• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

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With nothing happening, no world-conquering villains or Crystal Hearts being shattered and so on, Twilight is bored. She has nothing to do, plainly. But while in the middle of a drab reading session, she notices something doesn't feel right. Not to her, but in the night sky. She can't see it, but she can sense it. Something not from this world has entered her world, and it could be the first ever message from aliens.

And perhaps those aliens are trying to say hello.

(Btw, look up "Pioneer Probe Plaque" if you want the image described here. I can't post the actual thing because of mild nudity in it, but you can search it for context.)

(Review by PaulAsaran!)

Chapters (1)

When the changelings commence their invasion of Canterlot at Shogun Cadance's wedding, Rainbow meets a most vexing opponent on the battlefield.

Defeat is not an option; The survival and prosperity of her homeland depends on her.

Death before dishonor!

Made for the art contest being held by Mr. Tech and Nixworld!

Chapters (1)

It was a fairly ordinary day in Perkinsville, New Jersey. Then again, most catastrophes start out like that.

Without warning, Nightmare Moon, freshly freed from her imprisonment in Equestria's moon, crash-lands in the middle of the town. Despite Perkinsville–and our entire world, for that matter–not being exactly what she had in mind for conquest, she figures it's better than nothing, and begins a one-mare campaign to bring the town–and soon all of Earth–to its knees in the face of an eternal night.

Who will win this confrontation? Nightmare Moon or the good (but extremely bewildered) people of Perkinsville?

(Rated T for some violence, particularly in the bonus chapter)

Author's Note: This story is in no way related to my other Ponies-meet-Earth story From Far Beyond. It is it's own thing, and is done purely as a side story just for fun. Comments are greatly encouraged...it helps me gauge the audience's response, so if you have any thoughts, don't hesitate to write a comment.

Chapters (2)

Warning: The following story you are about to read is currently unedited and contains some disturbing themes that may be too sensitive for readers. Viewer discretion is advised.

Editorial, a journalist for The Manehattan Times is tasked to go to one of the most haunted places in Equestria. In particular, to investigate a bridge that connects Ponyville to Appaloosa. Over the Gastly Gorge, when the moon is absent and the sky is dark, the location is known as "The Bridge of No Return" because those who dare to cross it end up disappearing. Even if there wasn't a paranormal reason for the disappearances, the reporter is determined to find the real reason why.

This is his findings.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is in the hospital. Fluttershy is in a coffin. Neither of them is very happy about it.

Written as an entry to the FimFiction Feghoot Festival.
(Most of it) pre-read by Ludus.
Edited by Lofty Withers.
Art by twilite-sparkleplz.

Chapters (1)

Ponies? Yeah, you hear a lot about them growing up in the minotaur homelands, and it isn't all positive. Actually, almost none of it is positive. They're different. They've got those weird pictures on their flanks and those little prayers they mumble to their princesses. Ponies are gentle, passive. They're not like us.

See, a minotaur is supposed to act a certain way. You bulk up. You get aggressive. You don't let anyone else push you around, and you don't associate with ponies. I've heard the same thing my whole life, ever since I was young.

Featured on Equestria Daily!
Honorable Mention in the Equestria Daily Outside Insight Contest!
Art by BGN

Chapters (1)

Adagio does not change immediately. It takes Sunset time and understanding to see the wounded girl within.

Written for Oroboro's Changing Seasons contest.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara's year and a half anniversary is coming up. Everything's been great but... Apple Bloom wishes Diamond would tell her parents already. That way, they wouldn't have to keep hiding their relationship from the world.

(Both characters are aged up in this fic. Think like... 17-19.)

Rated T for: some language, and a couple references to sex.

Chapters (1)

It has been years since the Mayor's rainbow generator overloaded and drained Hope Hollow of its color. Kerfuffle did her best to stay happy and inspired despite the new gray world she found herself in, but even she has her limits. It's hard to make art in a world of gray, and now Kerfuffle's inspiration has finally left her. Struggling to get by and remain upbeat in a hopeless and friendless town, the pegasus soon finds herself feeling as gray and empty as the world she lives in. But perhaps a close encounter with death will show her that maybe there are still ponies in Hope Hollow who care, and maybe she's not as hopeless and empty on the inside as she feels...

Art by SJArt117

Chapters (1)

Silverstream has had a not so secret desire to join the Wonderbolts ever since hearing Professor Rainbow Dash gush about them in class. And the young hippogriff doesn't see any requirements beyond being a good flyer.

However, she soon discovers that getting into the Wonderbolts is anything but easy. To even be considered by them she has to prove herself in a race.

Her opponent is Flash Magnus, who's been training the new cadets of the Wonderbolts and is eager to show off his skills with the next generation. Does Silverstream have a chance against the legendary pillar of bravery? Or are her chances about to come crashing down?

Chapters (1)