• Member Since 1st Dec, 2015

Dark Law

Control What Others Think About You. Free Space For The Free Minds.

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Evening Shade liked to think she was a normal pony. She pays her taxes, goes to a party every so often, and goes bar crawling with her friends. Sure, she wasn't the most well-off pony in Canterlot, but she made do.

Now? She isn't sure what to think. After accidentally bumping into a piece of Nightmare Moon's armor and being possessed by the spirit trapped within it, she's become torn between her duty as a citizen of Equestria, and her morality and empathy towards this strange new being she is now sharing every moment of her life with.

With twists and turns around every corner and enemies lurking in the shadows, it will take everything she's got to keep her newfound secret while remaining true to who she is as a pony.

Be sure to check out Cyonix, who is the editor for this story!

Edit: Featured on 8/9/2019, thank you guys so much!!!
Edit2: Featured on 8/23/2019!

Art done by the lovely Pillowrabbit!

I now have a discord! Join me over at The Salt Shaker!

This will be a 1st person story, occasionally swapping P.O.V to different characters.

This story is my take on an MLP version of Venom!

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Administrative Angel

Discord is having a gloriously unlucky day. First he accidentally got sucked into a human high-school version of Equestria. Then he got stuck there after blowing up the portal home. His life hasn't been this chaotic in ages!

But a burst of reverse future memory is about to convince him to destroy this new world — and the power of Harmony seems to be on his side. Against those odds, it will take the full wit, courage, and magic of Celestia and Luna to save the day.

No, not the Princesses.  That would have been simple.

Rated 'Why Haven't You Read This Yet?' by PaulAsaran! "I can’t stress enough how good this was in all aspects, from the narrative voice to the characterizations to the creativity underlining it all, to say nothing for how much fun it is. ... I greatly enjoyed this and think most people will too, be you a casual reader just wanting to enjoy Discord, a more technically minded one looking to see Discord done right, or someone who just wants a worthy follow up of Administrative Angel."

Recommended by Present Perfect! "The same strong writing and the same authorly voice as the original ... it's thrilling watching a world-ending threat through the villain's eyes."

Silver medalist in the January 2019 "Reversal of Fortune" Writeoff! Significantly expanded and edited for FIMFiction!

Praise for the Writeoff version:
"There are clever stories that make you feel smart, and clever stories that make you feel dumb, and I'm finding this very much in the first category." –Chris
"Things just don't stop moving." –Xepher

Chapters (6)

Principal Celestia always has wings in her dreams.

They got her into trouble, once. She let herself believe that they meant she was an angel. Then she grew up, and learned some hard lessons about what being an angel really required.

Now six magical girls have just fought a demon in front of her school. And her phantom wings are itching.

Her life is turning upside down ... and she hasn't even heard about Equestria yet.

Rated Highly Recommended (Top 15 Stories Sitewide) by Present Perfect! "It's f**king flawless, you guys. … The first [6]00-word chapter by itself is a masterpiece."

"Literally the single best EqG story on the site." —Professor Plum
"[One] of the best stories on the site, period." —Pearple Prose
"One of my all-time favorite pieces of fanfiction." –brokenimage321
"My favorite EQG fic of absolute all." -Skywriter

Rated Why Haven't You Read This Yet? by PaulAsaran! "I might have been skeptical going in, but horizon knocked it out of the park."

Rated 5/5 by csquared08! "The opening chapter here was truly something else. ... Then I hit the end of chapter 3. holy crap."

Rated ★★★★ by Louder Yay! "A lesser writer might have made a horrible, cliché-ridden mess of this story, but fortunately horizon is not a lesser writer. For a start, it's by some distance the best portrayal of the human world's Celestia I've read."

Third place in the "Under the Sun" June 2017 Writeoff!  (That first draft has been revised and expanded for FIMFiction.) Praise for the Writeoff version:

"Holy cow ... That's how you write an EqG fanfic! You captured the heart and SOUL of this/your version of Principal Celestia, wrapped it up in bi-universal consistency, and sold me on an idea of redemption I didn't even know I needed." —Xepher

"This is gorgeous. A thorough, exhaustive, incredibly moving portrait of a character who I don't think I've ever seen get quite this much development or attention." —Posh

"This is actually, after all these years, an original take on a story on Luna's banishment. If that's not something to be celebrated I don't know what is." Quill Scratch, Radio Writeoff

MORE REVIEWER PRAISE: Rated "Definitely Read" by Super Trampoline! Reviewed by City of Doors! Reviewed by Titanium Dragon! Featured on Equestria Daily!

