• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013



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You are Anon, and you managed to marry your love, Princess Celestia. However, fate conspires against you, and you end up bound to her sister as well.

Now if only you knew more about Luna than her name.

Chapters (10)

(The picture is a cropped one of a larger product which was made by RomanJe on Deviantart and belongs to thesassyjessy on Deviantart.)

You've been stranded in this magic pony talking land for 6 years now. Thankfully you haven't lost your sanity despite being restricted to the Canterlot Castle this entire time.

During that time however, you've become friends with the Princess of the Night and, apparently, the Moon. Her name is Princess Luna but she does seem to have a mix of medieval and modern speech.

Though you wish to say she's your best friend with the pranks you both do and all around the castle. You can't help but wonder why she hangs around with you all the time though.

(Rated T for teen due to minor swearing.)

Chapters (1)

Curtis is back and this time he is a King. After marrying Chrysalis and taking in both the flesh and blood of a changling he has become their King and is now leading them into an age of peace by bringing both the ponies and the changlings together.

But when a group of extremist terrorists attack and kidnap both his son and wife he is then swept up into an adventure to save them and bring down this organization.

Chapters (1)

How in the hell did I get here? Was one of the questions that ran through my head. Let me cut to the chase I an ordanary college student ended up here in Equestria. I'm scared out of my wits and it doesn't help that Pinkie Pie was the first pony I see. Join me as I learn the magic of believing in oneself and try to get over my fear of Pinkameana Diane Pie.

Chapters (29)

Sunset convinces Twilight to spend a Christmas with her and the girls in their world so she could get a taste of what it's like while accidentally showing her one of the best parts of the holiday.
Featured on 12/17/14! *Dash voice* Aw yeah!

Chapters (1)

Tom an Average Joe, saves a girl from an attempted rape. But he is fatalily injured and blacks out, only to wake up in a strange place in a body of a horse. A horse known to the locals as Nightmare moon.

Edited by Izanagi

Cover Art done by SwedishRoyalGuard http://www.deviantart.com/art/Nightmare-Moon-372321197

Chapters (12)

Some ponies find love, and to those few it means everything. Losing it can drive them to horrifying lengths to take it back, lengths some ponies would call insane. For one pony however, no cost is too great, no challange too daunting, and not taboo restricting.

In the loving memory of someone dead.

Chapters (1)

In honor of the Lunar Eclipse and the Blood Moon.

Princess Luna looks beyond her airs, her masks, and her own sense of being to view the woman in the mirror. A her long past, yet one that is the she that she has come to know best. A vale of lies and a cloak of shame cascade between she and herself; one that only with four hands together can be removed to see reality. A stark reality that stabs at the heart.

Humanized character.

Mixed Point of View.

Chapters (1)

What is friendship?

Is it a term or something so much more?

And can you be a friend to something so different but so similar to you?

Something that I'm sure has been done to death but, since reading East of Eden, I wanted to do something a little more thought provoking. I got the idea while I was alone in my house, with just the sound of a clock ticking to keep me company.

Art done by murphylaw4me

Chapters (1)

Honorable Mentions to Lord Faggot and BaroqueNexus for proofreading this material before it was submitted. Thank you both, and will all those reading this story please go check their channels out on my behalf? Thank you.

Why does Applejack act so protective around that stetson hat of hers, like an Ursa Major defending her cubs?

Rainbow Dash will learn why that hat is so valuable to her friend.

Link to image source - http://img0.joyreactor.cc/pics/post/my-little-pony-mlp-art-mane-6-Applejack-448290.jpeg

Chapters (2)