• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 6 573 stories
  • Season 6 573 stories - 1893 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 6 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - March, 2016
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Total Words: 5,156,962
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Princess Flurry Heart lives a happy life in the Crystal Empire. She has a great family, a good friend, and loving subjects. But she soon learns of the events that happened during her Crystaling . One night, after causing an accident, Flurry Heart runs away to avoid putting anyone she loves in danger. On her journey, she'll learn that she's very special in anyway imaginable.

I made this story along with BlackHat6

Cover Art by DeDonnerwolke

Chapters (6)

[Paused for now, but the Full Prelude is Complete :ajsleepy:]

The skilled. The silent. The cunning.

[Or, the perfect disaster?]

Forgiveness. Integrity. Respect.

[What could that mean?]


(Takes place from season 6, episode 12 and so on;) The Tree of Harmony's friendship map is a lot larger than the mane six believes it to be. If anything, those ponies aren't experienced enough to handle this new responsibility; leave the awesome, spine-breaking fighting to this unexpected, new team-- and sprinkle a bit of thorned roses on top.


Progress Log:
Prelude #1: Complete
Prelude #2: Complete
Prelude #3: Complete
Prelude #4 (Final): Complete
Chapter 1: In Progress
Chapter 2+: TBA


Special thanks;

(For Prelude #I;)

Seventh Heaven :trollestia:
For the inspiration!

Stella Regis :twilightsmile:
For the epic edits!

(For Prelude #II & #III;)

Stella Regis :pinkiehappy:
For the awesome review!

Chapters (4)

Rainbow's Wonderbolts career requires her to go to all sorts of events, including fancy parties. She has a big charity event coming up, and needs a little help.

Editing by Themaskedferret

Chapters (1)

After the long hard days of probation, Rainbow Dash is now free from being a clean up maid for the Wonderbolts. Sadly, she's still struggle from being called 'Rainbow Crash' and being disrespected by them. To make matters worse, the Wonderbolts has been performing live performances without her. Rainbow Dash faith in them is in jeopardy.

Suddenly, a group of unknown performers appeared and called themselves the Seekers. Unlike the Wonderbolts, the Seekers show mighty respect to Rainbow Dash. Even, their leader, Starscream, grew feelings for her.

Later on, Rainbow Dash have to come down making a rough decision. Will she stay with the Wonderbolts? Or will she quit and join the Seekers?

The story take place after the episode: Newbie Dash. If anyone haven't seen it yet, then don't read this.

My Little Pony & Transformers are owned by Hasbro.


Chapters (5)

Dear princess Celestia

Ever Since Flurry Hearts 5th birthday we noticed that she's been playing with her new imaginary friend . "Mr. Shade" Alot, she describes him as a " Magical Smoke pony with pretty green eyes". She says that he tells her many secrets and that if she told us then he would have to go away. We are worried and we would like some advice on the matter. Sincerely Princess Cadence

Celestia read the letter once again. Tears filling her eyes. For that was sent so long ago... "I wish i could have seen the signs sooner...then maybe... she whispered quietly to herself, she broke out into a sob once again wishing she could have done something to change fate for the sake of her dearest niece as well as her daughter...

Hello this is my second story that I have been working on it was inspired by Flurry Heart Wants a Pony By TheDriderPony who let me use this idea! And A Thanks to my editor, The Great n’ Powerful Spellcheck DragonHistorian

Check them out!
I hope you enjoy
(Coverart by me!)

Chapters (4)

Zephyr Breeze, the brother of Kindness is anything but kind.

But can we truly understand what feelings linger under the surface?

A few letters may tell us more.

Chapters (1)

Strange forces are at work in the frozen north. Princess Flurry Heart has been afflicted with unnatural nightmares, and the sorcery that has precipitated them is still a mystery. Luckily, a temporary cure has been found in a potion brewed by the Princess's crystaller, Sunburst. As the newly appointed Court Wizard of The Crystal Empire, the foal's night terrors only compound his problems--especially when he has to prepare a new batch before dusk.

Chapters (2)

Notes: Takes place after the events in "On Your Marks."

When Apple Bloom has trouble finding other interests to pursue, she seeks help and advice from Zecora.

[Please be gentle! This just occurred to me as a possible idea, which so far has only been hinted at in the show].

Chapters (1)

After a doctor's visit, Cadence discovers that her baby daughter flurry Heart is suffering of hip dysplasia and so she sets on scheduling surgery for her daughter, expecting it to be quick and painless.

It is anything but.

Chapters (1)

(takes place soon after the ending of Newbie Dash)

It's not often that Rainbow Dash allows herself to show emotion. She's Rainbow Dash, after all; she keeps her feelings inside so not to look weak to others.

But Soarin is kept up at night, finding himself irked. Why does he find himself so irritated with his own existence, and why does he keep thinking about her? What's this feeling of guilt?

One thing's for sure though; he's going to find out.

"Rainbow Dash... what happened?"

Chapters (1)