• Member Since 1st Dec, 2015

Dark Law

Control What Others Think About You. Free Space For The Free Minds.

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Twilight is just going about her business when she comes across Owen Jones, local human.

His circumstances contrive to make her day unusual and tiresome.

Chapters (1)

As the former Bearers of Harmony and future Council of Friendship prepare to take the reins of the nation, something has to give. In this case, "something" is their positions at the School of Friendship.

This leaves said school's new headmare in a bit of a predicament. After all, the school now has two headponies, one counselor, and zero teachers.

At least qualifications were never a big concern.

Rated Teen for more risqué innuendo than the show could get away with.

Chapters (1)

Take a look at the entire events of Season 1... through the eyes of a Princess.

Chapters (176)

Shortly after the Changeling Invasion, a human wakes up in Chrysalis' body in the middle of the Badlands. Alone, hurt, and starving, she tries to make sense of where she is and what happened. Unable to remember even her own name, she struggles with her identity as she faces the trials of being public enemy to a whole species.

Or, you know, she doesn't. Identity crises are overrated anyways.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Friendship is Optimal

Ryan wants to remain human, even after emigrating to Equestria. CelestAI can do this, for a price.

FiO canon-compatible! Reading FiO first is strongly recommended if you want to know what's going on. A prize for Syke after he won the last Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Contest!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle only wanted to go off-script in her Harvestfeast speech to talk about books — upending the Equestrian calendar wasn't the plan. But there's no stopping an idea whose time has come.

She and her friends just invented Black Friday.

Celestia help them all.

Written for the "Here at the End of All Things" Writeoff, and lightly edited for FIMFiction.

Cover art by karpet-shark.

Chapters (2)

Harry Potter had the (mis?)fortune to fall through a portal to the Everfree near Ponyville. He was transformed into a unicorn, to his surprise. After being found, Twilight Sparkle took him in as an orphan, and to learn more about him as he learned more about Equestria. His adventures there are another story. This story is about what happens when he is pulled back to the human world by the Goblet of Fire when he is fourteen.

Finding himself back in the human world is bad enough, but also to discover he has an unbreakable magical contract to compete in a Tournament that is known for the deaths of the competitors is just icing on the cake. What else can go wrong?

(Not a continuation of “If Wishes Were Ponies . . .”)
Scheduled posts on Monday and Thursday (UTC-4)

Edited by gerandakis. Picture by Quinn Kepner, from an image in the MLP comics.
Made the Featured List with Chapter 1! Hurray! And Popular Stories list on 9/14! A second Hurray!
And every 100 up votes gets an early release of the next chapter.

Chapters (29)

Unaware of how his image and name have been used, the real Grogar returns to his lair after a long vacation. Naturally, he's not exactly pleased to find out what's been happening while he was gone.

Chapters (1)

It's been a hundred years since Twilight was crowned. Most of her original friends are gone. Now, only Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy remain, each with a spark of something special keeping them past their time.

But unlike Twilight, neither of them has a claim to true immortality.

Winner of the 15th Quills and Sofas Speedwriting contest. The prompt was "A Worthy End." The contest was a two-parter, and each chapter was written in an hour, and then expanded slightly afterwards.

Chapters (2)

The battle is over. 

Chrysalis and her co-conspirators have lost, against all odds, defeated once again by the power of friendship (and overwhelming numbers). For their crimes they find themselves imprisoned in stone, petrified and locked away, and it seems as though their punishment will last forever.

But the new Princess of Equestria isn’t finished with them just yet.

Chapters (1)