• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

One-Shots 1452 stories
Found 1,391 stories in 74ms

Total Words: 5,570,326
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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Discord says goodbye.

Spanish: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Un-ultimo-chasquido-862607171 (Thanks Kiwi)

Chapters (1)

With their ten year anniversary fast approaching, Lyra is busily preparing to ask BonBon a very big question. But when chaos engulfs Ponyville once again, all of her plans are turned upside-down.

Sometimes though, it's the things you can't plan for that mean the most.

Directly follows events shown in episode 9x23 - "The Big Mac Question"
Pre-reading assistance from the amazing Winston!

Chapters (1)

Smolder doesn't know how beaks work. Like, when they're not being used to peck worms out of the ground. Gallus, Silverstream and Sandbar try to explain.

There's a lot of kissing involved.

Chapters (1)

There were few things that brought Rainbow more joy than being able to practise some of her awesome flying skills in front of an audience, and today it was Rarity's turn to sit and watch in awe as she ruled the skies. But after landing, and joining the latter for some afternoon tea, Rainbow reveals to Rarity a concern she's had for some time.

Chapters (1)

Years ago, Rainbow Dash achieved her lifelong dream of becoming a Wonderbolt. She'd gone through the academy, been a staple of the main lineup and, eventually, earned the rank of Captain.

At 43 years of age, it's time for Rainbow to leave that dream behind, but not before she can dazzle the ponies of Cloudsdale one last time.

Proofread by AShadowOfCygnus.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Ponyville has grown up. It's not the same town it was.
And yet the same old ponies are still there, remembering how things used to be.
Maybe it's time to finally move on?


An entry for My Little Story Speedwriting Contest #6.

"If that doesn't get put on fimfic I'm hunting you down.
That one got me the most, from all these submissions.
And I'm honestly devastated it didn't make second round.
Also Drider, you can quote me on your fic."

Chapters (1)

The thing is, sometimes in life there are things you have to do that are hard. Like, way hard. Harder than they should be. Harder than bucking storm clouds someone overfilled with lightning seeds. Harder than pulling off a sonic rainboom in front of a cloud of ponies who don’t believe you can do it. Harder than … other hard things. That are hard to do. Yeah.

Shut up.

Like you've ever tried to confess your feelings for a stupid apple-bucking farmpony.

Rainbow Dash narrates her own life. Because you just know she would do that.

Chapters (1)

Applejack's life leaves her little time for romance. All the time that isn't spent working the farm is either given to her family, or given to sleep. So, she's largely given up on love, seeing it as just a far off dream.

What she doesn't know is that another pony can see that dream.

Chapters (1)

Pharynx while visiting Ponyville as an ambassador for the reformed changelings, finds out that not everything is as boring or annoying as he had thought at first.

This story is a reward to one of my contest winners, The Blessed One

Edited by: Tombstone

Chapters (1)

Warning: The following story you are about to read contains the shenanigans of Braeburn and his father. It contains plenty of gay things that may be considered too much to someone that for whatever reason finds revolting. If you do not like it, you know where the exit button is.

You know how some relative of yours has that one story about you that you never once said and that they will repeat that story to every family gathering until they die? For Braeburn Apple, that story involves in the way that he came out to his father - Johnnieseed Apple.

The following is that account, told from the point of view of the father.

A special thank you to Maxwell_Edison for volunteering to edit this. As well as to TheWingman for reading the story on his YouTube Channel.

Chapters (1)