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When sorting through a horde of ancient artefacts Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash accidentally activate the magical powers of a pair of bracelets which force the wearers to be in constant physical contact with one another. Stuck together until Twilight manages to find a way to remove the bracelets, the shy and timid pegasus must cope with re-emerging feelings, while the athletic and rash pegasus must cope with the various antics of a bunny rabbit out to get her.

The cover image for this story is the artwork ‘FlutterDash RainbowShy IDK’ by TheDracoJayProduct.

This fanfic features FlutterDash and hints/mentions other pairings such as SpArity, RariPie, and SweetieSpike to a lesser degree.

I do not - nor do I claim to - own any characters or artwork I use in this story unless otherwise stated - they belong to their respective series and owners.

Now with a fan-made TV Tropes page created and maintained by Zyr1987 because readers of this story consider this to be that awesome.

Chapters (9)

The love lives of the fillies in the Ponyville Schoolyard are kicked into high gear by the arrival of a new colt who only wishes to be left alone. However, with everypony wanting to welcome him and be his friend, or give him a hard time for being a Blank Flank, he sees no other option than to counterattack the only way he knows how, passive aggressively.

Little could he have known that surprise kisses and group date invites are less effective at driving fillies away than it was back in his homeland, and he soon finds himself at the center of crush central with no way out. Sometimes, being a Winning Pony is a curse.

Former Proofreader: Letedwend

Chapters (5)

College sucks. At least, you think so.

You don't care what anyone says. College is basically an adult kindergarten, one where depressed teachers try to uphold some semblance of order in their classes full of drunk, disorderly, or just plain stupid students (and you use the term 'students' extremely loosely) that are only there because their rich parents want their brain-dead children to have some sort of higher education. Either that or sports scholarships. Goddamn sports scholarships.

When your best friend leaves for greener pastures over in Equestria, you start dreading who will take his place as your roommate. Naturally, it happens to be an Equestrian that takes his place—and you're put in charge of making sure she feels at home.

Second-person perspective. Contains anthropomorphic ponies.

A short story that I will add to when I'm not working on more important stories. Enjoy it for what it is, and try not to look to deep into it.

Chapters (4)

Ponies are like glass; they can fall apart.

When their most fragile friend finally, irreparably shatters, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie watch their bonds dissolve. Together, they have to find out that life is beautiful—albeit painful—and that friendship can survive anything.

Chapters (1)

.my name is charon, ferrypony of the underworld.
.it is my task to carry the souls of the dead into the darkness beyond.
.this is a necessary burden, one that i took up at the cost of my own spiritual tranquility.
.and i will not sleep, nor will i taste the soothing kiss of oblivion, until the last pony is ferried.

Chapters (7)

Octavia loves being the center of attention when it comes to large crowds. Though her day started out innocently enough, she tries to earn the stare of a stallion passing by but quickly finds her efforts being watched by others. One would be surprised to what a simple tootsie pop and an adventurous tongue can do and wanting to give her audience a proper show, she makes it one to remember.

Edited and preread by: Shadowflash and SolidFire

Chapters (1)

When the ad for a roommate was answered by a pony, Louis was more than a bit surprised. He had heard about them in the news, and how they had come from another world. But what Bronies had wished for wasn't exactly what they found. Now the real ponies are visiting earth, and he has one living with him. How will the straight laced normal guy learn to deal with a hyperactive pink pony, and how will she learn to live in a world without magic?

A bit of a sitcom style slice of life, where the real ponies are as different from the show as we are from cartoon humans. Rated PG13 for innuendo and language. Expect foul language, F-bombs, sexual innuendos, and tons of low-brow dirty humor.
Featured! 2/7/14
Room for Rent: FAQ
Edited by Zyrian

Chapters (14)

Nopony knew Scootaloo was an orphan. Scootaloo didn't know who her parents were. After discovering her secret, Twilight casts a spell that can show the young filly her parents. The result will change both their lives forever.

Edited by LunaSol, Templar22 and Bpkyle777

Chapters (3)

At what should have been a routine doctor's visit, Applejack learns that she can never bear foals of her own. After an emotional breakdown, her friends do their best to calm her.

However, as the discussion develops, nopony is prepared for Twilight's revelation: the grand event which brought them together has left a hidden scar within each of them.

Tempers flare, relationships are strained, and the strength of their friendship is tested as each must come to terms with her newfound sterility.

Now on Equestria Daily
and Twilight's Library

Thanks to these wonderful people for all their help

Cover artist


Prereadering and suggestions from:
Distaff Pope
John Perry

Chapters (3)

When you are stuck in a world filled with pastel tiny horses who can use magic that you never knew exist and the only way for you to go back to your own world is to change yourself to be a better person. How much you will endure and suffer to go back home where every bad memory that haunt you all this time happened? Fortunately, a yellow timid pegasus will help you go through it and maybe a lot more than just making you a better person.

1st person view fic.

Chapters (4)