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After the Smarty Pants incident, Twilight revisited one subject of books that she never did master: Self-help books. This time, its working! And with new things open to her, Twilight decides to liven up her life a bit.

And what better way to hit the track galloping than by pranking Pinkie Pie?

Her changes will bring both amusement and concern from her loved ones, wondering if they should be worried something is wrong or just happy she's enjoying herself. Because, either way, they got to admit its funny that Pinkie Pie thinks Twilight is reading her mind.

Slightly OOC Twilight, but that's the entire premise.

Timing is Season Three, Post-Sombra but Pre-Alicorn

Chapters (2)

Scootaloo ran away years ago. Since then she's settled into a life in Ponyville. It's not much of one, but it's hers. One cold day she finds herself in the library.

Twilight Sparkle is a Princess, sworn to help all the citizens of Equestria, but how can she help somepony she doesn't know needs it.

Edited by Zimmerwald1915 and Johnny Bench

Chapters (15)

When Trixie Lulamoon's wagon's wheels freeze in a snowstorm, she is shunned from heat and gets stuck in her excuse for a home. Somepony realizes that Trixie had been strangely absent that day, and will trek through the cold to find the love of her life. Will she succeed? Will Trixie freeze to death? The questions will lurk in each ponies' minds. . .

Chapters (3)

Everypony has one 'Longest Night', a night that just never seems to end, whether they want it to end or not. For Celestia, her Longest Night began on the first night she had to raise her sister's moon.

Heartbroken and filled with despair that she may never see her sister again, Celestia makes a wish upon a falling star to see her sister one more time. Little did she realise that the stars listen.

A one-shot story of two sisters, and one Faithful Student.

Side-quel: Myths and Birthrights

Partially inspired by Ponyphonics amazing song 'Lullaby for a Princess'.
Cover art used with permission by InuHoshi-to-DarkPen.
Special thanks to Honey Mead and Iroh for helping iron out some details.

Chapters (1)

Sex tag is just to be safe, there will be no sex, just some mentions of it and a possible scene where there may be an attempt at seduction that does not get anywhere.

When Sunset finds another student from from school beaten and hiding in an alley, she does the only thing she can, she takes the girl home with her. Can one wounded soul heal another and save Sunset from the hate deep inside?

One girl a bully with connections to the underworld with a short temper.

Another girl afraid and shy to the point that it can be difficult to get through the day.

Both of them hurt by families, their souls near shattered. Will time together soften one and strengthen another, or will it cause everything to explode when truths are learned?

This is an AU starting before the first EG movie, though it will continue into it with changes. The world will work differently than our world and possibly a little different than the EG world being some relaxations on certain things.

This isn't tied to my other stories in anyway and is a birthday present to a friend of mine, Happy Birthday K! :pinkiehappy:

Arc 2 has split off into 2 different timelines so has 2 different stories.

The Sun and the Shy: Shadows Rising is the story centering around Sunset and Fluttershy's transfer to Crystal Prep Academy.

The Sun and the Shy: Canterlot Blues is the story of Fluttershy and Sunset staying at CHS and goes through the first movie.

Chapters (7)

Twilight never found time to read through the rather dated library in the Crystal Empire. During a trip out to the Empire, the alicorn decides to spend some time in the library. However, upon making the shocking realization that the Princess before Cadence has an almost exact likeness to herself. When trying to dig deeper, she is denied by Celestia. What exactly is she hiding?

I had this hiding in my docs for almost a year, completed. Dunno why it was never posted, so here we are.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Preening Your Princess

Over a year has passed since Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash became loving marefriends and neither one of them could be happier with their relationship. One day; after a long week of work, Rainbow comes home and wants nothing but to sit back and relax before the weekend. Twilight however, has a plan to surprise her marefriend with something she knows they'll both enjoy, and after weeks of planning and research on the subject, what could go wrong?

Reading Preening Your Princess is not required to enjoy this story.

Sex tag for minor references and mentions, not anything too graphic.

Edited by: Infinite Affection and lunargaurd4ever.

Chapters (1)

After dating Twilight Sparkle for a few months; Rainbow Dash could have never guessed that the benevolent princess of friendship, almighty element of magic and multiple times savior of Equestria... Has no idea how to take care of her own wings.

Featured: 7/24/16
Audio reading by ScarlettBlade.
Edited by: Infinite Affection

Chapters (1)

Twilight has long nursed a crush on her quiet yellow friend. When Fluttershy's magic builds to dangerous levels, Twilight steps forward to nurse her sick friend back to health, struggling to keep her complicated feelings under control.

Cover image used with permission from BloodNekoFox

Chapters (5)

It is the first court session that three alicorns of Equestria will be holding together but Celestia has other plans for this court session that are less diplomatic and bit more scandalous.

This is my entry fer the TwiLestia contest, I hope you enjoy.

The pic is from MissMagicalWolf on DA.

Chapters (1)