• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 6 573 stories
  • Season 6 573 stories - 1893 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 6 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - March, 2016
Found 500 stories in 54ms

Total Words: 5,156,962
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



  • Featured 23596 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

The Tasty Treat becomes a successful restaurant, despite not having the three-hoof rating that makes all the restaurants in Restaurant Row successful. The Queen of Cuisine, Zesty Gourmand, will not let this stand without criticism.

Unfortunately for her, somepony else will not let her flawed method of critiquing restaurants go unpunished. And he's not holding back anything. No way in Hell, especially in his own kitchen.

Spoilers for Season 6 Episode 12

Random Oneshot Idea that just popped in my head.

Contains vulgar language and verbal bashing (Judging from the cover art, you can tell why).

Chapters (1)

Season 6 Spoilers!

After the events of Spice Up Your Life, Luna and Celestia discuss the disgusting food that somehow became a stable of Canterlot dining. But is there a hidden secret as to why Zesty Gourmand believes that food is so good? Only Celestia knows.

Chapters (1)

It's Flurry Heart's seventh birthday, and her parents have told her she can have anything she asks for (so long as she eats all of her crystal veggies, which she did). They expected something extravagant, but obvious - a fancy dress, a room full of candy, maybe even her own little throne between theirs. What they did not expect was the one thing she wants more than anything for her special day. Princess Flurry Heart... wants a pony of her very own.

[EDIT]: Wow, on the front page in less than a day! This is amazing!

Chapters (1)

So we know how Starlight Glimmer's Hearts Warming Eve went.

But what about our two favorite musicians.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Knackered

Zephyr Breeze just can't seem to catch a break. After doing his best to get his degree in Mane Therapy, and continuing to keep his parents company in their golden years, he's run up against the challenge of actually finding a way to put his degree to good use and find.... a J-O-B.

When his big sister Fluttershy finds out what a difficult time he's having, she tells him about a wonderful work opportunity that perfectly fits his skill set. Short hours, lots of pay, and he has to do almost nothing himself. All he has to do is show up for the job interview and make a good impression on his would be boss. And if Zephyr is good at anything, it's making a good impression.

It sounds too good to be true. Unfortunately for Zephyr, it probably is.

Chapters (5)

Hearth's Warming Eve in Ponyville is always one of the most festive occasions in Equestria, a time for love to warm the chill air.

Today, two ponies will feel the same warmth in the chill air. Autumn Leaf is about to be presented his first gift from his distant admirer, Lemon Hearts: a sweet kiss under the mistletoe.

Short romance practice done in honor of the short but cute scene in A Hearth's Warming Tail. Edited by themouthofmush.

Chapters (1)

When Applejack's spa day with Rarity is derailed, an opportunity arises to fix more than just the Ponyville Day Spa's plumbing.

A reimagining of Applejack's "Day" Off with funny accents, mild language and musings on the nature and consequences of ingrained corporate procedures.

Chapters (1)

Pacific Glow lives the kind of life most ponies would dream of having. Her mother is ritch and pays all her expenses and she is the heiress to her mother's company and wealth. She has no responsibilities and no limits set by her mother or anypony else. Her nights are spent dancing and her days as she pleases. So why is she constantly miserable? Why is she always out of her family's mansion and why does she always have a pacifier around her neck?

While he may be better at baking Lemon Tart loves music. Any job where he is accompanied by bass, strings or pleasant song is welcome. As such he has worked in a club before and scored a job with another one now. Unfortunatly a side effect of working in a club is being social. Not the easiest thing for a grumpy Introvert such as himself. Still he's got bills to pay and there ain't no rest for the grouchy.

Chapters (8)

After Zephyr finally gets a job, Dash points out that Fluttershy still hasn't got one. So where's her money coming from? Fluttershy seems to be the only pony who doesn't know.

Chapters (2)

What was Starlight Glimmer thinking when Princess Twilight wanted to set a table and give a friendship lesson? There is a thin line between forgiveness and redemption, but a gulf between them and evil. Listen in as an uncensored Starlight deals with her past and wonders what redemption and friendship really means. Appearances are deceiving.

Spoilers for No Second Prances. Watching the episode hook first will enhance your experience.

The Starlight in this story is the one in The Enforcer and Her Blackmailers and The Forgiving Lesson. The Sunset Shimmer mentioned in the story first appeared in Enforcer. Reading those stories isn't a prerequisite to enjoying this story. The story was written to be stand-alone.

Chapters (1)