• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 6 573 stories
  • Season 6 573 stories - 1893 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 6 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - March, 2016
Found 500 stories in 50ms

Total Words: 5,156,962
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Picking up where One Wasted Evening left off, Twilight is forced to reveal to Celestia why such an important dinner was ruined.

*Written at Everfree Northwest 2016 in Seattle, WA

Chapters (1)

Bulk Biceps is a big stallion. Very big, needs double doors or a wide berth big. He also has a problem with his cutie mark that needs solving.

The Crusaders are more than eager to help, but they have a problem to tackle first: how to fit his girth inside their pretty pink clubhouse.

Rated T for overly gratuitous sexual innuendo.

Chapters (1)

Soarin introduces Rainbow Dash to another Wonderbolt tradition: a monthly dinner outing with his best friend in the Royal Guard.

She soon realises that they have an awful lot in common to bond over.

(Rated Teen for some naughty jokes.)

Chapters (1)

What was really going through Celestia's mind while she was waiting for a dinner with Twilight and Starlight that would never happen? Well, might as well find out.

*Written at Everfree Northwest 2016 in Seattle, WA

Chapters (1)

An alternate version of "Newbie Dash" where Rainbow Dash leaves the Wonderbolts instead of messing up the Air Show. Upon finding Rainbow's resignation letter and discarded Wonderbolt uniform with jacket by Soarin, Spitfire goes and confronts the AWOL Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note: I know Rainbow's not a quitter. But she came in close in episodes like "Testing 1,2,3) and (Rarity Investigates).

Chapters (1)

Twilight asks Princess Luna about her recent harsh treatment of Starlight and Trixie.

Chapters (2)

The mares' usual picnic-and-pet outing has arrived, and amidst conversation, Rainbow Dash shares with the girls how she tried to change her nickname.

With special thanks to Ferret, Corejo and RedSquirrel456 for pre-reading and advice.

Featured on 13/5!

Chapters (1)

*FEATURED 5/12/16 :pinkiehappy: *

Twilight's dinner party to show Celestia Starlight's progress as a student of friendship was a disaster of epic proportions.

Okay, fine, that's being a little dramatic. The evening didn't go as planned of course, but some good things did come from it, it's not like anybody got hurt, and Twilight did her best (give her a break--she's new to this 'teaching' thing). So why did Celestia--normally poised and calm and understanding Celestia--look so angry? She acted like Twilight was inconveniencing her on purpose! No wonder the friendship princess was so frazzled.

Later that night, Celestia returns to Canterlot. And, after a lot of stubborn denial (and some interference from a certain being of chaos), she finally confides in Princess Luna the real reason she was so frustrated. Luna listens, comforts her, and then proceeds to do her duty as princess of the night by making everyone's evening a little more peaceful.

The night heals all wounds.

Chapters (1)

After receiving an urgent letter calling for her help, Ember, Dragon Lord of all dragons, answers the call to aid Spike.

No matter what the problem may be, she knows it can't be so bad.


*If you are feeling generous you can buy me a Ko-Fi!!

*I personally thank Semaj for his huge help. He is one hell of an editor and teacher*

**Rated Everyone since I think it doesn't earn the Teen degree**

Chapters (2)

Rainbow "Danger Professionalism Crash" Dash is starting to get used to her new life in the Wonderbolts; embarrassing callsign and all. But as the days go by, one thing seems to bother her. And that thing is one of her new teammates, Surprise. Or as the team sometimes likes to call her, Slowpoke.

But you wouldn't know that just be looking at her. In her time cleaning the barracks, Rainbow Dash would never think of Surprise as a slowpoke. If anything, she's insane, quirky, and actually a more subdued version of a certain pink pony from back home. So what gives? Why is Surprise called Slowpoke? For Rainbow Dash, the truth is certainly going to be, surprising.


Okay, I'll hit myself for that one. *smeck*

My mini-epilogue to the episode Newbie Dash.

Chapters (1)