Rated T for brief cursing and alcohol use. Cover art by Seniloko, used under Creative Commons license.


中文 - 行政天使

Chapters (4)

Tela, an everyday teenager who's life changed in a second. Follow her in her new life with her three friends, together they will go on adventures, fight monsters, discover ancient secrets and find a lot of LOOT.
Featured the 24th of march 2020 YAY:twilightsmile:

Featured: 04/10/2021 :yay:

There will be no crossover with other characters during the adventure, don't ask. Crossovers usually ruins the flow of a story.

Chapters (10)

Starlight gets so preoccupied with whether or not she could, that she didn't stop to think if she should.

Chapters (1)

The unthinkable has happened. A new Draconequus has emerged, apparently intent on plunging Equestria into chaos once more. To make matters worse, Pinkie Pie is nowhere to be found, forcing Twilight and the others to scramble to find a way to defeat this new threat without the Elements of Harmony.


After strange dreams, Pinkie Pie awakes and finds herself in the body of a Draconequus. Between strange new powers that she can't control, and, for some reason, an inability to communicate with other ponies, Pinkie finds herself alienated from her friends... but finds help from an unexpected source.

Chapters (5)

You are a unicorn stallion, who serves as a professor at Canterlot's Magic Academy, aiding the gifted youth in their magical training. However, due to your diligence, you have been unable to find your special somepony, something which has been weighing heavily on your mind as of late.

As Nightmare Night begins you decide to work late in the library when you hear a noise. Investigating you discover a few of your students performing a magical ritual. After sending them away, you attempt to clean up the mess. Unfortunately in doing so, you accidentally managed to complete the ritual, summoning an exotic and understandably surly creature into Equestria.

Warning! This story contains: an alternate take on succubi, suggestive content, annoyed individuals becoming friends (and perhaps more), maids and cuddles?

I've always wanted to create a story about a succubus that could also be safe enough to make it onto the Monster Mare Story List and here it is. I hope you all enjoy. :scootangel:

I came up with this story for Nightmare Night (🎃Halloween🎃), one of my most favorite holidays.

:derpyderp1: Holy Cow-pony! This story was on FiMFiction's Featured Page, 10/29/19 - 11/1/19. :derpyderp2:


Preread, proofread and edited by: Quillian Inkheart.

The cover art was made by: marking. They are a great artist. If you need some cover art, then you should totally commission some cover art from them. :pinkiehappy:

There is also a reference sheet for Silken Soul that was made by: ZettaiDullahan, which you can see here.

Chapters (1)

When Discord is faced with the terrible absence of Fluttershy, Celestia offers him a new life with a spell that changes history.

Here Discord never brought chaos to Equestria, he was never turned to stone, and he was never reformed. Technology has advanced in his absence, and now he's in high school with ponies, zebras, griffons and dragons. He's not the most popular character in the school, but he won't let that get him down when a certain pink maned pony has caught his eye. Seemingly normal teenage life . . . until magical mishaps and mysterious happenings send Discord spiraling into a new adventure.

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to The Father of a Chicken goes to Parent-Teacher Conferences

You’re relatively new to the Equestria and you’ve only recently settled down in Manehatten. (The amount of ponies who ignore the 12-foot tall armored skeleton is actually surprising.) Needing to find some way to relax and center yourself, Al (the liaison for those who have been displaced) suggests doing something, or going somewhere, to just unwind. So you goes to what you thinks is a concert. Turns out it’s an opera. Now that’s not entirely a bad thing, You like a few musicals, so how bad can an opera be?

The irony that the opera is called The Call of the King of Skulls is not lost on you thankfully. But who is this Coloratura that wrote it? And Who’s that mare that’s on the poster? Whoever she is she’s beautiful.

Part of the Nexus-verse.

Chapters (1)

Celestia is a princess, elegant, regal, and certainly not secretly trying to mess with everyone around her for her own amusement...

Brought to you by watching Jordanis play Untitled Goose Game a bunch. Plus having Celestia be the goose instead of making Celestia deal with the goose was also his idea, and he edited it super well, so pretty much this is Jordanis' story, I just wrote bits of it.

Story is now complete!

Chapters (7)