• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

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This story is a sequel to We Made It, Wallflower

Sunset Shimmer and Wallflower Blush had been a great couple for the ten years they spent together, even raising a son on their own...

However, after a tragic car accident knocked Wallflower into a coma, Sunset struggles with the very likely possibility that their lives will never be the same and that she must say goodbye to her own wife...

Written for the Sunset Shipping Contest: Endings Edition. Cover is from Kana... Okaeri!!

Chapters (1)

Twilight asks Rarity an important question: Will she stay the night?

Her answer is almost always the same. Maybe that's why Twilight keeps asking.

Inspired by the song "No Se Va" by the Colombian band Morat.

Art by Mewball !

Chapters (1)

Flurry Heart spent most of her foalhood listening to stories of favourite Aunt Twilight Sparkle's many accomplishments.

Now a young mare seeking her place in the world, Flurry has attempted to model herself in Twilight's image. One could even say that Flurry idolizes her aunt.

Twilight wishes she didn't.

It's time for a chat.

*Set 15 years after the end of Friendship is Magic*

Huge thank you to kalash93 and son_of_heaven176 for their tremendous work on editing and proofreading!

*Coverart is not owned by me, all credit goes to kiwi4578 on Derpibooru*

Chapters (1)

There's a new filly in Celestia's school, who finds making friends difficult. She's seated next to a filly who could care less about making friends. Neither is exactly friend material... but sometimes you just have to take a risk...

For more of this AU, see:

Series 1:

Series 2:

Chapters (1)

When Lord Tirek asks Cozy Glow what seems like a normal question, he has no idea the floodgates that will open... and how his relationship to the little villain might ultimately be changed.


A small bit of villainous sweetness inspired by both the dynamic of the Evil Trio and the cover art by soundwavepie.

Chapters (1)

How do you know who you are, when you are so many things in one? This is a story about discovering who you are, and what that means to you. It's a reflective piece meant for most readers to be able to connect with Ocellus.
Preread by: BezierBallad and Cosmic Eclipse.
Edited by: Skyward Sword.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Conversion Merpony

"Hi! I used to be human! But now I'm not! The world as we knew it is coming to an end! But I still gotta provide for my family! Same as any other working man! Do what you're good at, and be proud of what'cha do!"


MLP FiM: Copyright Hasbro

Proof read, Docontra, Frozen-Dupliss, Quantum-Plasma-Field

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Conversion Zebra

Protecting nature from people and people from nature doesn't change just because you're now a bird horse. Meet Soaring Mist, a park ranger who decided to become a hippogriff.

Set in Alex Warlorn's Conversion Bureau Not Just Ponies verse. For the unfamiliar, this is a Reconstruction of the Conversion Bureau universe intended to make it more palpable and right for expansion. Gone are the Ron the Death Eaters, genocides, and war, this is a nicer, friendlier, and funner take.

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro!

This universe belongs to Alex Warlorn

Chapters (1)

An excerpt taken from the online blog of Ryan, a trans-species zebra after his visit to the Conversion Bureau. And his own views on the stereotypes, misconceptions, following the reality crash between Earth and Equus, and the release of deadly energy that forced the human race to adapt.

Chapters (1)

Sunset has Twilight over for their weekly Movie Night when she notices something upsetting: Twilight isn't happy. Sunset tries to pull her girlfriend out of her funk and get to the bottom of what's bothering her, but what can you say when the one you love reveals she's afraid because her life is about to end?

A story of endings, changes, and friendship.

Special thanks to SoloBrony for concept, and editing. Wanderer D and AliceLiz for pre-reading and editing, and Cynewulf for pre-reading.

Chapters (1)