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Twilight, seeing that her friend needed a little bit of companionship, decided to help him get a date.

But boy, did he aim a little too high for her taste.

Now, her and Spike need to help this putz of a human snatch a date from one of the most undateable beings on the planet, Princess Celestia.

Needless to say, they're doomed.

Cover art used with permission by Lydia-Rawr

Warning: Story will contain horrible romance clichés, cutsieness, and all around silliness.

You have been warned.

Chapters (25)

Since their first day being Power Ponies, Spike's marefriends have returned to Canterlot's House of Enchanted Comics for more adventures. One afternoon, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash are enjoying a supertastic escapade as Radiance, Mistress Marevelous, and Zapp. The number one written rule of these enchanted comics is simple: the fantasy will not end until the narrative plays itself out. One problem, though. For this particular "adventure" to end, it's written that Mistress Marevelous and Zapp must kiss. Passionately.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy wakes up one morning. It's a great day!

Her friends stop by with some disturbing news and an unsightly image.

Fluttershy has been featured on the cover of a certain magazine.

Dear Celestia, why.

Preread by: Sethi

Author's Note:
Don't ask.

Chapters (2)

A few months after the events of Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, Applejack decides to officially integrate the others into her family with an Apple tradition: a long night of cider drinking.

The next morning Applejack wakes up...in Twilight's bed...with a gold band on her hoof...and a legally binding document on the bedside table...

Cover art by ThePristineEye

Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Check out the live reading!

And check out About Last Night: A Deleted Scene, by EquesTRON.

Chapters (22)

On a dark night filled with even darker magics, an insane cult attempts to give Nightmare Moon a body and life of her own, utterly separate from Princess Luna. But, when the spell is interrupted by Celestia, something unexpected is created.

Now, a little black alicorn filly named Nyx finds herself living under the care of Twilight Sparkle, only to be haunted by memories and emotions from her past. Is she Nightmare Moon reborn or is she simply a doppelganger with a soul and mind of her own? Can Twilight Sparkle protect Nyx from those who refuse to see past her dragon eyes and black coat?

Or, will Nyx be forced to inherit the sins that may not even be hers and become the greatest evil Equestria has ever known?

Chapters (22)

Every story has a beginning, middle, and end. But mine, the story of my life, is far from interesting. My hobbies, my work, my cutie mark, all are dull. Flowers and poems ruled my life, until I fell in love.

My name is Roseluck, and this is the only story I have worth telling.

Chapters (7)

Shortly after becoming a teenager, Scootaloo undergoes a startling transformation. Her life spirals out of control as unanswered questions about her past resurface. Her journey to self discovery will create conflicts from those she thought was close, changes that scare her. With the odds stacking against her, she's afraid of what she'll find out about herself.

Thanks to this wonderful people for their help: Manaphy , DemonBrightSpirit, Blazing Light, Lord Of Dorkness, Prak and Word Worthy.

Made by the talented The Exotic Natasha.

Chapters (7)

A pony returns to Ponyville on Hearth's Warming Eve. Amidst the snow and festivities, he runs into a curious mare wallowing by her lonesome, and he does his best to cheer her up. Together, both ponies learn that no chance meeting is ever an accident, for there is love beyond what lingers.

Chapters (1)

Fancy Pants and his lovely wife Fleur are quite possibly Canterlot's most heroic duet. Together they conquered countless events, faced hordes of snobbish socialites, and emerged victorious from the most dire of faux pas. May their bravery and finesse be forever remembered on parties to come!

There is a missing element in their perfect life, though: the joy of having a child and becoming a family. When conventional methods fail, will the couple muster enough courage to seek out the alternative, or will they stay a duet forever?

Enter Chestnut—a daring filly from beyond Equestria, out of their social stratum, and definitely exceeding their boldest expectations.

For better or worse.

Chapters (10)

Additional tag: [Cute]
Rainbow Dash, age three, spends a heartwarming day with her family.
One cute filly, two loving parents, and plenty of time to themselves. What adorable, everyday adventures will they get themselves into? First thing in the morning, Rainbow decides that she is going to be a cat; it only gets cuter from there.

(First person Rainbow Dash)

Author's Note
Anti-Disclaimer: I take full responsibility as the author for any and all side effects that come from reading this story.*

*Side effects may include, but are not limited to: diabetes, heart attacks, cuteness induced head trauma, the feels, d’awwwwwws, and artery clogging sweetness.
Note: Any actual medical conditions are not my fault and I hope you recover quickly.

Pre-read by Sethi and Hopeless Appraisal

Chapters (1)