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(2nd Person story starring Doctor "You" and Rainbow Dash)

Being a doctor in the big city isn't as glamorous as you thought it would be; few hours, minimal contact, and a staff of doctors that really don't care. So you did what any self-respecting doctor would do: pack up his bags and move to another city. Ponyville to be exact. This small, out of the way town promised to be the perfect place to set up a family practice and actually do house-calls for a change. Though, you'd never thought you'd be performing home-care for a certain blue pegasus who ended up in your Emergency Room...

Author's Notes:

Cover Image by N3uro. Thanks buddy!

This is the second fic I ever did for the SFG and still one of my favorites. The idea came to me shortly after finishing Love Triangles and Other Funny Shapes and I needed to write it. Luckily, I did and this fic lead to all my others because I said to myself: "Why stop with just one of the mane cast? I'll do all of them!"

Best idea ever. ^.^

Anyway, there originally was a much more graphic ending, but after all this time, I gotta say I'm not happy with it. I may or may not fix it and write a different one, I have no idea. But for now, it's just a teen rating. I promise plenty of laughs, sweet moments, and tender scenes.

Chapters (6)

(2nd Person Sensual Fic starring Doctor Sigmund "You" and Rarity)

Rarity finally admits her problem and looks for some professional help and finds it in you, Ponyville's resident psychiatrist. The more you explore her problems and her mind, you can't help but find a place for this unicorn in your heart. But is it wise to let your emotions cloud your psychiatric judgement? Just how far will you go to make her happy?

This fic turned out to be much longer than the others and has some pretty large parts in it. And that's how I started writing even longer fics, which is great, isn't it?

And a side note: Did a little crossover collab with Coffeebean and his fic "Drunken Lullabies". You should check it out, if you haven't already.


Chapters (7)

As one of Equestria's more popular writers, you relish the chance to get away and work on your newest romance novel and some side projects, when you meet a particular yellow pegasus who happens to be a fan of your work and oddly enough, you're a fan of hers as well... She just wishes you weren't, because "It's so embarrassing..."

And here it is, the last in my "Mane 6" stories, By a Fireplace! This story, like all the others, takes place during all the others and has its own little niche in the timeline. I've had a lot of questions about the continuity of my stories, but please bare with me. I've got a plan, a timeline, and graphs.

Anyway, about the story itself... Hmm... Well, nothing really special or no warning I should post... This should be a pretty tame story, but if there's a development even I didn't expect, I'll make sure to put it here.

Well, enjoy!

Chapters (8)

Diamond Tiara lives a perfect life. She can spot weakness in anypony from a mile away. Almost too well.

Special thanks to PropMaster for both the story idea and the prereading.

Chapters (1)

"He truly loved her and knew she loved him just as much. The dragon gulped deeply as a fluttering sensation occupied his stomach. He didn't just love Twilight as a friend."

After finally giving up on Rarity, Spike realizes that the true mare of his dreams has been in his company for a lifetime, but is unsure if Twilight would ever consider him as more than a great friend and assistant. The only way he can find out is ask.

*Featured 2/20/2014, Thank you all so much!*

Cover Art: Hey,.. real' quick, before the intro starts.. by Frist44

Special thanks to all the readers who pointed out grammar and spelling errors. You're great proofreaders!

Chapters (3)

Soarin and Braeburn are really close friends; almost inseparable. They go almost everywhere together, do almost everything with each other, and even share the same home with each other. They are like two peas in a pod, so close that you'd think they were gay.

But the problem is, they aren't. Why is this a problem? Because everypony in town thinks they are. Will the duo be able to convince the others that they are in fact straight without ruining their friendship...or will they want to convince anypony?

The completely heterosexual collab of Draconian Soul and RainbowBob

Edited by SpaceCommie and pre-read by Skeeter and Flint Sparks

Chapters (1)

It was only a few days ago when I lost my voice and Fluttershy had to sing in my place with the Ponytones. Then, just the other mornin', Rarity's asked me out to a big fancy dinner in downtown Ponyville. What could this mean? Have I done somethin' wrong? Is she finally kickin' me out of the quartet? Or, even worse, could an elegant unicorn like that actually be interested in a stallion like me?

I ain't no good at reading ponies, and I'm even worse at speakin' my thoughts out loud. Rarity is a nice, elegant lady, and I'd be a plum fool to hurt her feelings. Still, the truth's gotta come out somehow. There's only one mare in this-here town who strikes my fancy, and it ain't her.

Based on an idea given to me by Propmaster.

Chapters (2)

Stephen of the Magneting fate hero must from piloting Six Elemental ponies throw deep into the Oatlantis to retrieve the Demon Lance and vomit out to witches Burning Angel before it destroys Equestria, and all verse ponies make great missionary position song to prevent terrifying blood death.

Chapters (1)

When a freak science experiment at Twilight's library zaps Rainbow Dash with temporary aphasia, it's up to Applejack to get her a cure.

Chapters (1)

Canceled because the concept is so overused anymore, there's no real point. I get my ideas would be "unique" from other authors, but sadly for me the idea has become stale. I won't delete though, who knows, maybe I'll get spunky.

Kurt, a loner for almost all of his life is thrust upon the inhabitants of Equestria in a freak accident. Now he must try to return home, but is there really any home for him to return to? Or will his past come back to haunt and destroy him? Meanwhile, something is stirring with Equestria's newest princess alicorn.

Thanks to Cthuluigi for the editing (Both past and present versions)
And thanks to CanadianDesperado for the cover art.

Chapters (3)