• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 6 573 stories
  • Season 6 573 stories - 1893 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 6 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - March, 2016
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Total Words: 5,156,962
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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This story is a sequel to Trial by Kinship

Every year, Princess Celestia hosts a special Inter-Species Conference to recognize the creatures who aren't strictly equine. And with the political climate of many nations seeing a massive paradigm shift, this year will be most important. Not only will new alliances with Yakyakistan and the Neko Shogunate be recognized, but the reemergence of Griffonstone has given rise to a new ambassador from the Griffon Kingdom in the form of the town's savior, Gilda. But no one is more nervous than the newly-appointed Dragon Lord, Ember. After all, never in the entire history of Equestria has a dragon ever attended the Inter-Species Conference. She has to make the best impression possible, even though diplomacy is not a dragon thing.

However, that turns out to be rather difficult when a dark dragon wielding mysterious magic crashes the party and outright defies Ember's rule. But how could this be? The Bloodstone Scepter should grant a dragon absolute authority over all dragonkind. The only dragons who are able to resist its power are the elusive Dragon Magi clan, and they aren't violent at all. Well, one is, but she's still learning the ropes. Luckily, she's attending the conference as well, and she's got Ember's back.

Not allowing this insult to stand, Ember vows to get to the bottom of this mystery along with a group of noble vigilantes from the Mild West. Meanwhile, Celestia, Gilda, and Little Strongheart band together to protect the posse from a pair of dragon poachers who haven't quite learned their lesson. This will either be the dawn of a new era for dragons, or the shortest reign of a Dragon Lord ever recorded. Hopefully, the hidden secrets of the Dragon Magi will prevent the latter.

Part III of the Ballad of Needles.

Chapters (15)

Upon returning to the Wonderbolts barracks after cleaning up her mess, Rainbow Dash finds herself confronted by a rather nervous looking Soarin. After considering her options, she decides a playful bit of revenge is in order. All the while the stallion is forced to face something that is far from new to him, not that the fact doesn't make him feel like the newbie.

Featured: 5/17/2016

Chapters (1)

Sunburst has been dutifully fulfilling his responsibilities as a Crystaler to the newborn Princess Flurry Heart. Although, given her young age, his 'lessons' mostly amount to extended baby sitting sessions. Though uncertain, Sunburst is proud of his position, and takes his role as the newborn Princess's guardian seriously. That is why, when a shadow suddenly falls over the heart of the Crystal Empire, he makes getting her to safety his first priority. As jagged dark crystals erupt and spread outwards from the Crystal Castle, a strange madness seems to spread through the populace.

Can Sunburst keep his goddaughter safe when the entire population of the Crystal Empire turns against him? What is the source of this strange madness that has gripped the populace? Will Twilight and her friends be able to aid him? And just who is the 'Empress'?

Chapters (11)

With a renewed interest in Hearth's Warming, Starlight Glimmer decides to give a present to her new friend Trixie.

Chapters (1)

Celestia comes to visit Twilight and Starlight after Hearth's Warming Eve festivities die down for the night.

Starlight, figuring she'll never have a chance like this again, asks the immortal alicorn about what went down all those years ago.

Reading by TheArchitect!

Second reading by _NeighlyReads_!

Chapters (1)

When Twilight Sparkle read her favorite Hearthswarming story to Starlight Glimmer, she only meant for it to change her student's opinion of the holiday. And it did.

Then Starlight mentioned the story to some of Twilight's guests.

And as it turns out, they know more about it then Twilight even did!

Chapters (1)

The day after Hearth's Warming, Snowfall Frost thinks back to her encounter with Applejack and decides that maybe she hasn't learned her lesson, not entirely. Maybe she needs a refresher.

It's time to put the romance back in necromancy.

Chapters (3)

Let us venture into the past with Starlight Glimmer, to see a meaningful Hearths Warming each of her friends had, to show her that Hearths Warming isn't just about gifts, sweets and decorations.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer asks one too many questions and Twilight reveals to her her most darkly kept secret.

Chapters (1)

Season 6 Spoilers!

Ah, Snowfall Frost, a misguided pony that nearly ended Hearth's Warming for all of time. Her fable is a lesson to ponies everywhere about appreciating the holidays.

And she doesn't look like Starlight Glimmer one bit. Nope. Not at all.

...Starlight Glimmer isn't too happy when she learns Twilight is basing Snowfall's character off of her.

Chapters (1)