover image)

Chapters (3)

"The worst thing a human can be is alone."

Time, the ever-flowing measure of action. It is not a physical thing that one can touch or feel, but an abstract thought of the difference between now, then, and later. It is the indefinite continued progress of existence. What happens when one has the ability to control time? He is deemed one of the most powerful beings on the planet, for he can stop you in your tracks without any effort at all.

I am this being.

I control Time.

This is a rewrite of the rewrite. The original Time and Time Again has been removed. I hope you all enjoy this version better.

The picture is credited to Shoshin005. I added the words myself with a simple editing tool. (why can't full Pixlr be free anymore?! :raritydespair:)

Chapters (3)

Hearth's Warming Eve is supposed to be a happy event—Cadance knows this, but all she ever feels is lonely. Now, with Shining Armor gone and a freak snowstorm battering her kingdom, it's up to Cadance to salvage the holiday and teach her crystal ponies to care for one another.

A story about finding your family, on the coldest night of the year.
— Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to And Then There Were 10...Er...67

Jason Hughes has changed much during his stay in Asgard. Not only does he rule part of a kingdom but has united two warring races and married two fine mares. Peace rarely ever lasts and things are about to get heavy, especially when parenthood rears its ugly head.

Edited by the ever amazing m2pt5.

** Featured same day as it released on 5/21/15**

Chapters (27)

Prince Solaris planned to spend his day off drinking his tea in peace

He did not expect a rather attractive goddess show up in his room.

Part of the Masterverse

Edited by Zaleros

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to How many friends have you made today?!

Things are a lot better for Anon since the events of Ponyville. His store is doing great and he enjoys the company of all his friends. As the days go on, he finds that the problems of the past are quick to haunt him as he is forced to face the one thing that hurt him the most.

Chapters (29)