• Member Since 1st Dec, 2015

Dark Law

Control What Others Think About You. Free Space For The Free Minds.

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Warning: Philosophically dark.

A lot has happened since Celestia and Luna disappeared nine hundred years ago. There are no wars, no diseases, no pain, no death. Princess Twilight, Discord, and Spike do everything to ensure that the utopia continues.

But even the most ideal paradises have ponies that wish it wasn't so.

Story inspired by Mister Saugrenu’s artwork 1000 Years in the Future.

Reading by Scribbler Productions

Edited by Soge.
French translation by Anima Draconis.

Chapters (2)

Twilight's latest creation was meant to allow them a glimpse of civilizations not of their world. What they hear however, is more saddening, beautiful, and inspiring than they could have imagined.

Ponies picking up human transmission story for fun. Hope you enjoy.

Chapters (2)

(Author: Tell if you heard of this before, Boy/Girl(s) goes to a convention, Said boy/girl(s) is missing a piece of their costume or wants to buy something to go with the costume, boy/girls finds a piece they are missing at a stall or found something really interesting, Salesperson sell the prop at a reasonable cost, boy/girl(s) buys prop, said prop is real and send them to an alternate Equestria. If not, where have you been? If you have, Congratulations you are just found a story on the Displaced hypetrain. )

Before high school ended, I made a promise to go to a cosplay at a convention once I finish. That day finally came 4 years later with my sister. Since both me and my sister Rei love Pokemon, we decided to go as Pokemon; I as a fusion of Gardevoir and Gallade(Garllade if you will), and my sister, a Weavile.

A word of advice for you that like conventions; don't, and I repeat, DON'T buy anything from the stalls.
And if you do, avoid the one with the Resident Evil Merchant.

Because if you you would probably be sent to an entirely different world, have a fallout about Discord with Celestia, and get turned to stone after said fallout a few months later. Let's just hope Celestia is ready for the second storm, because once we are out we're going on a permanent vacation.

I would say "What a twist" here but you probably knew that right?

[Pokemon and My Little Pony belong to their respective owners]
Hey this the author, your friendly neighborhood ice imp
The cover art is not mine, I found it on google.
Its left picture is going to be the main design of the main character
Also, I know this a Displaced but personally, I won't be doing Tokens/Crossovers with this story. Call me all the names you want, I personally dislike the Token system.
And with all that S**t out of the way... Let the Purge Commence LOL JK

Chapters (5)

(Before any complaints, Yes I know Valstrax is not the most powerful Elder Dragon, but frankly, I find him to be the coolest, and we are each entitled to our opinions. Besides, there isnt much in the way of MH fan fics, so I thought I'd try something out.)

First things first, This is my private journal, that has been enchanted to let me know if anyone is getting into it. So unless I have given it to you or I'm dead, Expect a sonic boom followed by something red charging straight at you. Good? Cool.

So we have all heard of displacement. We have all read stories where we turn into our character from a game, or enter the world of it, or any number of combinations. Well I have to say this is a first, for me anyways, and no I'm sot talking about proving it's real or it happening to me in the first place.

No I'm talking about being turned into my favorite monster. You see, I play a lot of Monster hunter, and everyone has their favorite. Mine was Valstrax. The Rocket Powered Elder Dragon, as we fans call it. And that's not all, because of course not. Of course I'd be in a world called Equestria, where all fear me to be some creature made from a chaos god.

Well I shouldn't say all. Tia and Lulu seem to like me.

1/17/19: Featured.... WTF
5/10/19: Featured less than 20 minutes after posting. What the hell did I do to deserve you all.
8/13/19: You all are way too good to me. Featured again!

Chapters (8)

It seems like so long ago... but I guess in a way it was. Days tend to blur when you are immortal. Entire generations gone in a blink, towns built and rise to become cities, empires, before inevitably falling... But Listen to me ramble, I don't think you came to hear me talk about the futility of most lives. As I was saying, It seems so long ago that My mother took me in, adopted me into her family with my other siblings. We were so happy, But like all good stories, something happened, something that became the catalyst for all future events and tore my new family apart.

My name is Ethereal Horizon, and this is the story of my broken family.

Chapters (4)

It was vexing. Discord could do anything he wanted with his absolute limitless power, literally anything. How he could achieve all that with a snap of his talons had been beyond Twilight's vast comprehension.

That is, until he explained the secret, the infinite source of his abilities. It had been the single most greatest mistake of her life, to cast open Pandora's Box and see what sights were held within, never to be buried again in blissful ignorance. This was what she had chosen for herself.


A spin-off to the the story Rot by Mister E. I suggest reading his story for context.
I appreciate the story being shared around, commented on, liked, enjoyed, all that jazz. :ajsmug:

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle thinks she will never die.

She wasn't prepared when her friends died, when she could only die when her domain - friendship - faded away. Friendship never faded. She was stuck being immortal for all of time. Even dragons - even Spike - were not fully immortal like she was, just long-lived. Even Celestia and Luna went, when the sun exploded and obliterated the moon. Even Discord went, when Faust, the Creator, fulfilled her promise and remade the world into perfection. Yet she was stuck as an alicorn, watching universes rise and fall.

Twilight Sparkle is wrong.

Chapters (1)

Darkeater Midir was a mighty dragon, a dragon that could be comparable to the Everlasting Dragons. Taken as an egg, he was raised by the Gods to combat the Dark and keep the Abyss at bay. Now defeated, he finds his soul whisked away to a strange Wood, that locals seem to refer to as the "Everfree".

Spike was an average assistant, even for a young dragon. It could be argued that he is a strong as he is tall, and that's saying a lot. He sees himself as strong, but can never muster up the courage to those strong things. The best thing he did was save an Empire, but that was sheer dumb luck! ....Or so he tells himself. He became a 'Friendship Ambassador' for the Dragon Badlands, he was, for a split second, ruler of said lands. Yet even after all of that, he feels as if he's just... Nothing to other ponies. A chance encounter with the largest dragon he will see however, makes his life, and those around him change for the better...

And quite possibly in the worst way imaginable.

Chapters (1)

"And here you'll see the statue of the Lord of Chaos, Discord, imprisoned in stone..."

A group of students from the School for Gifted Unicorns are given a chance to visit Celestia's royal garden and a curious filly decides to ask about a statue that's in their tour, where they all hear the story of how the spirit of chaos fell into a stone imprisonment for the third and final time.

Art by: Kabudragon

Chapters (1)

During a rainstorm, Discord tells Fluttershy about the time he found some rather boring looking islands. At least they were boring looking until he decided to make them a tad more interesting.

Can be read as something that happens after the story Wanderlust or just as a standalone story. The choice is yours. The name of the story came from my friend Sam who had me slapping my forehead because I missed out on an excellent ponified name for a geographical location. So I guess this story is dedicated to him.

Art is mine.

Chapters (1)